View Full Version : Came out to my family

09-23-2010, 11:32 PM
There have been a couple threads recently about people coming out to their parents or their family and it going really well and I wanted to add another thread to the pile of happy reactions. It's always good to read stories with happy endings (to chapters, but I'll take what I can get, lol) so here's mine!

I had come out to most of my close friends, and a family I am very close with (to the point where they have been possibly more than family to me). Everyone has been super supportive except for the family I just mentioned. They are trying to be supportive, but it hasn't been easy with them and it came down to me taking some time off from them until they either come around, or I decide it's worth while to have their negativity in my life (but I'm not really a masochist... so we'll see). I think they'll come around in time.

So after standing up for myself with said family and finally putting my feelings before theirs, I've been feeling better about myself, like I'm a stronger person. I finally decided it was time to tell my real family what's been going on. I have been drifting further and further away from them because I'm uncomfortable pretending to be someone else around them. I decided I'm strong enough to deal with whatever reactions they have and that I'd rather take the chance of them not supporting me than having them think I was drifting away out of neglect or selfishness.

I always thought my sister and mom would be supportive, but I felt my sister would have to share this secret. My mom had a hard time worrying about me being gay and she has enough on her plate. My dad, while a great guy, I've always felt like he would be the most critical. I was expecting him to either not listen to me, tell me how the bible says it's wrong, or something along those lines.

So today I said enough is enough, I hate this distance between us, and I visited my sister and told her. As I expected, she was super cool. Drove to my dad's house preparing for the worst and OMG... he was SUPER cool about it! He listened to me, told me how he still loves me, I am still his son/daughter, and he will always be here for me! He even wants to talk to my therapist to learn more about what I'm going through! HURRAY DAD! After that, I was feeling super and called my mom (she's in a different state) and told her. And as I expected she was great but I know she is going to worry too much. I called my sister and told her how everything went and she told me that her hubby (who had left the house so we could talk) came back home and basically guessed at what we were talking about. After my sister explained things to him for a while, he's apparently cool with the whole thing too (which is cool because he's a super macho Marine type guy)!

So I just wanted to share this. I am soooo happy I was crying tears of joy earlier. My dad and I have always been close, but this... I can't even express how close I feel to him now.

Of course, it is quite possible that there will still be hard times down the road as they see more of my transition, but this is am amazing start with my family that I did not expect.

+1 happy stories! Hope it gives some other people hope who are struggling with the thought of telling their families.

09-23-2010, 11:55 PM
Wonderful news Bree, to have the whole family on your side, you must feel heavenly right now. It is so good to hear yet another story of love and acceptance, it never gets boring. I am yet to face my loving dad, he is the last one to know about me but I am awaiting the time which will be shown to me when he is ready. In the strangest ways we walk this earth but if we take a moment to hear the whisper in the wind of a voice of life, we sure to stay a course and be provided with wonderful days ahead. All my love Bree, and love to your wonderful family.

09-24-2010, 12:35 AM
WOW! that's so inspiring, the more I read these types of stories the more I want to come out and be who I am. I'm glad everything worked out for you. :D

09-24-2010, 12:35 AM
Hugs abound! *hug* Sounds like you got one of the best possible "coming outs" anyone could ever hope for. =) Here's to hoping it stays great and it draws you and all involved a little closer together. I've said variations of this before and I'll say it here. Happiness and smiles are highly contagious and you've definitely "infected" me with a smile. =)

09-24-2010, 02:34 AM
Bree, I'm so happy for you. This is a major hurdle for you (all of us) and it seems it went as well as you could hope for. You're young and can now walk the road of life as the true you with hopefully few remaining obstacles. Please let us know how things progress. We'll be here cheering for you.

09-24-2010, 04:45 AM
Life is so hard for everyone and so many have to live in fear of one thing or another. I am glad to hear you no longer have that hanging over you. You can now move foward with what ever plans you may have and have the support of your family. Family is so impotant wonderful news that it is working out so well for you.

Teri Jean
09-24-2010, 06:18 AM
It is so sweet that they have come to your side. It is hard not knowing where they stand and even harder if they do not accept. Sounds like a celebration of sorts this weekend. Congrtats.

09-24-2010, 08:36 AM
Congrats on having the strength and courage to tell your family of your feminine desires! Also kudos to your family for listening, understanding, and accepting Bree! Please consider picking a day when you can show your family all of your female splender. Continue to go slow - learning all you can from your Mom and Sis about feminine rituals, but do take special time for your Dad to get to know his new daughter. Enjoy every day to the fullest.

Jenny Doolittle
09-24-2010, 09:23 AM

Thanks, All thinks are possible if we are brave enough to move forward.

09-24-2010, 09:34 AM
That is wonderful Bree! I am so happy for you. A lot of the time the build up and anticipation is the worst part of coming out. I don't kid myself into thinking that it will always go right, but there are many stories like your's out there and they all bring a tear to my eye. Good for you!!!!

09-24-2010, 05:36 PM
Wow, it went even better for you than it did for me! That is so wonderful, you have an awesome Dad! :hugs:

09-24-2010, 06:50 PM
Congratulations Bree, dealing with family is one of the hardest things to do because they are the ones closest to you. They are the ones that surprise us the most when we least expect it. I am so happy it went well for you. As I learned many years ago, Dads can be cool too ;)