View Full Version : Telling my Doctor

09-29-2010, 03:19 PM
Ok, I knew I would have to eventually do this. I'd have to tell my Primary at some point that I was going to see an endocrinologist. Telling her today during a scheduled physical made sense of course. But, this morning, I was almost parylized with fear. Telling a counselor who specializes in this is one thing, and even though she said that she knew my doctor, and that she was a good choice, were two different things. I was ready to just forget it, wear men's underwear, and not say anything. But, I knew if I didnt do it now, I'd be running scared forever. So when I got out of the shower, I put on a pair of panties, and went before I could change my mind. Since this was a head to toe exam, it would have been hard to miss the panties, so I explained the whole thing before we got to that point. Turns out she is tg friendly. At least I know she will have no problem with dealing with my endo and new psychiatrist.

Rianna Humble
09-29-2010, 03:40 PM
Well done Tanya! I'm glad you got up the courage to tell your doctor, that will make things so much easier for you from now on because she can participate actively in your care.

09-29-2010, 04:26 PM
Good for you Tanya! Congrats. It is definitely helpful to have a PCP that is TG friendly. When I came out to my doc, he basically told me up front that he had next to no experience with TG/TS patients, but that he was very willing to be as helpful as possible. That was very fair of him, as he's a nice guy - so I hope that he can live up to the challenge. Right now my Endo is basically calling all the shots, and my PCP is just along for the ride.

09-29-2010, 06:44 PM
Well done!

09-29-2010, 07:01 PM
That's how it's done! Make a plan and then follow through, no matter how scared you are when the time actually comes. :hugs:

Traci Elizabeth
09-29-2010, 07:19 PM
One milestone completed. See how simply that was after all! It usually always works out that way.

Melody Moore
09-29-2010, 10:00 PM
This is too funny because I havent told my regular GP yet, but I do have plans to tell him soon because I am going back to him soon because he also does Laser Treatment which I also need to see him about. And I also have a plan, but I am just waiting for all my new documentation to come through (Medicare card etc). When I decided to transition I chose a completely independent GP to see - not that he was any help because he was going to send me to Brisbane and that would have meant I would have had to leave Cairns and move over 1800 miles down south which would have been completely un-necessary and made y transitioning so much harder.

Anyway, I cant wait to see the shock on my regular GPs face when he does finally see me because a lot has changed with me & for the better :)

Teri Jean
09-29-2010, 10:00 PM
Tanya well done sis, it is good that she finds out as down the road she will be asking some questions about meds and it will come out anyway. When I decided to find a gender therapist I purposely sought out my family physician. He was so great and the fact is tomorrow morning we are having a wellness exam. Okay he needs to see me not the other way around. LOL Teri