View Full Version : what a difference love makes

09-30-2010, 02:02 PM
Coming out is such a huge issue for most of us, chock full of anxieties and special considerations depending on our situations and priorities. Having come to this late in life, I often think about what it must be like for a young TG, with seemingly fewer obstacles on the one hand, but on the other, a whole long life ahead to have to cope with choices being made. Regardless, I think we're all seeking love when all the fog gets distilled down to the essentials. Well, I'm not so old that I can't still learn a thing or two from a kid, and and I found this young lady's story and style very moving, perhaps you might too. Get out your hanky and check it out --


Equally moving and inspiring is the unseen character in the narrative, the parent with enough grace and composure to love his child, and to know his child well enough to know the right thing to say, even if it's not easy.