View Full Version : showing your femminity

Shining Star
09-06-2005, 04:27 AM
if you had the chance to prove your femminity on the inside. how would you go about proving it and why. i don't have an answer on this just intrested on your opions

Lisa Golightly
09-06-2005, 04:33 AM
I don't have to prove it... other people pick up on it. I've never felt the need to declare what I am on the inside... by being me people already know.

09-06-2005, 05:02 AM
People that know me, always tell me that I have alot of femminity traits, that they wish their husbands would have. I don't think there is a day that doesn't go by that I don't hear something. If anyone was ever to find about the "seceret", I think that it would not come as a shock.

09-06-2005, 08:03 AM
I agree, I do't feel I have to prove anything. I get the remarks from some of the guys at work, gee, you sew and love to cook, if you did ***** you'd make a good wife. By the way, can you give me the recipe for #@$#$% for my wife. That's the kind of stuff I hear regularly. If they only knew, I probably have prettier lingerie than their wife. :rolleyes:

Katie Ashe
09-06-2005, 08:32 AM
Not really sure you can prove something like that, being fem.
Why would you need to???

Femininty is different to everyone: love, loyalty, dedication, honor etc... all have different meanings to different people... regardless of definition does it not???

09-06-2005, 09:02 AM
if you had the chance to prove your femminity on the inside. how would you go about proving it and why. i don't have an answer on this just intrested on your opions

I do know that when in femme mood I have a much softer side and the things I used to just sluff off like a good chick flick I get all blurry eyed now so there is hope. :rolleyes:

09-06-2005, 09:27 AM
When i open my mouth and the shit starts pouring out, others notice little fem twists on my words. Its natural for me to talk and act fem, even if its just a little. I find acting out your average male (if there is one), a bit of a hassle and a little stressful at times. Though I guess when the conversation of my mate's lean towards, "man i want to stick my dick into that", or " hay smell this", you can empathise.

09-06-2005, 12:37 PM
I am more then a little fem, when in male mode...I am sure most people know I am more female on the inside.....I have to try to be more male when I am at work, and I still wiggle when I walk.....

Wendy me
09-06-2005, 12:59 PM
i just think i act and think like me ...i mean yes there are two sides to me "him" and wendy and some how i think theres a little wendy in every thing i do....and thats a good thingy...

09-06-2005, 01:25 PM
I don't need to prove my femininity inside of me. I know who I am. I know the woman inside of me. If anything I would need to prove my maculinity