View Full Version : Who have you told lately about...

08-18-2004, 05:18 PM
Ok I am starting this thread because I have offically confronted my regular doctor today.
I was wearing a pair of black silk panties, my pair of slides (shoes). I was going for my regular back check up because I was a clutz and steped in a hole in the yard and strained my back again... I have 3 hurniated disk from a work comp injury from 12 years ago. Anyway, I entered the doctors office and signed as usuall. The waiting room is full of elderly folks. I walked over and grabed a cosmo magazine and sat down and read it until the nurse called my name. She did not look me in the eye but at my shoes. She leads me back to the little room where she checks blood presure, pulse etc. A real sweety (personality of a rock).
Dr. Barbara walks and we converse yak yak yak... So I tell her that my back is acking up again (knowing she will check my lower back down to my tail bone. Black breif panties. hummm
So she starts checking and does not stop, she does as she has everytime pushing on each veribrae all the way down over top of my panties.
we talk about what to do and I told her that I had something else to talk about. ---gulp---
I looked her straight in the eye and said that I am a gender disphoric and wanted her to know. and to add to that, that I am interested in Claimara or Estriderm to help with my emotional swing.
She did not bat an eye but to tell me that she knew of a ladie that lives in our town (one of her patients that had a sex change and it was on some documentory on the Tele.
go figure.

With that said.
who have you opened upto and what approach did you use?
1 Straight forward
2 Drop hints
3 Getting cought and addmitting it
4 Not yet


KewTnCurvy GG
08-18-2004, 05:27 PM
How brave and couragous Clarissa and I'm glad she was so supportive!

kristi cd
08-18-2004, 07:11 PM
Still number four as of now, but when I finally to gather the courage to tell someone hopefully it will be on my terms, like number one. I feel like I'm at McDonalds. :rolleyes: :D

08-18-2004, 07:33 PM
I have been through 3 years of therapy and I have to admit that I think that some of my new found courage came from the medicine that I took to help with my anxiouity. (paxil) I took that and found that my enhabitions where well freed up and it has been that way eversence. go figure...

Thanks all

Sara Kat
08-18-2004, 09:15 PM
I have yet to open up to anyone in person. Everyone who knows about me I only talk to online. I really wish I could find someone I can open up to in person. :(

08-19-2004, 01:33 AM
I'm in a similar boat as Clarissa - gotta love those happy pills:D . Therapy and anti-depressants can do a lot. I've recently come out to one person, and I'm finding ways to go about #1ing other people close to me

08-19-2004, 10:39 AM
Only people I have opened up to are you girls :) Hopefully sometime soon I'll be able to tell my parents and then branch off from there depending on their reactions :p

08-19-2004, 10:53 AM
One step at a time, Odelay. You can do it, just don't try to do it all at once. Take small steps. Always forward if possible! As your confidence grows so will your ability to talk about it. You'll be just fine!

Sara Kat
08-19-2004, 10:58 AM
I'm with Odelay. I haven't opened up to anyone about this yet. There is one guy that I've been talking to online who knows and he wants to meet me (he lives 5 minutes away). If so, he would be the first person to see me dressed.

08-19-2004, 12:14 PM
My mom and dad know, I didn't just tell them. It was sort of an evolutionary process. I was already strange to them being a punk, that when I dressed fem punk , it wasn't such a big shock.

I also told the guy who sells lottery tickets, I don't know if he understood, he doesn't speak english very good.


08-19-2004, 12:26 PM
Except for the exwife, no one else knows.
Being able to dressup around her is the only thing I miss about her though.

08-19-2004, 02:03 PM
Well I have to admin my {pending ex wife} helped with some of this. When she finally realized that what I had been telling her for ohh 15 years was for real and I was not ,, could not stop dressing normally. :)
She was so mad she called my sister and told her. My sister has not said one word ....yet.
She also told my step mother and she has not said much but has hinted. So has my dad. hinted about my makeup getting messed up in the heat. {another story in that one..}
She told my best male freind and hehe he has no problem with it at all.. Matter afact I am staying with his mother and she does not have an issue with it either. :D
I guess I need to write a book hehe or something.


08-19-2004, 02:49 PM
Divorce is hell. Hows your alimony looking???
Having a hard time paying my regular bills let alone buy clothes.
Alimony ends next year though.
Looking forward to a trip out of town and a shopping binge.
I think I'll spend a week as just Joesephine. Well I'm dreaming about it anyhow.
