View Full Version : Arkie Accent

10-10-2010, 10:14 PM
I come from Arkansas and though I have always had shoes on my feet and currently have a mouth full of teeth, I still speak like a Good Ol' Boy. What do people think of girls or guys who talk with a heavy southern accent? Is this something I should try to fix or embrace, especially if I'm going to run around in pink as I do.

10-10-2010, 10:23 PM
I wouldn't worry about it. There is something about aSouthern Belle that drives men crazy.

10-10-2010, 10:26 PM
lol Good Ol' Boy =/= Southern Belle unfortunately. I'm more of that... ummm... hard to say. Imagine if an intellectual with thick glasses said soemthing akin to "The plight of women in this hemosphere is deplorable, y'awl." That's how I talk. x.x

10-10-2010, 11:00 PM
Don't sweat it dear, we all have accents. Just pay attention to how women from your area talk and emulate them, accent and all. A southern belle accent is quite charming. :)


10-10-2010, 11:06 PM
I come from Arkansas and though I have always had shoes on my feet and currently have a mouth full of teeth, I still speak like a Good Ol' Boy. What do people think of girls or guys who talk with a heavy southern accent? Is this something I should try to fix or embrace, especially if I'm going to run around in pink as I do.
It depends on whether those shoes are loafers or 5-inch pumps! Seriously, if you're used to talking in a certain accent, then if you are talking like a female you probably should use a very similar accent to the one you are used to. You're already making a correction to your speech; you don't need another one to compound it.

So for example it always astounds me how you get three syllables out of the word "vehicle", so just continue doing that as a woman! :D

Karen :)

10-11-2010, 02:21 AM
(“You”…) AR

“Hey, where are you at? Y’all are those reelters that live catty-corner to that “take-out” place that sells crawdads, roly-polys, oil & vinegar and cokes, right?”

(“Me”…) CO
“Yes, we are realtors and live diagonally from the carry-out place that sells crayfish, sowbugs, vinegar & oil and soft drinks. So, where are you?"

Colloquialisms, regional dialects, accents and such make life “more funner” for me, myself and I. Back when I was responsible, I lived in corporate jets and hotels, traveling to every state in the U.S.A. on a regular basis. I entertained myself (still do) by trying to guess where a person “grew up” by listening to their speech. I can still come within one neighboring state of their childhood home in most cases. My personal favorite is still the “Atlanta, Georgia voice”.

As to placing importance upon the vocal aspects of “passing” (whatever that means, lol)…

“You say falsetto, your SO says “OH, NO!…
Vocals and wigs and out the door we go…
Doing our best to cover what might show…
At the end of the day…we must face what most GGs and others ultimately know…”

"You don't need a weatherman to tell which way the wind blows." - Bob Dylan.

There ya’ go… too many freaks and not enough circuses…eh?
IMO, life has nothing to do with reality. It has everything to do with perceptions…:doh:

Now…”Leggo my Stiletto!” and get out there and make your own waves…

Think Less, Act more…life is short.


Here are some sites to check out…examples of dialects around the world…
International Dialects of English Archive
Founded 1997

10-11-2010, 05:43 AM
Nothing to worry about, hun. I live in a small town in middle Tn, and some of the native GG's sound so sweet and sexy with their southern accent, it is actually a bit of a turn on to me.

10-11-2010, 05:54 AM
Well, I'm not sure that I have an accent!:straightface:
I am not sure why people think that a southern accent is cute. Bless your heart!:heehee:

One thing about Atlanta. There are so many non-natives, that there really isn't an "accent" related to the south!:doh:

Tina B.
10-11-2010, 07:04 AM
Due to mass media, and people relocating from place to place, accents are dieing out, hang on to yours, I love the sounds of an accent that idenifies where a person is from. I've been a californian all my life but come from a Texas family, and have always enjoyed hearing that drawl. And yes a Southern Belle always sounds sexy!

10-11-2010, 08:13 AM
You are just a southern belle. In my case I claim to speak Hillbilly from my time in East TN. If you are in a different part of the country it does tend to give you away, but in Ark you should be fine. If they look at you funny just give them a "SOOOOOOOOWE". That will shut them up because you are one of them. :D

10-12-2010, 10:03 PM
And don't forget your big hair!

I would think trying to get rid of your accent is just as hard or more then femming up you voice. Let it be part of you in both modes.

10-13-2010, 12:01 AM
Well, you don't Write like a Good Ol' Boy. So, I would assume your diction is not going to be a problem. A Southern Accent is not a Crime. Talking like your "ignernt'," writing like your stupid, hanging on to foolish, bigoted ideas....that's a problem!

I think it's always a good idea to remember "where you came from." Knowing "Who you are," helps us toward mental health. Humans are always growing, if you have a reason to mitigate The Accent you grew up with, do it! You can just consider yourself "evolving."

Peace and Love, Joanie

10-13-2010, 01:02 AM
One thing about Atlanta. There are so many non-natives, that there really isn't an "accent" related to the south!:doh:

hey Davida,

Yes, I agree to a degree. Maybe I should rephrase that.
"My personal favorite is still the “Atlanta, Georgia voice”, that most of the dancers at the "Cheetah" use.

There, all better...:D

10-13-2010, 04:17 AM
I love to hear regional accents, which, unfortunately, are rapidly disappearing. Of them, the southern ones are the most musical. My particular favorite is Birmingham, Alabama. There was a woman where I worked before retiring who spoke this way; just lovely.

10-13-2010, 04:27 AM
Some people love Southern Belles. I would work on the voice to a husky whisper. Then say "My, my. I have the vapors!" It gets 'em every time.

10-13-2010, 05:57 AM
hey Davida,

Yes, I agree to a degree. Maybe I should rephrase that.
"My personal favorite is still the “Atlanta, Georgia voice”, that most of the dancers at the "Cheetah" use.

There, all better...:D

The Cheetah!:eek:
I haven't been there in 25 years!:o:daydreaming::D

You mean.....those girls can talk?:doh::devil:

10-19-2010, 04:24 PM
I do feel that I need to inform you all that I no longer live in Arkansas... Too blind to drive a truck. T_T

Now I live in Saint Louis and go to school with a ton of people who are NOT from the South. I stand out like a sore thumb and it's ten times harder to understand what the minorities I will most likely be working with as a social worker are saying. Took me three months to learn how to speak to my Black co-workers at Macy's.

It's very hard to have a thick accent in a world that associates said accent to ignorance, bigotry, and poor hygiene. Even worse is the fact that, back home, there are still plenty of people with the same accent who actually praise those same values... It doesn't help and frankly, I hate my accent.

Fab Karen
10-19-2010, 08:04 PM
I still speak like a Good Ol' Boy. What do people think of girls or guys who talk with a heavy southern accent? Is this something I should try to fix or embrace, especially if I'm going to run around in pink as I do.
Having an accent is different from speaking like a redneck "jeetyet" for example ( did you eat yet ).

If you hate your accent, you can go to a speech therapist/coach ( actors & news reporters use them ).

10-22-2010, 07:36 PM
Some people compliment me on my speaking skills. ^^ Either this means I'm articulate or it means they're impressed I can speak at all. :P