View Full Version : Do the neighbors know?

Michelle James
10-12-2010, 03:59 PM
and do I care?

I have been coming and going from my house as michelle for a while now. I have been trying to be a little careful but I haven't really tried to hide. As many times as I have been out I believe at least one if not all of my 7 neighbors within eye view have either figured it out or at least wonder who the big blond is who lives with us. (none of them are rocket scientists). I have not seen any of them on thier porches actually looking in my direction...... until this week!! Now it's almost like they are watching for me in order to confirm. So the questions:

1. How can I tell if they know?
2. Do I need to know?
3. Should I care if they know?
4. Should I just confront them and "get it out there so we can all get on with life.
5. Am I just being paranoid?

I have always felt that the sooner people find out the better. However as that might be happening, I must admit I'm a little nervous about it.

10-12-2010, 04:08 PM
We all know what nieghbours are like - after all we are neighbours ourselves . We all watch who comes and goes ... what theyre having delivered ect ect -DON'T WE ?
Mine remarked to my wife in certain tones of " trannies " on the television with a knowing look. The nosey parkers don't miss a trick - prolly even keep an eye on the washing line too ....
Neighbourhood watch - a bloomin good grapevine !
Until someone approaches you , try to live your life in privacey and try not to worry .
You really don't need the stress .

My Lady Marsea
10-12-2010, 04:46 PM
I think a good answer for #1 is to like ask them, then you'll have no doubts and it will like kill two birds with one stone by completing # 4 LOL. #2-3-5 are whatever you decide & how secure you are like in yourself I guess.

10-12-2010, 04:59 PM
Depends on how well you get on with the neighbours. Most of my neighbours know, and do not give me any problems. However, I don't think that my immediate next door neighbours know, or if they do, nothing has been said. I, and all my other neighbours don't talk to them, so theres no chance of me just confronting them. And frankly I don't really give a damm what they think.

10-12-2010, 05:13 PM
No one cares more about you, than you.

10-12-2010, 05:17 PM
My neighbors would have to be blind not to know that I at least wear skirts and sometimes dresses since I wear them openly.

10-12-2010, 05:59 PM
Sometimes I'm out on our patio during the summer........neighbors can see, but I don't flaunt anything, and try to be somewhat inconspicuous.....But I'm sure they've seen me in wig and nightgown enjoying a morning coffee......Oh well....!!

Carly D
10-12-2010, 07:45 PM
I think our neighbor knows or one of them knows, the others are relatively new.. One night about six years ago I was being stupid outside wearing a dress and not trying to pass at all and I happened to look up and saw a guy outside smoking and all I could think was oh crap.. Since we were never close before that (I didn't know his name for the first two years they were there) and all I can remember is since he shaves his head I nick named him "cue ball" (not simply because he is hair free on the noggin but more because he thinks he is smarter than he really is, like calling a tall guy shorty or a fat guy slim).. I still wonder what he might know.. Not really though..

Nicki S
10-13-2010, 01:49 AM
I was out mowing my lawn one afternoon while wearing female shorts, hot pink bra, D cup forms and a white tank top. I looked over and seen that I was spotted by a neighbor a couple of doors down. I didn't think too much of it and kept on my way. Two weeks later, I was standing in my driveway drinking a beer and watering my grass, in drab, and the same guy was leaving his house. He stopped at my driveway and I walked to his car. We greeted with a handshake. After some small talk, he said " I see that there are some changes around here." I smiled at him and agreed. I told him that CD'ing was my favorite pass time and and my GF was okay with me doing so. His comment was that he was okay with it and I should enjoy myself and f**k everybody else if they don't like it. We ended the conservation after some more talk. I walked back to my house and was VERY happy with being "out" in the neighborhood.
So I don't hesitate to do my yard work in femme now.

10-13-2010, 05:33 AM
I use to date my neighbor from across the street...............so now maybe everyone knows

10-13-2010, 06:55 AM
My next door neighbor knows I dress. He was looking through the fence while I was in my one piece bathing suit last week. I talked to him yesterday, nothing was said. I hope it stays that way.

Claire Cook
10-13-2010, 07:07 AM
I found the best approach is #4. I've told my neighbors in our Virginia condo that I CD, and they have no problem with it. When they see me dressed, we always stop and chat. I've also told the people at the front desk so that I can come and go comfortably. I've told some of my neighbors in Florida, and they seem fine with it .. although I dress less there.

If we are ever going to gain some sort of acceptance, I think we have to be more open and less guilt-ridden.

10-13-2010, 07:07 AM
Oh yes. I dress en femme. And a rather feminine one 24/7. Been doing that the 10 years I have lived here. I have not heard anyone have an issue with it. Women are most hostile if they think I am a man. But are also the most friendly. So levels out. Men don't identify with me. And that's fine with me.

10-13-2010, 07:09 AM
I have not seen any of them on thier porches actually looking in my direction...... until this week!! Now it's almost like they are watching for me in order to confirm.

It might seem like that, but it could just be coincidence.

Here's my opinions on your questions:

1. How can I tell if they know? - This might be tough because now that you have it in your mind that they are trying to figure out if you're a CD or not even innocent actions might seem odd and make you feel like they know. For example I thought for the longest time that my nextdoor neighbors wife knew, the couple days after I thought she figured it out she would give me this certain smile and wave as I was pulling out of my driveway. Turns out she was just being friendly and that's how she smiles normally lol.
2. Do I need to know? - I don't think so and you might drive yourself crazy trying to figure out if they actually do know or not. And even if you did find out for sure that they knew would it change anything? Would you go out less?
3. Should I care if they know? - Definitely not. If they did find out worse case scenario is that it might be the talk of the neighborhood for a week or so but more than likely they probably wouldn't care either way.
4. Should I just confront them and "get it out there so we can all get on with life. - I wouldn't do this unless they continue to stake out their homes waiting for you to come back and it really starts to bother you.
5. Am I just being paranoid? - Possibly, we've all been there :P

10-13-2010, 11:32 AM
now I don't care if mine know but I understand the wondering and the fretting over it. If you are comfortable with the worst thing that could happen, then you are way past worrying about what they think.