View Full Version : so... i told my mom last night

10-12-2010, 04:13 PM
well like the title says i told my mom last night she didnt like it.
Let me back up to the begining of 2010 she found here clothing in my room and asked me if i liked to where them i should have told her yes but i panicked and said that i tryed them but didnt like it at all so last night when i told her she asked me if i was gay or if i wanted to be a girl i told her no and she said she loved me no matter what but dosnt like the idea of me crossdressing.

I guess im a little happy that she dosnt think im a freak or a pervert but a little disappointed that she dosnt aprove.

Stephanie Miller
10-12-2010, 04:47 PM
Good for you for coming clean. Life will be so much easier. Now what you need to do is, you yourself, fill up on correct information in order to sit down and let your mom know there is nothing to worry about. So many moms find out about transgenderism from such corney places such as Oprah, Jerry Springer etc. who sensationalize it so much. By giving her correct information you can put to rest so many worries she probably has. By having frank open talks with her will help strengthen your mother/child bonds as well. Who know, it may end up with her helping with the new you. Goodness, wouldn't clothes shopping be fun then! :D

Kelly Greene
10-12-2010, 04:54 PM
your mom's not liking the idea of cding and disapproving could be two different things, take things one step at a time and for now you have someone you may be to talk to which is always a good thing.
When I told my mom her reply was that she did not quite understand but she loved me and I could always talk to her about anything.

gerri ray
10-12-2010, 04:58 PM
When I told my mom, she also did not understand why but she doesn't care either. She buys me the clothing now as gifts.

Brianna in Hose
10-12-2010, 05:24 PM
I told my mom about a month ago. It didn't set well with her. She doesn't understand how I can crossdress and still have a normal relationship with my fiance. My fiance knows but doesn't want any part of it. I am just glad that my mom didn't get overly upset with me and dis-own me. I guess that in itself is a small victory.

10-12-2010, 08:05 PM
Go slow. Walk softly with her. Take your time. Easy does it. Do not push.
Chances are, she knew, because, I've said it many times, "Moms knows everything."
But now the pressure is off. Take a deep breath. relax. Have a great time.

10-12-2010, 10:43 PM
Hi Lauren,

As Stephanie mentioned unfortunately a lot of people get the wrong idea about what transgenderism is from watching TV talk shows that are just trying to get their ratings up. Stephanie's advice about educating yourself on it so that you can then help make your mother understand is a very sensible suggestion.

I see from your profile that you are young. You have to realized that it is a shock to your mother to find out about you. You have made a very important step telling her about yourself and it took a lot of courage on your part to do so. Now you need to give it time to sink in. Your mother head is probably spinning with with all the things that she may be thinking. So give her time to adjust. Talk to her bit by bit. Take it slow, don't do anything radical. Let her learn that you are not only the same person that she has always loved but that there is also a beautiful feminine side to you that only enhances who you are. Let her see that you have things in common that she would only thought she would have with a daughter. Give it time.

Vicki :hugs:

10-13-2010, 12:01 AM
thanks for all the suport everyone and shoping for cloths with her might be fun but i would be way to emberased to do that im really shy

k lynn
10-13-2010, 06:36 AM
my mom knew when I was just a small boy she reallydid not have a problem with it

10-13-2010, 11:33 AM
Life may be rocky for awhile but in the long run you will be much happier not having to hide your feelings from everyone.