View Full Version : Another reason I can't wait to become a woman...

10-12-2010, 08:33 PM


so if I live the rest of my life as a man, I can look forward to being more grumpy and miserable as I get older...

10-12-2010, 11:45 PM
Must be a Brit thing :) ...

No problems here, I laugh and smile a lot, and know tons of jokes. So there.

I don't think a sex change / transition makes much difference. People I've known who have transitioned or had SRS have pretty much kept the same degree of happiness or unhappiness (from what I can see on the outside). Some I've known have gotten even more depressed, related to issues of passing and fitting in, and work. The happiest three I know also happen to be quite passable and are not tall. I've known one who committed suicide.

I think it's a mistake to think that transitioning will equal happiness. Relief, maybe, but there are many challenges for those without totally secure employment and looks going for them.

10-13-2010, 03:58 AM
Laughing is what makes life fun. I think that you have a good sense of humour by puttiing those links in. Remember that if and when you transition, you'll still be you. It's up to you ans not you gender that will make you happy!

10-13-2010, 04:39 AM
I want to know how to get paid to make a study about people laughing.


Stephenie S
10-13-2010, 07:18 AM
Dilane wrote:

I don't think a sex change / transition makes much difference. People I've known who have transitioned or had SRS have pretty much kept the same degree of happiness or unhappiness (from what I can see on the outside). Some I've known have gotten even more depressed, related to issues of passing and fitting in, and work. The happiest three I know also happen to be quite passable and are not tall. I've known one who committed suicide.

I think it's a mistake to think that transitioning will equal happiness. Relief, maybe, but there are many challenges for those without totally secure employment and looks going for them.

I just didn't want to let this one go by.

OMG, I am SO much happier now. My life has turned 100%!! I smile, laugh, dance, love, hug, FAR more than I ever did before. A wrong has been righted. I am right with God. I am right with myself.

Transition DOES make a difference. A big huge frackin' difference. A HUMONGOUS difference!

Yes, transition is not always a cure for all that ails you. If you are screwed up before transition you will most likely be screwed up after transition. THAT'S why we go through therapy BEFORE transition. We need to get clear on all that stuff we may be carrying around. But really, I can't compare my like before with my life after. I carry a song in my heart now that was stiffled for over half my life.


Kaitlyn Michele
10-13-2010, 07:28 AM
transition does not buy happiness...period

but ithink dilane you are kinda of burying the lead story because transition does buy peace of mind, will to live, freedom to be yourself and all the things that are required to search for your own happiness...

10-13-2010, 12:06 PM
I for one certainly hope transition doesn't bring on loughs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
But the stares of desire, jaws on the floor, man lining up for a chance of maybe, dance floor full of drool, smell of desire in the air. Now that is something worth a smile!!!!!!!!!!!!!:-)

OK I am just having a lough, too bad I am not the grumpy old type, I've got nothing left to look forward to when transitioned :-(

10-13-2010, 12:26 PM
You are what you are dammit. If you are unhappy it doesn't matter what gender you are. Now get off my lawn!

10-13-2010, 01:02 PM
. . . or ? ? ?