View Full Version : --ADULT--Hiding that bulge

Natalie x
09-07-2005, 07:19 PM
Ever since I started crossdressing, I have been trying to create a more feminine appearance, but one area in particular has always been a problem, and I guess it bothers you too, is how to hide that male bulge. Not that I’m particularly gifted in that department, you understand, but the combination of all the tackle makes for a most un-female shape down there.

I have tried the “tucking” method, described by others elsewhere but, to be honest, it didn’t work for me. Too much strapping, and I still had a bulge, it just moved up a bit and looked just as unfeminine (if there is such a word). So I have been developing my own answer to this problem. Now, it seems very likely to me that I’m not the first to do it this way, but I’ve never seen anything written about it.

The technique requires some practice, and some care. It consists of pushing all the gear down and backwards (between the legs), and keeping it in place between the fleshy part of your thighs by pressing your legs together. Now, that’s the principle, but the practice requires a bit more explanation, otherwise it won’t work.

First, carefully shave the whole area of contact.

Next, get your gear in place before putting on your undies (or before pulling them up). Once everything is in place, you can then pull your panties up and over the equipment.

Now, here is the secret technique that helps to get it right. Lean forwards a little at the waist, stand on your right foot and lift your left leg up (knee out), so your left foot is near your right knee. Then, gently pushing the left testicle backwards towards your bum, close your left leg inwards and lower your foot to the floor; this has the effect of squeezing the testicle, and rolling it backwards. Obviously, do it with care!. Still leaning forwards, repeat for the other side. Maybe do it a couple or three times to get it right. Now, slowly stand up straight and pull up your panties/thong/whatever. It feels odd and insecure, at first and, initially, you may not be able to lock the gear in place, but I succeeded after a few tries. Now practice walking whilst keeping the gear in place.

When you get it right, you will find all sorts of benefits.
1. Your panty line is flat
2. You can wear your panties as they were designed to be worn.
They look more natural, and so do thongs
3. Your bum sticks out a little and looks more feminine
4. Your walk becomes naturally more feminine. Because you are holding
the gear there, you automatically swing your hips to walk and your
knees and feet stay closer together
5. You bend down in a feminine way
6. It feels sexy

However, nothing comes without a price
1. It works best if you carefully shave the entire area of contact
(smooth skin sticks together)
2. It takes a fair amount of practice to get and keep it all in place
3. You will probably need to rest the area after about an hour or so
4. You must be very careful sitting down, and may not be able to sit down
at all without releasing everything.

This works for me. However, I am “gifted” with less-than-impressive tackle, so let me know if you have tried this and if it works for you.

09-08-2005, 10:34 AM
Oh no would not leave the painfull bits down:eek: ease em back where they come from sitting would not then be a problem

Jamie M
09-08-2005, 10:44 AM
Thanks for the hints Natalie,

personally I have never had a problem with any of this just a good pair of control knickers does the job for me or anything that does have an exceedingly narow gusset works fine for me . Maybe I'm not as gifted down there as i thought i was ;)