View Full Version : Escalation

10-20-2010, 07:12 PM
Sorry in advance for posing so many questions.

Don't be discouraged from replying, please feel free to answer some and ignore others if you wish. I've got a lot on my mind though.

It's been a windfall week for my girl-side,

I've noticed that the inclination to venture into new territory and push my limits seems to come and go in spurts. I'm in the midst of such a phase right now. Is/was that the case for others too?

Sometimes I find taking things further is the product of planning, opportunity and feasibility. Is now the right time? Can I afford it? Will I be able to find the time to take advantage? Has logic played a positive role in your journey, or held you back?

At times I feel circumstances dictate my evolution. For most people, myself included, money is a factor. I can't afford everything I want, or else I'd be typing this message from my yacht off the coast of Hawaii, dressed in the finest fashions from New York and Paris, entirely surrounded by an army of beautiful, loyal female bodyguards. Some people have domestic conditions to consider, and may not take steps forward because it's dangerous or impractical. I'm pretty free of this consideration but I can see how it would have an impact on the progression of others. What circumstances influenced your develop/ing transness?

At other times I feel the desire to enhance my dressing so strongly, the decisions I make are more spontaneous and irrational. I want this now, I'll find a way to make it happen, I'll make the time to take fullest advantage, consequences be damned. If you experienced this motivation, what was the result? Haste makes waste, or fast is fine?

How would you describe your own personal progression from partial dresser to full on, head-to-toe dressing? Was this a planned, deliberate and logic driven process, or did the over-riding and sometimes impractical desire to take things further fuel the journey? Perhaps circumstances directed the course of your adventures in gender-land?

For me, I'd have to say it's a bit of all three so far.

Take this past Saturday for example.

For a while I planned on shaving my legs for the first time ever. Thanks to some good advice about technique (draw a bath, lotion up after, use a proper razor with a springy cartridge etc...thank you Krysta) and friendly encouragement (again thank you, Krysta) the results were better than expected. This for me is an example of a planned and well calculated escalation. The advent of colder weather, the curiosity to try something new and a plan of 'attack' based on research and consultation. All these preparations/conditions made Saturday a logical choice for my first shave.

As luck would have it, I also received a refund check from my alma mater (for overpayment of my last semester's tuition) and did a little shopping on Saturday. Whereas before I was mostly interested in fantasy-wear and costumes when shopping, this time around I felt drawn to more practical, everyday items. I'm sure my fashion sense is several degrees off 'sharp,' but it's a start. I also got a full-on make-up kit (first ever) to play with, so I'll be dabbling in the sweet science of cosmetic application. I attribute this development mainly to circumstances. Getting unexpected money out of thin air made it possible to act on my desire to take dressing to a new level.

Finally, after a wonderful Saturday of firsts, the rush lead me to make some illogical financial decisions. I'd spent a portion of my refund on the new clothes and make-up, I planned to squirrel a portion away for non-dressing related activities. But I was powerless against the burning urge to buy some new forms. My old ones weren't in bad shape, and I rather enjoy them, but I wanted something bigger, softer and more durable. So I went ahead and placed an order for new forms that fit the bill, but broke the bank. I spent more than the balance of my unexpected wealth on them. So now I'm on the PB and J diet until my next paycheck, all because I lacked the discipline to reign myself in from my spending bonanza. This is an example of the spontaneous and irrational desire to ramp up my presentation. I thought perhaps I was past all that but as it turns out I am not.

If you're still reading thank you. If you are considering writing a reply thank you even more. I'm curious about the tendency CD'ers and TG's of all levels and ages have to escalate their dressing. I wanted to share my own experience, and to hear how others like me experienced it.

Thank you for your time!

10-20-2010, 08:00 PM
Oh the enfamous Pink Fog at your door step.. Money and Pink Fog don't mix thats for sure..I went on a 4 month spending spree, all of course online ( can't face an S/A ).. I bought a new wig ( said it was real human hair paid a good price for it ,excited for it to arrive ,finnaly did.. Not real hair!!

So I buy another one , not knowing alot about wigs this did not have a full cap and required glue ( I'm Learning it was real hair tho ) . I liked it but not alot, so I bought another one.. All from different sellers of course , looked good in the picture just didn't look good on me, wrong color too light.. So I bought another one.. I must say I have one hairy closet now..

Same with clothes, I do not know my size so I buy something and it's always either too tight or too short or too big..Never get the right size.. All this because I do it online and do not try them on before I buy them..So.. I throw them away.. Started to dabble in make-up ( that stuff is rough )..Wrong colors , cheap and allerginic, I am just as bad with that as I am with my clothes and shoe size..Threw out a lot of things due to not knowing anything about them and not having the guts to try them on first..

Did I learn my lesson? No right now staying in the closet is priceless, I'll keep taking the losses..

Christine Abrams
10-20-2010, 08:29 PM
I think the number one thing that held me back until very recently is living with my father; he had some major health issues which I felt compelled to put my life and personal desires on hold, so I could help him.. being that our family is from west Texas, it's a given that he was less than accepting when I came out.

He's going to Whitworth now, working on his diploma as a chemical dependency councilor; so, I felt it was finally time for me to set out on my own.. by moving to Seattle, with absolutely no money at all. Needless to say, it's impossible to develop as a mtf tg person when one is homeless... not to mention the fact that I'm completely naive about fashion. It's one of the things which I didn't begin to allow myself to pursue while living with dear old dad.

So, I'm going to STS now, trying to develop as a woman.. but it's been a very difficult uphill battle. If I give myself half a chance, and use the tiny bit of self-esteem that I have, then I've been able to make friends on the hill, or at least lay the groundwork for one.

Not sure what that was about, guess it's been too long since I've been to support group. Sorry, I really hope that answers your first question!

10-20-2010, 08:56 PM
U referred to BOTH in your post!
Which I found a bit convoluted and verbose! :eek:
I think you'll get MORE and BETTER responses if u lazer in on your questions!:thumbsup:

I could only figure out how to answer 2:

1. I started dressing slowly. A piece this year, a few more next year. Once I was HAPPY with the girl in the mirror, IT TOOK OFF!:D
I USED to partial dress, but haven't bothered for YEARS now!:straightface:

2. I'm really OLD! And, I know A LOT of wealthy folks here in Newport! 5 or 6 years ago, I knew a lot MORE newly rich folks. But, like u, they spent their easily gotten real estate wealth on THINGS and gambled the rest away! They r MOSTLY poor again!:sad:
The OLD school millionairs I know r all STILL RICH! Because they worked hard, saved and sacrificed early on, and have NO INTENTION of going back! They drive older cars, dress and spend conservatively, and only spend BIG bucks on those few things that REALLY blow their hair back!:devil:
Like; favorite charities, the big house that they entertain in, their extravagant hobby, (no, I don't know any that CD, but they mite!), or their SO and/or kids!

Some COULD afford a yacht in the Med, with an all female crew. But then, if they lived that way they wouldn't be rich for very long, would they!?:heehee:

Karren H
10-20-2010, 09:04 PM
I'm an engineer... Plan the work and work the plan! Its all about scheduling for me.. Always has been... Personally I went from a 10 year period of non-dressing to flat out pink fog after the succsefful treatment of a brain tumor. Booommmm... Crossdressing came back with a vengence.... That one year was a whirlwind of change I went from dumpy guy to slim chick out enfemme... so fast... Lost 50 pounds... Started playing ice hockey again... Then the wife found out after 30 years of marriage and that was another challenge... Now over the last 4+ years I've settled into a routine where I can go out enfemme when I have the time. Enjoy being be no mater what clothing I wear... I figure I'm where I want to be and don't see the need to go any further..