View Full Version : An Abundance of Acceptance

Stacye Rose
10-22-2010, 11:07 AM
For most of 2010 I have been in the process of becoming my own person again after several years of living with relatives. This is the first time I have lived on my own since giving myself permission to come out as a crossdresser.:battingeyelashes: The response
I've received has been incredible. On friend who has only seen me dressed once Has invited me to go to a fetish bar tonight. I wore womens clothes to church last Sunday. (no,wig, no make-up, no forms-just slacks and a sweater) I received several positive comments from strangers (thanks for coming, you look nice, please come back, etc.) on acquaintance asked me to lunch at her house. Then she offered-twice to let me borrow clothes from her closets-plural.:eek: I'll be going over to her house today... I'm happily basking in the glow of all this acceptance, Now what do I wear tonight?:daydreaming:

Just needed to share my good fortune, thanks for being here.

10-22-2010, 02:11 PM
Glad you have had a positive response from people. Congratulations!!

Alice B
10-22-2010, 02:42 PM
It sounds as if your life is going in the right direction. That is great.

10-23-2010, 12:15 AM
That definitely sounds like good fortune. Congratulations

Paula Siemen
10-23-2010, 08:09 AM
I'm guessing that the church you went to was a congregation that you had not gone to before as by your description they seemed to acept you as a new member. GOD Bless them!! I'm puzzled if it was a congregation that knew you as a "regular guy", if their reactions would have been the same. I've always thought of going to church as Paula, after all, GOD knows me by my heart, not my wardrobe. However, I've never been able to get the courage to do so as I just feel the reaction would be not so accepting, but if I went to another congregation's church, I might find acceptance from the start. My wife however, would have a CAT.

Stacye Rose
10-23-2010, 11:52 AM
Paula, I have been known as a "regular guy" at this church for quite sometime. I had only attended services twice in guy mode but I have been to a number of church events as just a "regular guy"