View Full Version : Thank you, I think

10-29-2010, 07:13 PM
Something quite strange happened yesterday.

I'll start off by saying I teach people to drive transit buses in addition to teaching people to ride motorcycles. (What's a few more wheels here and there) I just finished teaching a three hour new driver orientation and then dropped off the resulting paperwork with the training coordinator. She inquired about the status of a candidate that was nearing completion of the training and sceduled for the state mandated road test. I informed her that the candidate had to undergo 'female specific' surgery and I was awaiting a response to my telephone call as to when training could continue. She then asked a question about the surgery and my response was I had no reference to the level of pain such surgery would generate and what affect said surgery would have sitting behind the wheel of a transit bus. Her response was it was a good thing I had no knowledge of such a surgery.

Out of no where she says I would make a better looking woman than the pre-op trans-sexual already on staff. I respond with 'thank you, I think. We both smiled and I walked out to the service bays to chat with the mechanics about servicing the training bus.

Later on as I was assembling the materials for the first day of actual on the bus training I started thing about tele tale signs and came to the conclusion that the fact I take great pride in displaying good maners, being polite, courteous to all, and practice reasonably good grooming could be construed as feminine behavior. Hey I wear an asexual uniform so it isn't a wardrobe situation. I wonder if she managed to sneak into my computer and reviewed the pictures and video of my last transformation or the whole thing was intended to be a joke. Whatever it was it was cause to think, I think.

10-29-2010, 08:05 PM
Don't you just love comments like that? They know not what they say, or the effects such comments have on us. I'm guessing it made your day.

10-29-2010, 09:07 PM
Well, Cassidy, I'd say just keep doing what you're doing. Folks see what they expect to see; which is an apt montra of this site. I really doubt that she meant anything by the comment other that she thought you were nice looking.

Just keep being who you are......the world will be better off w/ more folks like you; kind, courteous, considerate, and well groomed.