View Full Version : halloween dress up-how well would you do it?

10-30-2010, 02:56 PM
Been a lot of threads recently on the theme of halloween,I was curious to know from anyone going out dressed up,If you were going as a female.would you make yourself up to look as good as possible like you would normally,or would you make a shoddy job of it,just incase ppl thought you did it Just too well?


kimmy p
10-30-2010, 02:59 PM
I do it to the best of my ability/ or / Damn the torpedoes, full speed ahead!!:devil:

Andrea's Lynne
10-30-2010, 03:01 PM
I'm with Kimmy!

Paula G
10-30-2010, 03:03 PM
Some people would say do a bad job in order to not give yourself away, but I say do the best you can. People can always assume you had help.

kimmy p
10-30-2010, 03:07 PM
Exactly Paula.

10-30-2010, 03:09 PM
My goal is to dress up enfemme, dressed as a cat. In the past I did a witch and its thrown people off that I was a guy

10-30-2010, 03:17 PM
My Halloween costume was the one in the picture. Actually the Halloween part was my eye with broken blood wessels, looking like a vampire ;)

10-30-2010, 03:23 PM
Going out en-femme, with somewhat exaggerated make-up and very long colorful eye-lashes, etc.

10-30-2010, 03:25 PM
I'll try to look as good as I possibly can.

10-30-2010, 03:27 PM
For fear of outing, I thought if I wife ever agreed it would be some kind of female theme other than just a woman. Or if we went together her as the man me as the woman.

10-30-2010, 04:40 PM
I remember thinking that I should probably not put so much effort in for Halloween so as to not get outed. In the end I figured if you're going to do something you may as well do it to the best of your abilities. If all else fails... you got help from someone and that's the end of it. :)

Kayla Shadows
10-30-2010, 05:01 PM
All or nothing.If your gonna do it,do it well :)

10-30-2010, 07:00 PM
this is a me look; for this year...:)

10-30-2010, 07:10 PM
My goal is to dress up enfemme, dressed as a cat. In the past I did a witch and its thrown people off that I was a guy

I agree! If u simply dress up as a female, and u do it VERY WELL, folks will talk! If u dress up as a female in a COSTUME, u MAY confuse a lot of people! And, u still be as fem as u like underneath!

10-30-2010, 07:38 PM
I wrote this tongue in cheek guide to crossdressing on halloween a few years ago. It is a howto of dressing WITHOUT making people suspicious that you may just be enjoying yourself a bit too much. :)


Alice B
10-30-2010, 08:09 PM
I will stay home to pass out candy to neighbor children. But, I will dress and take in the reactions of my neighbors.

10-30-2010, 08:09 PM
I don't care if people know that I am enjoying it. What is really fun is when I start flirting with the guys. Some of them really get into it.

10-31-2010, 12:28 AM
I did the best job I could with the make up and all, but I didn't dress in normal femme attire like I had wanted to. I decided that would be a little too obvious. Instead, I wore pretty much the same costume as I used for a recent masquerade ball. I just changed the corset. Here it is...

http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4057/5130949996_2d5d55ac80.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/54513869@N04/5130949996/)

Juliana Hart
10-31-2010, 12:37 AM
From tonight meeting some friends. It's the best I could do.

10-31-2010, 01:01 AM
From tonight meeting some friends. It's the best I could do.

Ha! You look almost exactly like a woman I work with every day!

kimmy p
10-31-2010, 01:13 AM
[QUOTE=Sophie86;2307301]I did the best job I could with the make up and all, but I didn't dress in normal femme attire like I had wanted to. I decided that would be a little too obvious. Instead, I wore pretty much the same costume as I used for a recent masquerade ball. I just changed the corset. Here it is...

Nicely done!

10-31-2010, 02:45 PM
Well from the majority of posts it seems that most of you will go out to do the best you can to look the part,No invites for me this year :( But to everyone going to a Party tonight I hope you all have a fabulous time wherever you go,Happy halloween to you all :)


10-31-2010, 03:10 PM
I couldn't enjoy it if I didn't go all out. If I were going somewhere that I knew people in my male life, I need to dress as some one, Brittney Spears maybe, or Alice in Wonderland or Dorothy.

Nikki A.
10-31-2010, 10:46 PM
I did the absolute best that I could being the character that I was supposed to be. That throws people off I hope LOL

Joni T
10-31-2010, 11:06 PM
It's ALL-OR-NONE for me, ALL of the time. Halloween included.

10-31-2010, 11:20 PM
The way I did it in the past was to dumb it down a bit for the comic effect and to avoid questions... all still valid. This year, I decided to go full tilt, although still as a character, but as passable as possible, minus forms... foam padding instead. It seems, at almost every halloween party I have gone to, someone always wants to feel my breasts... all in jest though. This year, my wife and I went to a party, just the two of us and I guess I did a great job because we were chatted up most of the night, my voice gave me away, but the reactions I got were all positive. I can't say what is best, but this year I had what was looking to be a crappy weekend, turned out to be a lot of enjoyment and has energized me. Note, I'm not out beyond doing parties enfem and as time goes on I think my wife is starting to enjoy my costumes more and more... maybe there are some benefits to going for the best, oh, and if you need it, a good excuse is that you did research on the internet and that's what the experts do... ;-)

11-01-2010, 02:50 AM
My rules for Halloween are to have a real costume, not just "go as a girl." Sometimes I'll tone it down (like at work) by leaving off foundation or breast forms but generally I'll just give it my all.

In recent years, I was a slumber party refugee and a go go girl. This year, Nurse Ratched.

janet p
11-01-2010, 03:23 AM
It all debends on what I'm going out as but I still will do my best.

11-01-2010, 07:47 AM
Excellent. So true and so funny.

11-01-2010, 08:46 AM
well yes I did. I went out dressed and did a much better job of it

11-01-2010, 04:44 PM
i dressed en femme on Halloween. i wore a denim miniskirt, black long sleeve shirt and a green top over that. my room mate (who is very homphobic) said i looked good and on the way over to the party we were going to, he kept looking at my legs...lol. i guess he liked them. we get to the party and there was a few OMGs, and WOW you look great! the girls there got jealous of my legs and the guys kept looking at them. i also got asked constantly what size i wear (i wear a size 5) and got told they were jealous because i looked so good. i had a great time and it was fun being me for 1 night in front of my friends.:)