View Full Version : I smell good!

Stephanie Kay
10-31-2010, 02:57 PM
Hi, girls,

I was out shoppiing at the Pink Poodle consignment shop in Madison the other day. As I was standing at the jewelry counter a young woman (early 30's?) standing next to me turned and said "You really smell good!" I turned to her and said "Why, thank you very much! I am wearing Beautiful by Estee Lauder." She said "Mmm, it is wonderful." I said, "It is, isn't it. I love it!"

This was a wonderful feminine encounter. I was thrilled! Has this ever happened to you?


Michelle James
10-31-2010, 03:57 PM
A couple of months ago i scored a vintage bottle of pre 1970 Ambush. i wear it all the time now. Such a feminine aroma. I get compliments all the time now. They changed the formula several years back and the new stuff sucks.

10-31-2010, 04:05 PM
the one thing I can't do while dressed is wear scents. I'm allergic to SO many things (some that are the bases for lots of different fragrances) that I'd be taking a big risk of breaking out or, worse yet, having trouble breathing if I ever let anything I hadn't had a chance to test well before hand be sprayed on me. :(

It is such a pain sometimes since whenever I'm in a large enough group (especially on an airplane or some other close space) there is always somebody wearing something that triggers my allergies and the next thing I know I'm getting stuffed up and developing a headache.

Someday I'll have to find something nice to test and buy, since going out smelling like my male deodorant is probably not the best way to 'pass'!

10-31-2010, 04:44 PM
I can't wear scents around my wife. She is really sensitive. - Chantilly is the least objectionable to her. Any Stetson cologne is really objectionable to her. I simply use the standard genderless deodorant (e.g., Sure) all the time.

10-31-2010, 04:45 PM
I just love Enjoli. It has been out for many years and I thought they discontinued making it. Then I found a stray bottle at kmart and snagged it.

Amy Sue
10-31-2010, 09:59 PM
Estee Lauder's Beautiful is my favorite scent. I had an ex girlfriend who wore it all the time. My wife now doesn't like it and won't wear it, even if I ask.

Amy :)

11-01-2010, 09:00 AM
that is a wonderful compliment when a female agrees with your choices.

11-01-2010, 09:45 AM
beautiful is my favorite scent as well

11-01-2010, 11:26 AM
It just happened to me Friday night. I was returning from the movies about 11:45 PM to my hotel. I was dressed as Kim (of course). I passed by the night clerk just outside the door of the hotel. She was walking the other way talking on her phone. She continued on about 10 feet past me and then stopped & asked me what perfume I was wearing. It caught me off guard and for a second, I FORGOT what I was wearing. Fortunately, I remembered & told her ("Princess" by Vera Wang).

Later, I was in the lobby using their computer to browse the net. When I was done, I talked with her for a few minutes about my perfume and other small stuff and then I went up to my room.

11-01-2010, 03:37 PM
Sure, it happens quite often to me, probably once a week. However, I'm out in public alot.

It's just one of the many little conversation starters / compliments that women give to each other.

A couple of weeks ago, in line for some coffee, the woman next to me asked "What are you wearing?"

It took me a couple of seconds while flashing a really dumb look before she clarified "What perfume?"


PS: Mine is Ann Taylor's Possibilities