View Full Version : My Weekend Getaway

11-07-2010, 05:12 PM
Two weeks ago I asked my wife if she wanted to go away for the weekend..she wasn't interested but said to me why don't you go as you could use some time away
I decided I would so on that Friiday evening I headed up to Wells Maine, I called ahead to see if I could stay at the Elmwood as I like it there. There was no problem, so on the way up I stopped and had dinner. After I checked in at the Elmwood it was now my time to be Joann full time for the weekend. First it was a nice bubble bath and relax and clean shaven..got out of the bubble bath and attached my breast forms in place for the weekend..now a nice lavender body lotion..then a nice nylon laced nightgown and a bathrobe sat on the couch with a glass of wine and watched a little tv..this is heaven, I am feeling great.
Saturday morning I decided to have breakfast in and relax a little..then I got dressed to take a walk on the beach, I wore a pai of red lace panties and a red laced bra with a pair of skin tight white jeans a white turtle neck and a red v neck sweater
for shoes I had a pair of womans white nikie's with pink and silver accent (this is my first time out in public) for hair a had a short brown curly wig..I feel great, but will I pass?? I am nervious. I drive up to the beach and went for a walk it was a nice day and there were a few people on the beach, but I seemed to blend right in..I am getting more and more comfortable..I sat on a bench for a while and a few people did walk by me and say good morning to me..I am feeling sooo good. A little later I went into Ogunquit to walk around and go into some of the shops, once again I was treat like a lady and with respect..I am shocked at how great I am feeling. Later I went back to the Elmwood to relax again in another bubble bath, this is heaven

Saturday evening I decided to go to an Italian resturant that I love Varanos on Mile Road. My dress attire for the evening was a black skirt with a black and white sweater, black nylons with a pair of black heels..I wore a little longer hair style and a blck leather blazer..(I do need to work on my makeup a bit more but I felt good about myself). When I arrived at the resturant, I was escorted to my table and my waiter asked if he could help me take off my blazer, once again I was treated with respect and seemed to blend right in..I am feeling soooo good about myself. I left the resturant and went back to the motel time to relax again

Sunday morning I wore my black lave panties and a black lace bra, black jeans and my white turtle neck again, I have a pair of low cut black boots and my black leather blazer. I went into Kennebunkport for the morning had breakfast and walked through some of the shops..while I was there I did sit on a bench for a while and just watched some of the people, I was very surprised at how many said good morning to me and how well I seemed to blend in.. I did have a late day check out at the Elmwood so I didn't have to rush back I could enjoy the day to the fullest being Joann

Now it's time to go back to being me again so I headed back to the hotel to change up, take off my breast forms that had been part of me all weekend and head home
I can say that I had a wonderfull weekend and I do look forward to doing this again
As I sad in my intro last year, my dressing started at a very young age around 3 or 4, as my mother had always wanted a girl...so she would always dress me whenever my dad wasn't home..since my wife doesn't understand this it has been very hard for me to be the person I have been ment to be
Hugs to you all

11-07-2010, 05:25 PM
What a great weekend! Glad you had fun. Got any photos?

11-07-2010, 05:27 PM
will add some later..yes it was a great weekend..I still can't believe it all happened

11-07-2010, 05:29 PM
Hope you a lot of photos.

11-07-2010, 05:29 PM
Congrats! It sounds like a wonderful time. :)

11-07-2010, 07:21 PM
Indeed a lovely weekend. I congratulate you for just being who you really wish. The freedom to be joann had to be exhilerating. So are there other joann weekends planned? Hugs, abby

11-07-2010, 07:52 PM
Abby, thank you..and yes now that I fully realize who I really am and need to be I am looking forward to doing this more often.
I love the ocean anytime of the year, so I may be doing this again in a week or two

Maria in heels
11-07-2010, 10:31 PM
Joann..definately sounds like you had a great time...keep us informed

joanna marie
11-07-2010, 11:34 PM
can't wait to see the photos

11-08-2010, 09:58 AM
On Saturday morning, you wore red lace panties and skin tight white jeans. I would guess that the panties showed through the jeans a little? I think that sometimes a young lady will do this on purpose, did you?

11-09-2010, 05:32 PM
I might have done this on purpose..lol

11-09-2010, 09:15 PM
And how did your wife react towards you when you returned home??? Supportive? Distant?

11-10-2010, 05:29 PM
Rachael..she is far from being supportive..she does not understand any of this

11-10-2010, 08:41 PM
Funny, I mostly go to MA. to be a little ways from home when I dress. You came from MA. to a place very close to my home town to dress.:heehee:

People might think Maine would be less than accepting but you'd be wrong. We are even one of the few states that has transgendered protections in law. You are allowed to use the bathroom of the gender you are presenting and can't be descriminated against.

Sounds like you had a great time. I would recomend the fried clams at Mike's
Clam Shack next time.

11-10-2010, 09:34 PM
But she suggested you go on your own........ummmm..........Because she wanted to give you time to do your thing? That's at least allowing you something, and maybe a shred of understanding that you do need that occaisional time........

11-11-2010, 01:27 AM
It's wonderful that you have the opportunity to get out and about as your real self from time to time; and you clearly have some tacit support from your wife, which I think is a real sign of her love for you!

11-11-2010, 08:07 AM
Hi Sally..I Have been to Mikes many a time, I do go to the Wells area quite a bit as I enjoy the beaches and the area, this time was different for me as I went up there to explore my inner feelings..I am glad that I did

11-11-2010, 10:32 AM
I have a fantasy much like your weekend. Perhaps your SO is becoming more accepting. For my SO it has been a long, slow process but progress is being made! Congratulations on a great weekend!