View Full Version : Suzy is a Drag Queen!!!!

11-13-2010, 02:19 PM
I have always wanted to be a drag queen. So having dressed in something appropriate, 5” heels, a tight short dress and outrageous make up I then “go on stage”

I have a full length mirror to perform in front off.
I have learnt the lyrics of several songs and mime to them.
If you get the miming spot on then it’s as if you really are singing.
And the body movements I have learnt from watching the pop videos just adds to the realism.
Sounds crazy? Yep, but its real fun.

So what you do is, download the song. Then you add applause at the start and at the end, and then, “you’re on stage girl”

Some of my songs,
I am what I am
Man, I feel like a women
Save the best till last
My life would suck [without you]
You are the one
Killing me softly
And others………

I shall go on and enjoy doing this till the men in the white coats come and take me away.

Life really is fun, SUZY

Sarah Doepner
11-13-2010, 02:33 PM
It sounds like you are having a great time. I just can't see myself as a drag queen right now, but then I never saw myself as a crossdresser leaving the house and I'm doing that now. Check back with me in another year and I may be working on my first song, as you are working on the high kick and splits to end your showstopper number.