View Full Version : Just an IDLE THOUGHT

Danni Bear
11-17-2010, 02:05 AM
Sitting here reading all the posts and replies and an idle thought caught me.

As crossdressers all,some who feel more fem than others. How many think that their crossdressing is more female to male rather than male to female?

We all at times need to be one or the other(this does not necessarily mean the 24/7 or transitioning/transitioned sisters) how do you see yourself in this?


11-17-2010, 03:37 AM
As this was posted in the MTF forum, I had to read it twice before understanding where your "idle thought" was coming from.

In the context of your post, I would consider myself MTF, being very much a man, but one who likes to express the feminine side (which I believe is inside all men to some extent) by wearing female attire and make-up.

I suppose there are those genetic males who feel that they are females trapped in a male body, so could consider that they are actually CD'ing FTM when in drab.

Joanne f
11-17-2010, 05:46 AM
When i wear a skirt or dress i do not see myself as cross dressing ,i never have but i realise that society see`s me as doing that which seams sort of weird to me and i cannot really say that i think about it when i do wear all male clothes , it is more of an internal fight of what i want to wear more than considering whether i am cross dressing or not .

Kate Simmons
11-17-2010, 06:55 AM
Well Danni, when we mainly concentrate on just being ourselves gender doesn't really come into the picture that much. We just enhance things sometimes according to our feelings at the time.:)

Michelle James
11-17-2010, 11:45 AM
I have been thnking about this alot lately. It used to be that when i put on female clothes I considered that to be crossdressing. I believe that I am now about half way up the scale to thinking that when dressed in male mode that is when I am cressdressing. Hope that makes sense.

11-17-2010, 11:49 AM
When I wear feminine garments I still feel the same way as when I am in drab. I have no detached "female" side.

I wear male clothes most of the time.

11-17-2010, 12:32 PM
I think the question needs to be revised. :)

I consider myself androgynous, so anything I dress in could be considered to either be cross-dressing or not cross-dressing.

I do not wear male clothes any more, and consider wearing male clothes to be "wrong" for me. (Though I guess when we get to the colder parts of winter I'll probably put on my long winter coat, which is "male" style. Survival is survival.)

11-17-2010, 12:37 PM
If I could do it without serious reprocussions I would mostly dress in "feminine" styles. Blue jeans or slacks would be very very rare to see me in. But unfortunately all you need to do is look at the responses in the transgendered judge article and you will see, we are still stuck in a morass of stupidity and ignorance.

I much like Sandra-Leigh, like an androgynous look. Neither fully male, nor fully female.

Misty G
11-17-2010, 12:45 PM
I don't think I ever consider myself crossdressed as I very rarely am completly male. However if I was to consider myself crossdressed it would more than likely be when I am dressed totaly male.

Alice B
11-17-2010, 02:50 PM
I would have to say that Nomad Rachael's answer pretty much fits me. I am MTF and love both my male and female sides.

11-17-2010, 03:15 PM
An interesting question Danni.
It’s like this for me. When I am Suzy I am all women. When dressed as a man I am all man but Suzy sort of creeps in sometimes.
To much for me to figure out so I just go with it and have fun.

Hugs, SUZY

Rianna Humble
11-17-2010, 03:43 PM
If I can cast my mind back to before I admitted to myself that I need to transition, I still see some tell-tale signs of what I think you are saying, Danni. I was staying at an hotel near work around the time that I started dressing regularly and in conversation with one of the staff (who only knew me by my boy name) I mentioned that I would need to go back to my room and "cross-dress as a man to go to work". Freudian slip? Who knows?

11-17-2010, 06:00 PM
Yes, I scratched my head a bit to see if I was reading the question right.. :) I am not one who is 24/7 or considering transition at this time. Most times I would immediately say that I'm MtF since in most cases dressing was few and inbetween so my male side would be all over my daily activities. IF dressing occurs more often in a given month, then some Fem thought processes would be in some of my daily routines as I would think of my last dressing moment in preparations for my next.

Now, I would not jump at saying MtF so quickly as I do notice a sense of Fem thoughts/mannerism in part of each day. Sometimes suttle, sometimes its right there. Even in the dealings with my two daughters.. I am playing both roles as to ensure they understand a Mom and Dad's view when it comes to offering advice, this is mainly due to their mother not being in their life as much.

So yes I have had some confusing thoughts when using the old line "some day you will understand the feelings of a father (mother..uhh..father..moth..anyway)"


Nicole Erin
11-17-2010, 07:52 PM
I spend my entire day as Erin. Made up, bra, pretty shoes...

I can hardly wait to get home each day and throw on my tee and shorts with these horrid but comfy sandals. And OFF with the bra!

Where does that put me?

Danni Bear
11-17-2010, 08:05 PM
That just puts you as being Human.


11-17-2010, 08:12 PM
Great question Danni,

My current modus operandi is that every now and again I have got to stay away from home for a few days on work, and have stayed at a serviced apartment rather than a hotel. On arrival I have become Kaz and filled all the drawers and wardrobe with Kaz's clothes. I then have an "area" where I have put the clothes I am going to wear for "work".

I wake up as Kaz... I even wear my make-up in bed so I can wake-up and see her in the morning when I wake up... I then go through a process of having to become this other person to go to work and I just wish i could be Kaz and just get on with it. But I "cross-dress" into this male persona, do a day's work, then go back to mey apartment where I immediately jetison the male and become Kaz again.

The hardest part is the morning of the day I go back home. I have to jetison Kaz... and I leave it to the last minute, and I am late for work, and I don't quite pack properly, so when I get back home I have problems "sorting" things out.

Going from K to Kaz is easy... going from Kaz to K is sooooo hard?

So to answer your question... yeah... sometimes I am Kaz and I crossdress as a guy. Maybe this is where I am heading!


11-17-2010, 09:39 PM
I am a Male, as are the CD's on this forum! Some of those CD's have already transitioned and some others are in the process. Obviously their response to the question would be different than what the rest of would say. Some others may not want to transition, but do want to look, feel, and act as womanly as possible as ofetn as possible. The response from them would also be different.

My own response is this! I have been a male since birth, and always will be! I have no desire to be a woman! I just like to wear feminine clothes, as I am while I write this. But wearing them does not change me in any way! I am still a man, under the satin and lace!

Suzette Muguet de Mai
11-17-2010, 10:34 PM
I am not sure of the question but for me I love going MTF. I do not like going back to male. I feel completely different when dressed as a female and love it. My gestures, thoughts differ and I feel free and open when in female mode. I hate going back to male mode because I feel obliged to behave in a particular way. When I am in male mode it feels like going into a small room with no windows or paintings and all walls and floor and ceiling are of the same colour, I become someone who just exists without choice.

11-17-2010, 11:40 PM
i do not even think along the lines of f-m or m-f. just as me. i have two sides of who and what i am. (maybe even more?). so i just try to be the best i can no mater how i am at that time.
yes i was born male. will die male....but due to something that has happened to me this year, i some times think why not change a bit of the body to fit one gender better than as born.

Rianna Humble
11-18-2010, 01:03 AM
When I am in male mode it feels like going into a small room with no windows or paintings and all walls and floor and ceiling are of the same colour, I become someone who just exists without choice.

Don't they call that the bathroom? :heehee:


11-18-2010, 01:12 AM
I guess as a genetic female and having had the option to wear all the things a woman wears when I want, I don't see the attraction to wearing all the foo foo stuff that you guys enjoy wearing. Bras, hose, and heels are the most uncomfortable articles of clothing I have ever worn. It takes someone dying for me to come out of my jeans, baggy sweaters and tennis shoes to don heels and hose. I always wished I had been one of these tiny busted girls who could put on a tank top w/no bra and run around as free as men who don't have that issue.

Rianna Humble
11-18-2010, 03:48 AM
I think that it is great that there is such diversity in what women can / want to wear. A couple of the other girls I work with are like Wsprs and prefer trousers or jeans (on casual dress days) and flats. One or two wear flat shoes and bras and our manager wouldn't be seen dead without a pair of heels. By our dress code, if we wear a skirt or dress that is above the knee, we have to wear (preferably opaque) stockings. I'm pretty sure the dress-code must have been written mainly by men since it outlaws leggings on formal dress days.

11-18-2010, 10:44 AM

Your post reminds me of many I have heard, and I must admit I don't like a notion that is in it. That notion is.

"I have this choice and frankly I dislike this style or that style, and see no reason any male should like it, cause I don't"

Now I know you may not think that way, but that is often what I have seen on fashion forums out in the interweb.

I don't see how women can like jeans when they have leggings to wear. Jeans drag along the legs, where leggings move with the wearer. Skirts are just plain nice to wear, and I will say this, hose with skirts is far more cooler on hot days than jeans ( provided there is airflow).

Sexist dress codes should also be banned. If a company puts up a code of how people should dress, and that uniform is worn for more than 6 hours a day, then there should be no gender restrictions at all. In my opinion.

11-18-2010, 11:20 AM
Interesting day for me to read this thread. Today is the first time in over a month that I've been fully dressed en femme. I have been feeling less and less femme everytime I dress and beginning to feel more and more like me. The sexual thrill of dressing pasted years ago, yet I continue to dress. For a long time I couldn't figure out why, if there was no sexual thrill. I've done away with the form/pads thing around a year ago, this is when I noticed I feel more like me. It's no longer MTF, rather it's become M&F... and I'm much happier for that.

11-18-2010, 03:42 PM

Your post reminds me of many I have heard, and I must admit I don't like a notion that is in it. That notion is.

"I have this choice and frankly I dislike this style or that style, and see no reason any male should like it, cause I don't"

Now I know you may not think that way, but that is often what I have seen on fashion forums out in the interweb.

I don't see how women can like jeans when they have leggings to wear. Jeans drag along the legs, where leggings move with the wearer. Skirts are just plain nice to wear, and I will say this, hose with skirts is far more cooler on hot days than jeans ( provided there is airflow).

Sexist dress codes should also be banned. If a company puts up a code of how people should dress, and that uniform is worn for more than 6 hours a day, then there should be no gender restrictions at all. In my opinion.

Pythos, I wasn't saying that at all...I am simply saying that I can't see how ANYONE male or female could enjoy wearing heels and hose when (to me) they are very uncomforable. But, for a woman the option to wear heels and hose are always there whereas a man has to find the opportunity and it would most likely make it more of a treat for him.

I never wear jeans in the summer. It's way too hot.

11-18-2010, 09:58 PM
That's cool. I was not fully sure. I have heard women say exactly that. Or in the case of my mother "that must be something wrong with you if you think those are comfortable" in response to my leggings. She doesn't like them, therefore I shouldn't. That is the kind of mentality I was thinking of when I read your post.

Sorry, if I made you out to be a bad player. :)

11-18-2010, 10:08 PM
Sitting here reading all the posts and replies and an idle thought caught me.

As crossdressers all,some who feel more fem than others. How many think that their crossdressing is more female to male rather than male to female?

We all at times need to be one or the other(this does not necessarily mean the 24/7 or transitioning/transitioned sisters) how do you see yourself in this?


I hope you don't mind me answering as an observer. When Christie is dressed she is much more in control and self assured than not. She is much more in charge as a female than as a male, also much more of a flirt and much more sexual and outgoing.

I really can't imagine her boy-self doing the things her girl-self does. No... not at all.

Hummm... Did I understand the question?

11-19-2010, 09:26 AM
I've done away with the form/pads thing around a year ago, this is when I noticed I feel more like me. It's no longer MTF, rather it's become M&F... and I'm much happier for that.

My outlook is when I dress it is also M&F - I don't have any forms or pads, or even wigs since my natural hair is quite long enough. I approach wearing a dress the same way as a woman might approach wearing a plaid shirt and jeans - they are just garments.

11-20-2010, 09:16 AM
That's cool. I was not fully sure. I have heard women say exactly that. Or in the case of my mother "that must be something wrong with you if you think those are comfortable" in response to my leggings. She doesn't like them, therefore I shouldn't. That is the kind of mentality I was thinking of when I read your post.

Sorry, if I made you out to be a bad player. :)

No worries. It's so easy to lose tone and intent in the written word and things are easily misconstrued.

11-20-2010, 10:04 AM
I guess for me it would be MTF. I am just a regular guy on the inside, With all the typical male hormones, mannerisms and brainwaves. It just happens that I like to dress in womens clothes.

Kinda like when a GG would buy mens jeans because she likes them better. Only difference is she can get away with wearing them on mainstreet USA.

Whereas, If I were to go out in the clothes that I prefer, I would be laughed at, pointed at, and the talk would start behind my back.

11-20-2010, 10:44 AM
mine is male to female. I have a very strong masculine side as well. When I started the journey 2 years ago, I had no idea that both male and female sides were in the closet. Michelle came out first and has a real blast. Now the male side is coming out and it the wildest of anything. I am rediscovering myself and it is almost as much fun as Michelle's coming out.

5150 Girl
11-20-2010, 02:53 PM
Well, I'm not totaly sure I'm ansering the question that was asked, but,
I dress as often as I can, because I belive in my heart and soul, I am a woman.