View Full Version : Another lost reply

11-18-2010, 11:12 PM
I was at a choir practise yesterday for a set of church missions next week evenings, it was discussed that we should all wear black tops and bottoms. "women can wear either a black skirt or pants". I really wanted to ask "can I wear a floor-length gorgeous dress?" But that would end my acceptance there. But oh, I would look prettier than most (all?) of the rest of them. (there are only two men). I've taken some pics to post them here, but the flat-black poly dress doesn't do it justice in pics. I will look for a scarf or something to make it work. It's sexy!

What missed replies have you had? It's so tough to bottle it up............girls. Luv yu.

11-19-2010, 06:54 PM
Many times, I’ve almost broke the silence.
I’ve told my office I dress as a woman at the weekends, in skirts, heels and make-up. But they didn’t believe me.
Imagine/if only, they knew the truth that I actually do. At least they can’t say I didn’t tell them so.