View Full Version : The word tranny

Stephanie Anne
11-19-2010, 12:11 PM
I just don't get it. Why is this word being allowed to become a derogatory slur against us. It's just a f**king word. I get it, it's kind of a ugly sounding word and when used in a negative manner to demean a person who is transgendered, it is harmful but how many people are actually slighted by the simple existence of the word?

Two instances I have seen in media where this has been used in an insensitive way.

First: An iphone app was called "peekaboo tranny". The App itself was tasteless and inappropriate to transgender sensitivity. The offense for many was the word "tranny" however. If it was peekaboo drag queen, they say it would be fine.

the second was on the episode of Glee where one of the main characters stated they did not want to seem like a "tranny" and nobody took offense to it. I understand this part as it was assumed to be used in a slightly derogatory fashion. When the word "fag" is used, it is chastised but tranny never was.

At the same time I think it was over blown as there was no intent to degrade transgendered people but instead express frustration over being assumed to want the part of frankenfurter simply because he was gay.

My question is this: Are we trying to make a word galvanized as our "faggot" when it really is not? Is this word really that offensive?

My take is this: If it is used to offend you then the act is derogatory. This does not mean the word itself is offensive. Just like using the wrong pronoun is offensive when used as a slur does not make the pronoun itself offensive.

Is this overblown or am I simply someone who was not exposed to this word in a negative connotation and as such, I do not have it associated with bigotry?

Michelle James
11-19-2010, 12:27 PM
I suggest from this point forward we should refer to it as the T word. LOL

11-19-2010, 12:54 PM
Like my teacher said...English is a language that is always evolving. Tranny used to be a derogatory word. Just like Dyke was for lesbians. But many lesbians are 'reclaiming' the word and referring to themselves as dykes. And many transsexuals too are reclaiming the word 'tranny' and using it to refer to themselves. Thus the 'negative' connotations for these two words are automatically being negated, slowly and steadily. I guess it depends on the age group you belong to. The older generation would see these words as slurs. Some of the very much younger generation may not see them as negative.

11-19-2010, 01:00 PM
Was going to say, presumibly it's because of how it's been used in the past. But also does it not have some links with 'porn' too? If u type 'tranny' into google for instance...

At the end of it all though words mean different things to different people. Hopefully the 'slur' aspect of it will be gone someday. But it will no doubt take a while.

11-19-2010, 03:04 PM
I don't know... I'm part of the younger generation and I find the word tranny offensive. My friends and family know not to call me a tranny.

11-19-2010, 04:05 PM
You're right, it's just a word. So is n****r so that's not offensive either right? That is just a word too. I'm a woman, trans-woman or transgendered woman. When I hear tranny I think transmission. I'm not a transmission so don't call me a tranny.

Louise C
11-19-2010, 04:17 PM
I'm with Bree, I find it offensive too.

Rianna Humble
11-19-2010, 04:18 PM
Maybe I'm showing my age, but to me a tranny was what I used to use to listen to pirate radio under the sheets when I was supposed to be sleeping :eek: I am trans but not a transistor radio :heehee:

But I have to say I wouldn't want to be referred to as a "tranny" because I have mainly heard it used in the mouths of people filled with hatred.

11-19-2010, 05:09 PM
Mountain, meet molehill. Molehill, meet mountain.

"Tranny", and before that, "transie" has been used colloquially in and around our community for years. I've said it a million times myself and I can't say I've ever once heard it spoken with much acrimony. Un-PC? Sure. A slur? Meh.

As far as tranny being considered a derrogatory word, it is weak and demonstrates our community's thin skin to any percieved slight. Let's face it, the real issue is that we just don't want to be labeled. The gay community quite successfully took back the word queer, a term I am more than proud to call myself. I'm not sure why we have to go out of our way to do the reverse with tranny.

If we're going to get the gender police up about our words, we ought strongly look at the term "GG" which is all over these boards. I think the more PC term is "cisgendered female."

The more outraged you are over a word, the more power it has over you. Sorry, but I just can't summon outrage over "tranny" when there is so much worse facing our community.

Stephanie Anne
11-19-2010, 05:28 PM
See this is my dilemma. Just because someone takes offense to the word, does that mean I must as well. Granted I would never use the word in any context as I feel it is tasteless to do so. Nor would I ever not defend or try and downplay someone how takes offense to it.

I just have this feeling that it is being pushed to become our slur. For example, I find the word "*******" highly offensive due to its connotations of porn and the degrading manner in which the trans porn industry is portrayed. Tranny on the other hand was never used as a slur around me, nor have I used to mean anything but a transvestite / crossdresser.

I am a malleable person so I can accept it as a derogatory slur. Just because I don't think it means what I hear it as meaning does not mean I am insensitive to others who do.

11-19-2010, 05:50 PM
I don't like the word. I don't use it and I've never heard any of my friends use it.

Teri Jean
11-19-2010, 06:02 PM
Okay this is something that riles me as I am a transgender woman and for that it may be okay to say trans-female but why. She is not caucasian-female, or afri- american female or asian-female, she is female. Is this hard to comprehend? Ladies we can be our own critic or our own adversary, you pick it.

11-19-2010, 06:40 PM
it's just a word I've been called much worse. i am a proud member of the GLBTQ community nothing more nothing less

11-19-2010, 06:42 PM
i actually find it a strange word and yes, its original intent was meant to be derogatory i believe? however, so was the label, ladyboy to some. now i see a lot of proud young transfolk using this word to describe themselves so i think it really does depend on the person. i have even jokingly called myself a tranny before really looking at what it means and i don't think i'll ever refer to myself that way again. i would never want to use a pronoun or naming word for myself that was insulting to women of any ilk.

My Lady Marsea
11-19-2010, 06:56 PM
I personally don't like the word tranny, it's derogatory or wutever to me and a slur of transgendered or transsexual which is more correct to me. As a personal side note or wutever...I'm fine with T-Girl and use it on occasion to refer to myself along with pre op TG/TS. Gawd knows we have enough labels in our little world with all it's different aspects. Just my 2 cents worth.

Rhonda Jean
11-19-2010, 06:57 PM
Mountain, meet molehill. Molehill, meet mountain.

"Tranny", and before that, "transie" has been used colloquially in and around our community for years. I've said it a million times myself and I can't say I've ever once heard it spoken with much acrimony. Un-PC? Sure. A slur? Meh.

As far as tranny being considered a derrogatory word, it is weak and demonstrates our community's thin skin to any percieved slight. Let's face it, the real issue is that we just don't want to be labeled. The gay community quite successfully took back the word queer, a term I am more than proud to call myself. I'm not sure why we have to go out of our way to do the reverse with tranny.

If we're going to get the gender police up about our words, we ought strongly look at the term "GG" which is all over these boards. I think the more PC term is "cisgendered female."

The more outraged you are over a word, the more power it has over you. Sorry, but I just can't summon outrage over "tranny" when there is so much worse facing our community.

Well said.

Besides, if you own it no one can hurt you with it.

I sometimes wonder what the the term would be that I would find offensive. If I were the typical guy, there are a lot of terms that I freely apply to myself that would be fightin' words. ie:

Gender Bender

Yet as (insert prefferred term here)s we may actually identify ouselves as one of those terms that a regular guy would find degrading. We call each other "girl" on her all the time, and most all of us are complimented by it. That probably wouldn't go over too well in the guydom.

Those who hurl their perfectly conceived "insults" are probably dissappointed when all their effort is met with a sincere "Thank you. I know." This stuff is so far from bothering me that... well, it doesn't bother me.

Rhonda the (insert appropriate term here)

Melody Moore
11-19-2010, 07:02 PM
I just don't get it. Why is this word being allowed to become a derogatory slur against us.try? It's just a f**king word.
The word 'Tranny' is offensive to some members of the transgendered community because how its usually applied & accompanied by some other disparaging type remarks as a 'put down'. It is a word that has been often used to try to vilify or incite hatred towards members of the transgendered community, thus making the term derogatory.

Niya W
11-19-2010, 07:50 PM
Well for my friends that worked on cars we used tranny as a Double entendre. If you can't figure out the joke PM me .

Danni Bear
11-19-2010, 08:02 PM

an offensive word used by some to demean and ridicule members of society.

A word used to denote change in gender

A word used to refer to a vehicle's transmission

A word used long ago to refer to small radios

all were and are used by people because of laziness

Look at all the words that begin with trans,most have meanings dealing with movement or change. Others deal with clarity and vision.
Being clear and open and not hidden or opaque. Why allow small minded people to denigrate something that is fundemental in all?


Yes I am and dammed proud of it


11-19-2010, 09:54 PM
I've seen some movies where they through in a joke with the punchline being something to do with a tranny, honestly it didn't bother me, the only thought that went through my head was that they should try to clean up they language to prevent offending others. I live my life trying to avoid offending others, and I'd like it if other returned that favor.

11-19-2010, 10:13 PM
It isn't so much "what is this word", as how is it used. That's where the problem comes in. Most people use it in a perfectly fine way, but when it becomes a slur, then it also loses its ability to be a useful word.

Melissa A.
11-19-2010, 11:15 PM
No words are just words. They are all important. They are how we communicate. Written or spoken, words describe or evoke joy, despair, laughter, sympathy, rage, irreverence, respect or lack of it, empathy, kinship, understanding, ignorance, violence, peace, or any notion one can think of. Most human ideas exist only through words. Words have meaning and power. Powerful enough to inspire individual lives or whole societies-and poison them. Used maliciously, haphazardly, or thoughtlessly, words, and reactions to them, can kill. A word who's meaning is one of total lack of any semblance of respect, that is meant to demean and belittle, one which betrays a complete misunderstanding and a willfully ignorant attitude towards the one it describes cannot be "claimed", and certainly can't be reclaimed if one never owned it to begin with.
The word we are talking about is most often used by the tg sex industry, or those organized in the name of whatever they believe their higher power or diety says about those not like them. So sure, if you want your existence to be boiled down to a television crime drama, or if you don't mind helping others buy into what the really scary folks out there, who would take away what little we have fought for and won up till now if they could, are saying about us, then go ahead. Try to claim a word that you will never truly own, for it will still be used against you when it suits the ignorant, the bigoted, the bullies, the lazy and the hateful.
Misunderstanding has never been fought successfully with ambiguity. Words mean something. And if what they mean ain't good for you, then they ain't.

The fact that this topic has arisen here on the eve of the Transgender Day of Remembrance has not been lost on me. Hence, the passion of my feelings. It's all related, and trickles through our culture like a slowly spreading cancer, From playful joking and laziness, to the justification of hate. And the consequences can be deadly, folks.



11-20-2010, 01:47 AM
Add me to the list of folks who refuse to let other people control them through the use of a word. Is it derogatory? Sure, when idiots use it that way, but just like faggot and dyke, it is a word we need to reclaim.

11-20-2010, 03:32 AM

May be i live where we dont have any use for those words i dont use it as theres no need , im a woman so why would i , & there are no others

where we live in our commuity of under 5.000 people fact is iv not even seen any who dress as female . okay say it im blind .

Fact is im to well known & every one knew me lets look at over 15 years now schools , Police & many other groups im involved in .& busness s

im accepted as a woman & even before those words have not been brought up.
Im not going to say its not used.
just not in our groups in context reffering to me..


11-20-2010, 04:39 AM

an offensive word used by some to demean and ridicule members of society.

A word used to denote change in gender

A word used to refer to a vehicle's transmission

A word used long ago to refer to small radios

all were and are used by people because of laziness

Look at all the words that begin with trans,most have meanings dealing with movement or change. Others deal with clarity and vision.
Being clear and open and not hidden or opaque. Why allow small minded people to denigrate something that is fundemental in all?


Yes I am and dammed proud of it

You left out a big one: Tranny=Transfomer ( no - not the kid's toy), as in electronics. These change AC voltages (or current, or impedance; Ohm's law still applies).
As far as it goes I find the word objectionable when used on a person with the intent to insult, belittle or harm them psychologically or otherwise.

Danni Bear
11-20-2010, 04:50 AM
You left out a big one: Tranny=Transfomer ( no - not the kid's toy), as in electronics. These change AC voltages (or current, or impedance; Ohm's law still applies).
As far as it goes I find the word objectabile when used on a person with the intent to insult, belittle or harm them psychologically or otherwise.


that is one I really should have remembered. I am an electrical engineer


11-20-2010, 09:16 AM
You're forgiven.

Traci Elizabeth
11-20-2010, 10:27 AM
Everyone slap my wrists and call me sheltered because I NEVER heard of the word until I became a member on here! So to me personally, it has "no" meaning positive or negative.

And I wonder how many grown adults know what it means or have ever used the word.

Sometimes, I think we get too embodied in finding issues to frustrate us. If we all spent more time just enjoying being who we are (women) as Teri Jean suggestive we would be a lot happier.

I don't let ignorant folks intellectual shortcomings bother me. They are the ones with the problems not me.

Traci Elizabeth
11-20-2010, 10:33 AM

that is one I really should have remembered. I am an electrical engineer


Hey Ohmey! Are you the conduit of flowing prose? :lol2:

Kathryn Martin
11-20-2010, 10:46 AM
It's never the words themselves.

Depending on your inflection, emphasis and context you can make any word positive or negative. Words in and of themselves just are

11-20-2010, 12:08 PM
I sometimes use the word "tranny" when referring to myself when I'm writing or speaking to other transsexuals. I also don't react when other transsexuals use the word as I view the word to be lighthearted and relaxed when used in these circumstances. There's a very good chance, however, that I will be insulted (or worse) if a non-transsexual uses the word.

11-20-2010, 02:30 PM
I sometimes use the word "tranny" when referring to myself when I'm writing or speaking to other transsexuals. I also don't react when other transsexuals use the word as I view the word to be lighthearted and relaxed when used in these circumstances. There's a very good chance, however, that I will be insulted (or worse) if a non-transsexual uses the word.

Ditto goes for me Sharon......actually to the T !!

11-25-2010, 08:41 AM
Just made a filter on my email to filter out this guy I know. He called my SO a tranny in a put down. I'm just too tired to try and change perceptions. I simply kicked him out of my life. Feels good. Very good.

Dawna Ellen Bays
11-25-2010, 09:32 AM
While I don't find most TG-related terms offensive, I don't use "tranny," "transvestite" (which I think has a more negative connotation than "tranny"), or even "crossdresser." Those words may actually describe who/what I am, but I just call it "girl mode."