View Full Version : I don't believe the call I got yesterday

11-23-2010, 07:42 AM
When I first got my hormone letter, I took a copy to the VA. Last week I went to see my VA Dr, for a check up. And I asked him if I could get hormones through the VA. He told me he had checked, and his boss had said NO, they weren't going to give me hormones. I told him that I knew several people that were getting hormones from the VA. He still said NO!:brolleyes:
Well, out of the blue, yesterday I got a call from the local VA center, to schedule an appointment for me to see a endocrinalogist.:eek: They knew that I was scheduled to go for a 22 day PTSD clinic, so they got me in before I had to leave. And she asked if I was getting a private room and bath. Only special cases get the private rooms. Everyone else lives in a dorms style room. So maybe something is getting ready to happen for me. I can only hope.:hugs:..Billijo

11-23-2010, 08:04 AM
I certainly hope that the VA picks up the cost of your transition. Things are looking up for you! I hope a celebration is in order.

11-23-2010, 09:19 AM
It seems like the VA doctors have a lot of leeway and it depends on which doctor you get. My friend who gets her hormones through the VA had no trouble when she lived in Ohio, but when she moved to PA the first VA hospital she went to refused to continue treatment. So she went to another one, and they didn't give her any trouble.

I'll be praying for you.

11-23-2010, 10:29 AM
I wonder whether there is some "deniability" going on. You've now been told in no uncertain terms that it will not happen, just like policy says you have to be told. But if (for example) the doctor's boss happened to have lunch with the endo and mentioned, "You wouldn't believe the case I encountered last week! A <rank> vet in the <detachment> with <number> of years service walked right in and said he wanted HRT!", and the endo said, "Oh? There's all kinds of people out there. How's your golf game?", and then later there was a "paper mixup" and you were "accidentally" called by the endo... well, your doctor wouldn't be to blame, right?

If the endo doesn't happen to mention how your case ended up there, then it might be time to remember the old saying, "Ask me no questions and I'll tell you no lies."

Teresa Macaw
11-25-2010, 08:25 AM
The VA is so funny, I went & told them I was Trans & the doc gave me a 12 month Rx no questions. She did not even see my Rx from my doc. Seems when I tell other staff they are all very supportive too. This from the VA in central AL, who would figure? Funny there are several TG ladies that use the local VA too. I know of 2 of them. Good luck! Teresa