View Full Version : Saw one of us in Daytona, FL!!

11-28-2010, 11:50 AM
I was driving home from my family Orlando, Fl, family get together yesterday. I was a little off of Daytona, Fl, on the I-95. I was hungry and went to a McDonald's. I was all in drab mode. The McDonalds I went too was having an emergency outside of the street. Not sure what was happening, but the ambulance and firefighters were there.

I went into the McDonalds and right away noticed a tall girl from the back, but from the front it was not. She was wearing very tight black yoga pants, carrying a black shoulder purse, also a fem top, I think she was wearing a bra, and had on tennis shoes with pink soles. Therefore, all very femme, except that she had big hands, adam's apple and looked a little manly (sorry). She didn't have makeup up on, breast, or a wig.

If you are on this site, all I have to say is "good for you". You are stronger than a lot of people and being who you want to be is awesome. I was in awe at you and was happy for you. I also wanted to see what others reactions were from seeing you. Well, all I have to say is that no one, said anything. When you left, there was no laughing, no comments or anything. It was very refreshing that nobody said anything about your look, especially how busy it was. I'm glad that people are opening up on this and seeing people for who they are.

Good for you again.