View Full Version : How to have perfect posture

Kathi Lake
12-02-2010, 12:31 PM
Isn't serendipity fun?! :)

This morning, I was listening to my daughter practice her piano and sing (wildly off-key. Singing is not her forté. Keep up with the piano and dancing instead, sweety! :)). I looked up and it was almost time to go. I didn't have time to root around for a t-shirt, so I grabbed what was close - a white lace cami from WHBM. I threw on a shirt and we were on our way to school and work. When I got to work, I was fine for awhile. Then the tag started to itch. That reminded me that I never checked to see if the straps or strap adjusters were visible. I went to the bathroom and looked in the mirror. Were they visible? Well, duh! :)

About three people were in my office this morning. One of them was the woman who saw my picture from my rubber band thread (this one (http://www.crossdressers.com/forums/showthread.php?143084)). Now that she knows, she always smiles at me in that knowing way, so I didn't think anything of it. Heck, yesterday I went by her desk because the guy next to her had borrowed something of mine. He wasn't in and she asked me what I was looking for. I said, "I'm looking for my gender-changer." She said with a smile, "Oh, goody! You're doing that again? Cause you certainly look much better that way!" I laughed and said, "Well, my wife sometimes takes great pains to remind me of that, saying things like Not all of us can be a size zero!" She agreed, saying that it must be terrible to be able to fit into the cutest little clothes. I said, "Well, remember - not all of us want to be a size zero!" She gave me an "Awwwww. Poor baby" and we searched for the gender-changer (for the curious, it is a device that I use on a serial adapter to change my DB9 male connector to a female one :)).

Anyway, enough rambling - onto the whole "posture" part.

Looking in the mirror, I found that if I keep my shoulders back and my back straight, then my shirt "lifts" off my cami straps enough to keep them unnoticeable. Viola! The key to perfect posture!

So, next time you're running late, do what I did - wear something that will not only help keep you warm on a cold day, but improve your posture as well!



Philipa Jane
12-02-2010, 01:41 PM
I don't think perfect posture would have done me any good on this day.
I had a cotton cami on under my normal dress shirt (white) and a body warmer on over that.
The afternoon breeze dropped and it became too warm in the cab to keep the body warmer on.
Still no problem whilst seated as the shirt has pockets on the chest hiding the cami, until I had to get out to load luggage.
Then the fine material of the shirt would have revealed all to the guys in the cabs behind me.
Did I worry..........too late by then.
This sort of thing just gets you to move faster before anybody mentions anything about your new style of undershirt.

12-02-2010, 10:17 PM
Kathi leave it up to you to find fun ways to solve a problem. I always find that an itchy tag also helps with the posture :)

12-02-2010, 11:53 PM
---when I'm at the SCC!:eek:

Seems wearing 4"+ heels every day and evening does WONDERS for my posture and my BAD BACK!:D

Altho occasionally, my FEET paid a price for my happy back!:sad:

Sara Jessica
12-03-2010, 09:20 AM
Isn't it easier to cut off said itchy tag???

Awww, alright, posture is a good thing. Your way certainly has more upside!

12-03-2010, 01:37 PM
I was going to suggest play Wii Fit/Plus, but I suppose this works too :D

Kathi Lake
12-03-2010, 02:27 PM
Kathi leave it up to you to find fun ways to solve a problem.Well now, I wouldn't say it was ground-breakingly smart. I'm just basically lazy. Sure, I could have made the trek all the way from my closet to my dresser, but that would have been about fifteen whole steps! Gosh! I'm sure not doing that!

Isn't it easier to cut off said itchy tag???You mean you can cut them off? :doh: Ah. Never occurred to me.

Lexine, the Wii Fit just sounds wayyyy too much like exercising to me. I just never got into that whole "voluntary sweating" thing. Ick!

