View Full Version : It's the pits

Tina L.
12-04-2010, 12:55 PM
I need some encouragement, why can't i bring myself to shave the pits? I shave my legs and chest but can not for some reason remove all that nasty hair. has anyone else had this problem?

12-04-2010, 01:04 PM
Maybe you just don't want to deal with cleaning up all the nasty hair? Or that somehow, people are going to clock you as a CDer for shaving your armpits?

12-04-2010, 01:08 PM
I have my pits waxed, doesn't sting as much as I thought. The hair grows back finer and each time it is less and less stingy. The nice thing is that I don't used hardly as much deodrant since the hair doesn't get in the way.

12-04-2010, 02:01 PM
Can you use an electric razor over a grabage can first? I imagine if you do this first, that a quick razor shave would be very easy.

12-04-2010, 02:27 PM
Just do it, do not over analyze the situation.

12-04-2010, 02:38 PM
Of all places that need to be shaved, the arm pits are number 1. I notice that I don't have nearly the irritation with my arm pits shaved, and the body odor is much less.

Rebecca Sue
12-04-2010, 02:40 PM
I actually enjoy shaving my armpits, it's a very feminine thing to do. It only takes a few minutes anyway.

12-04-2010, 03:10 PM
I use my epilator on the arm pits. How brave is that! [The pain is unbelievable. It really is]


12-04-2010, 03:19 PM
I shave my pits about once a week, when I just can't stand the hair anymore. One thing I've learned: the "gel" antiperspirants can sting a little bit that first day after shaving (I shave them in the shower).

Diane Smith
12-04-2010, 04:00 PM
I don't know why anyone, man, woman, neither, both or in-between, would want nasty smelly hairy armpits. I've been shaving mine since my teen years, and recently switched to an epilator. I just don't feel clean (and I know for sure that I smell worse) when they're not smooth.

If you're worried about people's reactions, first consider how many times people will see that part of your anatomy in male mode, then divide by about a million for the number of comments/concerns you'll hear about it. Nobody has ever mentioned anything about it to me in almost 40 years.

- Diane

12-04-2010, 04:15 PM
funny thing, I don't get BO since shaving. And I use a lot LESS deodorant too. win win

12-04-2010, 04:18 PM
I don't have a problem shaving the pits. It's my arm hair That I won"t shave.

12-04-2010, 04:22 PM
I have been shaving/waxing mine for years and am certain many people both at work and the gym have noticed but no-one has ever commented about it. And smooth pits feel and look so good too!

Michelle 51
12-04-2010, 04:56 PM
I was like you and was scared to shave there because i figured i'd end up in out patients for stitches but it's not so.Use electric clippers then shave it with a blade.You'll love the feeling after and find it hard to ever go back to hairy armpits lol

12-04-2010, 04:58 PM
I think once you do it the first time,it becomes easier,am not sure anyone will notice under there in everyday male life anyway,only last night my wife saw my underarms werent shaved,said I was looking like a butch woman:doh: have never moved off my seat quicker in my life:heehee:


12-04-2010, 07:21 PM
A few years ago at my son's baseball game, a father was watching the game wearing a tank top and it looked like he had a tribble under each armpit. I could not understand how his wife could stand that!

12-04-2010, 07:27 PM
I don't have a problem shaving the pits. It's my arm hair That I won"t shave.
If you are a typical guy with terminal full hair, it would really be beneficial if you shaved your arms.

I have never been criticised for shaving my arms.


12-04-2010, 09:20 PM
Shaving every part of my arms is a must, and I don't even give it a second thought. Why on earth would anyone have a problem with shaving the pits?

Karren H
12-04-2010, 09:29 PM
Do not have that problem. All hair below my eye brows is waxed, epilated, shaved or plucked... Do not like body hair!!

Alice Torn
12-04-2010, 09:40 PM
But Karren, would body hair make it warmer out on the ice?!

12-04-2010, 09:43 PM
I need some encouragement, why can't i bring myself to shave the pits? I shave my legs and chest but can not for some reason remove all that nasty hair. has anyone else had this problem?

you could always glue it down and use cover up

12-04-2010, 09:46 PM
Try just trimming it first. Take it down to about 1/4". Once you've had it like that for awhile without getting comments, you won't be as nervous about shaving it all the way off. (And who's going to see your pits in winter, anyway?)

Janine cd
12-04-2010, 09:55 PM
I shaved my armpits about 15 years ago. At first, there was razor burn, but after the third or fourth try it became easier. Now I can say that the hair has never been a problem. Either it is so fine that I can't see it or it's not growing anymore.

12-04-2010, 10:06 PM
i actually have the same problem, i shaved my legs for the first time only 3 days ago (im 18) it feels amazing i might add. but i can't get my self to shave my armpits, i would love too but for me the problem is that im still in high school and i would really prefer not to have rumors about me my final year. oh well

12-04-2010, 10:26 PM
i actually have the same problem, i shaved my legs for the first time only 3 days ago (im 18) it feels amazing i might add. but i can't get my self to shave my armpits, i would love too but for me the problem is that im still in high school and i would really prefer not to have rumors about me my final year. oh well

Be a man and shave your armpits. Don't be afraid of the namby-pambys that incite rumors. Take my word - it really cuts down on body odor and irritation. Before I shaved my armpits I really had problems with body odor and irritation. The irritation problem was so bad that I seriously had to consider skipping antipersperants but the body odor would then be overwhelming. After I started shaving my armpits I have never had problems with irritation.


12-04-2010, 10:26 PM
I need some encouragement, why can't i bring myself to shave the pits? I shave my legs and chest but can not for some reason remove all that nasty hair. has anyone else had this problem?

Get a beard trimmer. They are about 3/4 inch wide, come with attachments and you can do it slowly until in a few months it is totally gone. IT is nice to be "clean shaven" from the eybrows down (except for junior and friends). If you enjoy the feeling of material against your skin, you'll love the sensation being shaved all over. Do the pits--it does smell nicer and ythere is really no stigma. Remember, there are lots of people who have relatively little or no body hair, so it is no big thing.:2c:

12-05-2010, 02:44 AM
Perhaps you have an unreasoned fear of someone noticing your shaved underarms. But that's got to be one of The Easiest "Work-Arounds" that ever existed for T-Gurls. Simply answer: "No matter what I tried, I could still smell myself when I got sweaty." "Now, I find that the odor is about one hundredth of what it used to be!"

NOBODY is ever going to tell you, "You smell less?" "Wow, should have left that hair on there." What will happen is something like, "Good idea, I can see how that hair would have held The Stink....good thinking!" You probably will win some converts from your male friends, (if they even notice). You might end up with a bunch of Bud's all with shaved underarms, and they won't know "The Real Reason" why you talked them into it!

If you want to be real brave, next time your in The Locker Room at The Gym, shave your pubes and try that same excuse....."Well, it might work!"

Peace and Love, Joanie

12-05-2010, 12:40 PM
After reading this, I proceeded to shave my armpits. Let me just tell you, if does not look that bad at all. My legs are shaven and I am so scared about that but the shaved armpits look very normal: masculine or feminine.

12-05-2010, 01:15 PM
Get a beard trimmer. They are about 3/4 inch wide, come with attachments and you can do it slowly until in a few months it is totally gone. IT is nice to be "clean shaven" from the eybrows down (except for junior and friends). If you enjoy the feeling of material against your skin, you'll love the sensation being shaved all over. Do the pits--it does smell nicer and ythere is really no stigma. Remember, there are lots of people who have relatively little or no body hair, so it is no big thing.:2c:

What's wrong with "junior and friends" getting the treatment. I keep them completely hairless.

Also reminds of a time many years ago we noticed a player on our basketball team was totally shaved from the neck down. His excuse was body lice caught during a one night stand. I didn't believe it at the time.

12-05-2010, 02:12 PM
This thread is great! Many great ideas to cover up shaving your armpits. But seriously just do it, if anyone says anything look at them like they are weird and say something like "Don't you?" then if they say no say "Ew......what is this the 60s?" If he continues to enquire just tell him that you don't care for the hair in that area and feel much cleaner removing it. Next time you see the enquiring person he will have most likely followed your good hygene and shaved his! Removing hair doesn't technically mean you're cleaner than someone else but hair does produce oil and in a place that produces as much moisture as the armpits shaving it is a great idea for all men. It's also not exactly rare to see yonger men with it shaved.

Missy Tanya
12-05-2010, 02:25 PM
I agree with everyone, mine are clean shaving and smell isn't a problem anymore. Never had anyone notice my arms even. Though I work and live in Redneck, NW.


12-05-2010, 02:48 PM
i actually have the same problem, i shaved my legs for the first time only 3 days ago (im 18) it feels amazing i might add. but i can't get my self to shave my armpits, i would love too but for me the problem is that im still in high school and i would really prefer not to have rumors about me my final year. oh well

I remember thinking the whole time in school that "everyone knows." It was a very scary time. You have to be comfortable with your level of being out and if that means "don't shave the pits" then that is where you should draw the line. In my opinion, shaving the legs seems to be a lot more noticable than the pits.

As far as people talking about you behind your back, that is going to happen regardless of what you are doing. Noone is ever all things to all people. You have to decide if what people say about you is important enough to impact the choices you make becasue IMO if you let that start this early, you will be troubled by it (like many of us) for many years.

12-05-2010, 02:54 PM
Got mine waxed yesterday, along with a brazilian and full leg wax. I do not have a single hair from waist down, it feels much cleaner not to have any hair.

12-05-2010, 09:15 PM
I remember thinking the whole time in school that "everyone knows." It was a very scary time. You have to be comfortable with your level of being out and if that means "don't shave the pits" then that is where you should draw the line. In my opinion, shaving the legs seems to be a lot more noticable than the pits.

As far as people talking about you behind your back, that is going to happen regardless of what you are doing. Noone is ever all things to all people. You have to decide if what people say about you is important enough to impact the choices you make becasue IMO if you let that start this early, you will be troubled by it (like many of us) for many years.

Jeans cover your legs up nicely, while if you lift your arms up, you show your pits to the world if you wear t-shirts.

12-05-2010, 10:05 PM
I started shaving my armpits when I was a teenager, well maybe the word is triming.. I used a spray deo the would build up on the hair then get on my t-shirts and mess up the underarms on them. My mother was the one who said i should try it so i kept the trimed real short up until a few years ago and i started just shaving them.

Suzette Muguet de Mai
12-05-2010, 10:39 PM
Crikey, I only started shaving armpits a couple of months ago. Shaved, groomed everywhere else for years bar the pits. Now I have no idea why I never shaved the pits. Yep, body odor decreased and able to get underarm deodorizer into the pits.

12-06-2010, 12:51 AM
I have been shaving my pits for a couple of years. I have to be careful not to shave against the flow of the hair. If I do I pay for it with rash and itching for days.