View Full Version : The male side

12-06-2010, 02:14 AM
For those of you who have been xdressing for awhile and no longer deny your
feminine side, how much do you care about the masculine part of your life if there is any. lets say you still in the closet and you get together with your family for the holidays, just how much to you care about your drab appearance. do you just dress up enough for people to look at you and see that your are just another ordinary guy. dull boring male clothing, or are you all about dressing in masculine style clothing.

As far as me, I don't have that many male cloths nor do i care about a masculine appearance when in drab. everything i wear is somewhat androgynous.

what about you?

Diane Smith
12-06-2010, 02:27 AM
I never do a full boy mode anymore, especially not in formal male clothes. The last event I went to requiring fancier than everyday male drag was a wedding last summer. I wore the expected jacket and tie, but with low heels, nails, earrings and a little makeup.

- Diane

12-06-2010, 02:32 AM
I have very masculine clothing, androgynous clothing and feminine clothing! I like playing all sides of the field!

12-06-2010, 02:35 AM
I have male clothes like polo shirts, team jerseys and slacks and jeans and I have female clothes. I have only recently started wearing women's trouser socks with my slacks but other than that, it is either all male appearance or all female appearance. Underdressing for both.

12-06-2010, 02:39 AM
I love do dress up and put on the Ritz. That is one of the things I like about cding. I love nice dresses and skirts and blouses, but I also have time I love the suit and tie. I have two tux's and love to go out when there is that type of event. I do casual sometime with my aloha shirts and shorts and snadals, (i onlu wear female sandals) but never jeans ( I hate those)

12-06-2010, 05:48 AM
my male clothes are all rags and beat to hell and back! only have one nice dress shirt and one pair of nice pants. I play outside too much for nice clothes and I'd rather spend the money on the clothes for Juli lol.

12-06-2010, 06:49 AM
I do have some really nice suits, wingtips, etc., but my man wardrobe is usually jeans and decent season appropriate shirts.

Gina X
12-06-2010, 07:01 AM
As far as me, I don't have that many male cloths nor do i care about a masculine appearance when in drab. everything I wear is somewhat androgynous. What about you?

The same goes for me exactly although some are femme and not even androgynous...............

Lots of love Gina x

12-06-2010, 07:22 AM
It seems to me that if every CD here responded to this thread, that you get a wide range of answers. We are not all alike or as deeply entrenched in our feminine side. I like my male side and when I'm in public I try to look good as a man. I care about my male side just as much as I care about my feminine side. But I am not one that is comfortable presenting as a female in public. I have only been out dressed fem when I'm at a club that fully accepts us and there are other transgendered girls around. It's important to me for my SO to see me as a man. But when she wants my female self around, I try hard to look as good as I can in my feminine mode. She is fully accepting of my fem side, even enjoys me that way. But she also wants a man in her life. I'm proud that it is me, a man she wants.

Karren H
12-06-2010, 07:38 AM
I don't see myself as having a male side or a female side. Just my side. And I love it. And all my clothes are great... I like to look good no mater what I wear. If I show up at work not dressed up.. People do not know who I am. Lol.

12-06-2010, 08:41 AM
Regardless of how I am presenting, dressing for me has always been the best I can be for the event, time, & weather, but never without clean underwear!

Gina X
12-06-2010, 08:58 AM
Regardless of how I am presenting, dressing for me has always been the best I can be for the event, time, & weather, but never without clean underwear!

Just in case you get run over? I would sooner wear grubby underwear and not get run over thanks.....................

Love Gina x

12-06-2010, 09:37 AM
I try to present the same no matter how I'm dressed. I don't have all kinds of suits and such anymore but what I do have I try and keep it as flattering as possible.

12-06-2010, 10:39 AM
I am like Karren! Not completely male, but also not completely feminine. I have clothing to dress either way, but around my family I am always outer dressed in drab! Underneath usually female!! I will usher at my Church on Christmas Eve wearing one of my tuxedos! That is normal dress at Christmas for my usher team!

zoe m
12-06-2010, 12:38 PM
I use regular male clothes most of the time, but just don't think about them that much. I don't go out of my way either to look super masculine or pretty boy. The clothes I wear are all very informal and functional. Though, I must say, since I started x-dressing even my male appearance has become a bit more androgynous :).

12-06-2010, 12:52 PM
Anytime I wear pants I am en homme. I see going en femme only if I want to wear a dress, and only partially for wearing a denim skirt.

As far as formal masculine attire is concerned, I have three suits - a navy pinstripe suit, a grey suit with grey tie and grey shirt, and a black double-breasted suit. With the navy pinstripe suit I sometimes wear a tie, and other times I wear lipstick [an inconspicuous taupe color] instead as a slightly feminine variation.

I wear the suits as described above typically to church on Sunday morning.

Lynn Marie
12-06-2010, 12:58 PM
I like to look good no matter what I wear. I'm not much interested in the latest styles, just a classy, well heeled look that will stand the test of time.

12-06-2010, 01:00 PM
I couldn't care less most of the time what I am wearing in male clothes.

12-06-2010, 03:08 PM
Whenever I am with family and friends I dress as my normal male self. I do have my eyebrows plucked so that I have to
use a pencil and lightly draw them on. My nails are fairly long and always polished with a pale color. Also, I keep the hair off of my arms and hands. No one (except my now ex-wife) ever says anything.
My daughters and sons-in-law "know" but we never talk about "it".

Marilyn Beck
12-06-2010, 04:01 PM
All of my family, social and professional relationships are built around my male persona, which strives to be perceived as unambiguously masculine. When dressed as a man, I wear mostly dull, but decidely masculine, clothing. I avoid male clothing that appears too stylish, effeminate or androgynous. When dressed as a woman, I try to look as feminine as possible, except I won't compromise my underlying masculine body. Thus I am reluctant to remove much body hair, grow long fingernails, pierce my ears, etc.

I have never felt a desire to merge my masculine and feminine sides into a single androgynous personality. I like to present as completely male or completely female. There isn't much middle ground for me.

Veronica Lacey
12-06-2010, 04:15 PM
Male side is 99% jeans and t-shirt, hiking boots, sweater. Suit for weddings and funerals. I care enough to not look like a slob but I do not need to attract attention; it will find me if it wants to :)

Crissy Kay
12-06-2010, 04:18 PM
I couldn't care less most of the time what I am wearing in male clothes.

That pretty much goes for me too. I spend most of my drab time in sweat pants and a t-shirt.

12-06-2010, 04:30 PM
I think I'm one of the few people here who're comfortable with either side. Like Angie, I have clothes that can cross over to both boy and girl modes and along with my wardrobe, I've got drab clothes that are very fashionable and good looking. The various elements of my closet can be mixed and matched to be predominantly boyish or girlish or somewhere in the middle.

12-07-2010, 04:48 AM
Well, fashion is important to me in either mode. I'm quite androgynous in guy mode most of the time, but I make sure to have fun with style every day. My "drab" isn't actually drab at all!

Suzette Muguet de Mai
12-07-2010, 05:19 AM
When I am in male mode, I am Male 100% testosterone hormone pumping, crotch scratching, neanderthal. When I am in female mode I am the distinct opposite. Well that is what I would like to think. In reality, I am neither. Owning up, I find it getting harder to suppress my feminine side. I spend more time and money on the female wardrobe than I do on the male side.

Jay Cee
12-07-2010, 08:00 AM
I don't particularly want to look great while dressed as a guy. I do have a good pair of dress pants, a dress shirt, and a tie, but that is for formal occasions only. The rest of it is work clothes (for construction), and doesn't need to look great.

These days, I'm upgrading my androgynous closet. Some new girl jeans. Once the studs come out of my ears after a recent piercing, I can explore new earrings. Kind of exciting.

12-07-2010, 08:25 AM
Truthfully, I enjoy both my male and female personas! I love being a father, grandfather, and yes darn it a great grandfather. When expressing my female persona by dressing w full make-up etc. I totally enjoy it. Split personality? Who knows?

12-07-2010, 12:37 PM
I play either and both sides happily.
Gender is not necessarily binary (male vs. female) ....as I would call myself non-binary.

12-07-2010, 01:47 PM
I've gone as close to 24/7 as I can get. I dress 6 days a week and virtually every time I go out, it's en femme. I've made alterations to my life to accommodate the feminine side of me.. There's minimal exceptions to this that require me in drab, and for that, personally, I don't care one bit about my appearance.. I just throw on whatever's laying around.

12-07-2010, 11:00 PM
I got back from the community choir rehearsal, and I was one of two basses at the rehearsal. I have the more powerful voice of us basses, and I came back just wiped out. I had to sing loud enough to counterbalance a bunch of sopranos that sing in the high register. Then at toward the end of the rehearsal I had to sing a low Db below the bass staff at the end of a piece - and I'm the only one that can reach down that deep.

I guess I would not be a good candidate to try to pass as a woman in my speech, so the next best thing is to be a male lady.

It turns out there is no tuxedo available for me. If I did not have a black suit available I would have had to wear my black velvet dress as shown in my avatar for the performance - the clothes for the women.


12-07-2010, 11:02 PM
I have recently given my male side alot more attention to detail. I get my hair cut at a salon rather than the local bargin cuts type place. I generally keep a well groomed beard, and wear fitted shirts that better show off my male physique (<~spelling?). I think my need to keep my female side presentable and well kept has leaked into my male life, and actually helps reduce the amount of trimming and grooming necessary to transition from one to the other.

12-08-2010, 04:18 AM
I love being male! I'm a spitting, swearing, bodybuilding ego maniac! I dont give a f**k about how I look; I dont even use soap! However on the flip-side I like to be as perfect as I can when dressed so yeah probably another case of schizophrenia!

Kate Simmons
12-08-2010, 06:53 AM
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder Hon. You may not be as "ordinary looking" as a guy to some GG's as you may think. Being a full spectrum person isn't always easy but it's never boring.:)

12-08-2010, 01:01 PM
I very much enjoy both of my gendered selves. We are definitely separate and different (often very different in our approach to most things) but the one commonality is that we like to look good, gender nothwithstanding. LOL...my male side had the opportunity to wear my tux twice last weekend and it was great! Now I think I need to slip into that wonderful teal dress with the matching wedgies!

I love the difference, from either perspective!


12-09-2010, 01:19 AM
For those of you who have been xdressing for awhile and no longer deny your feminine side, how much do you care about the masculine part of your life if there is any. As far as me, I don't have that many male cloths nor do i care about a masculine appearance when in drab. everything i wear is somewhat androgynous.

I have plenty of male clothes, mainly on the side of androgynous, meaning vintage, that are appropriate for most outings – I do care about my appearance in drab. Depending on the situation, I dress accordingly. Do I care about the masculine part of my life? Not really. It’s more like the need to put on a male costume and flutter about, largely unnoticed by those around me. I’m privy to a secret I do not wish to share with everyone, since I crossdress for my own pleasure. BTW, when in drab, I never dress in a “masculine” style - that would make me extremely uncomfortable! If I’m wearing male clothes, the fabrics are softer (and high quality), there are restrained colors (if any), with contrasting values, the socks are very thin, the underwear is delicate and form-fitting, and the shoes are inappropriate for anything but dancing or display...

Hmmm...why are your eyebrows so neat, and what is that fragrance you’re wearing? :heehee:

12-09-2010, 01:30 AM
Love this thread. Even though we share our love for the woman form we all have different ideals and values

Molly Wells
12-09-2010, 01:34 AM
When I am in male mode (which is most of the time) I wear strictly male clothes with the exception of occasional panties. that is if the urge to dress is high but there is no time, then I will wear panties under my guy stuff. Never wear a bra or other femme things when in male mode. When in girl mode it it girl only! I do not want to share any clothes from male side to femme or back. I think for those that don't want to be recognized when in female mode that wearing the same clothes as guy mode will help to get you recognized. Most people have a limited wardrobe and it become recognizable to those we are around very much.

12-09-2010, 02:34 AM
I'm half way out of the closet. I'm should be too old to care, but my biological kids don't know (or admit, because my x outed me to them some years ago). I lived 24/7 privately - to me that's still hiding - till my youngest step daugher moved home...now I'm 12/7 at best !!! When out public settng with my wife (assuming no family is present) I can dress androgynously - women's tops, slacks, heels and some light make up. Given that...I have to ask myself from time to time - what I am I hiding?

12-09-2010, 08:50 AM
I don't see myself as having a male side or a female side. Just my side. And I love it. And all my clothes are great... I like to look good no mater what I wear...
What she said! :)


12-12-2010, 11:11 PM
The community chorus that I am a member of performed this afternoon.

I am one of two second basses in the chorus - I have hair that covers my ears and the back is almost shoulder length - a la femme, and the other second bass has his head shaved bald. So we are standing in front of the mirror in the men's room: I was combing my hair and he was putting powder on his head so it would not shine.

I was wearing a tuxedo type suit along with the other men; the women wore long black dresses. It's interesting that I really do not have the desire to wear feminine clothes whenever there are a bunch of women wearing their gender-distinctive clothes. So my urge to wear skirts, dresses, and heels apparently comes about since most women really don't wear gender-distinctive clothing, including my wife.

Later on in the choir warm up room I was making sure my hair was in place. A woman said to me, "Beautiful hair".

Right now I am wearing a long-sleeve cotton maxi-dress, while my wife is wearing pants.

12-12-2010, 11:38 PM
It is still there. I can see it now. When I raise my hands above my head it peeks out below my nightie.

12-12-2010, 11:59 PM
My male clothing was getting a bit dull and ratty for awhile, but now, I rather enjoy wearing some good quality men's clothing. Evidently the women I've run into appreciate it too. Bonus!

I've also got back into going to the gym (after many years absence). I'm getting built up again, and I do enjoy it. Over the past few years, my appreciation for good looks has developed along both sides, and I think it's a good thing. I would prefer to look good either way.

12-13-2010, 01:27 AM
Male clothing for the most part is dull. I love my leggings look, or Disco pant outfits when in male or androgynous mode. I have not worn slacks in a very long time, and jeans only when I have to. For formal events I would like to wear a long skirt with male tops. I see no reason this should not be permitted.

12-13-2010, 05:07 AM
I'm fully in the closet. Whenever out of the house, I'm dressed, and act, as a stereotypical male.

12-13-2010, 11:57 AM
T shirts and jeans most of the time. I try not to look like a pig. I stay fit, shave almost every day, clean wear cologne etc... When the occasion strikes like a wedding or other formal affair, I have several high quality suits and ties, Italian shoes etc...

Take pride in your appearance whether you're in a black high-power business suit, or 4" heels and sexy little black dress. I like to wear both, and I like to look as good as possible in both. I would be alot happier if it took as much time to put on the girly things as it does to put on my manly things. Alas, this is not the case.


12-13-2010, 12:04 PM
When I am in male mode (which is most of the time) I wear strictly male clothes with the exception of occasional panties. that is if the urge to dress is high but there is no time, then I will wear panties under my guy stuff. Never wear a bra or other femme things when in male mode. When in girl mode it it girl only! I do not want to share any clothes from male side to femme or back. I think for those that don't want to be recognized when in female mode that wearing the same clothes as guy mode will help to get you recognized. Most people have a limited wardrobe and it become recognizable to those we are around very much.
Well said Molly! I agree with this as well. I do want to look my best as a man, but nnow i also want to go as far as I can to look as good as Lauren as I can.
She's just gotten too loud to ignore. lol
Off to the North biPole!