View Full Version : Advice 'n' Help about after Veet-ing... That place. ^^;;

09-13-2005, 06:59 PM
Howdy, all! I feel a bit... awkward, finally posting here I guess. ^^;; I'm a long-time-lurker, first-time-poster, and while the subject matter at hand is certainly awkward, I feel more out of place just posting in general. (I'm not a big message-board person. I like to read, dislike to write. XD) So I mean, didn't want ya' ladies to get the wrong impression of me or nothin'!

Anyhow. I'm recently 20 years old, long-time crossdresser, artist-by-trade and still living at home with my folks. (They call us "starving artists" for a reason, ya' see - and I like to not starve, so I'm still living at home 'till I'm up and on my feet financially.) Today I had the house ALL to myself - no parents, no sister. And you know what that means. ;) The whole shebang - nails, makeup, underwear and skirt. Oh geez, I think I went through, like, four diff wardrobe changes just today, it's been a lo-o-o-ong time since I had the opportunity. To cap off the day, I hopped in the tub to shave - something I also hadn't done in quite some time.

On my way in I happened upon something in my sister's cabinet, however: Veet Resera hair removal cream. I was like "Hair removal? Sweet." I read through the instructions, started to lather up. Legs, chest, underarms and, uhm... The special place. =3 I was lathering up the boys (or would it be "girls?" XD) when I got down through the Precaution. Up 'till then it sounded pretty same ol' same ol', and I was only skimming it. "Do not light can on fire. Do not stab with knife. Etc etc." Then I got to the near-bottom of the list, and read "Do not apply to genitalia." I was all "Oh CRAP!"

I'd felt a burning sensation here and there, but figured it was hair-removal. No pain no gain (or loss), right? But I wasn't about to let my balls burn (and oh, they all ready were). I was rinsing off as quickly as I could, and sat in a tub of cold water, rinsing it on and off over and over again. Much to the product's credit, I am, indeed, almost totally bald everywhere below my head now - balls included. (And wow, is THAT a feeling I haven't felt in a long time.) Yet I was worried, and decided to Google Veet+testicles and came up with interesting results.

See, it's always bad to look stuff up on the Net. If you're worried about something to begin with, the Internet will only make you worry more. I got everything from chemical burns to bleeding, etc. I was VERY worried, now. Bits and areas were still a bit sore - my balls, my left man-boob, my left thigh. They've gotten better, and most of the redness has gone away.

But I'm still worried. Hence my hand has been forced, and I felt the desperate need to post. I was wondering if any of you ladies had any experience with this sort've thing. How to recognize chemical burns, what the dangers of those burns are. Mostly I just want to make sure my balls aren't gonna' fall off. ^^;; I'd look it up online, but I'm afraid I'll scare myself to death doing it.

I'm also worried that if it is bad, then I may finally be forced to put my crossdressing into the public domain. See, all my friends know, as does previous girlfriends and my current, too. They're all totally cool about it. I was a very OUT child growing up - art and eccentricities, after all, so a little boy with a love for costumes (girls' and boys') and makeup and facepaint was no big. That artistic interest dwindled in the years to come as I found my first true passion (comic book art) but it stayed with me. In secret. Because when I hit puberty, and came to know the ways of the world, I decided it was something that should be a secret. I've since changed my mind regarding that - it's no secret to anyone anymore, except my family. As I'm not sure how to bring it back up after all these years.

So I'm worried that, if this might be bad, I might be forced to come out at last. I'm 20, but I've no license to drive (a circumstance of a rigorous high school academic life) and the nearest doctors are in the next city. I'm of age to keep the matter private, but my parents care enough that if I simply request to be taken to the doctor, they'll demand to know what's wrong. And explaining "I chemicalled the hair offa' my balls and everyplace else" is a bit difficult to do without mentioning "Oh yeah, I also like to wear skirts."

So that's my conundrum. Part of it was that I just wanted to type this out, as it HAS relaxed me quite a bit since my mass-hysteria "Oh crap my balls are on fire!" shower. But anyone's experiences or advice they can share is much appreciated. It's an oddball (*snort*) kinda' situation, I know. I know I'm sure as heck sticking to the good ol' fashioned razor-blade from now on, though (And I'm so worried about my balls, I'll probably never shave down there again!). Thanks much in advance. I'm feeling much better now - my balls don't sting, it's just my left nipple now. XD And I'm a bit more relaxed. A little bit. Still worried. ^^;;; Thanks.

-- Mattie

EDIT: Whoops. Just noticed this got moved. Sorry about that! Wasn't sure if this particular part would go there or otherwise here. ^^;;

09-14-2005, 02:47 AM
I veete'd once and fell asleep.... it burned, I gave it a few days, the irritation left. I used a ph balanced unperfumed emulsifier (aka expensive intensive dermal care skin cream) to moisturise the area, and had no further problems.

Why need to come out if you need medical help ? if you're 20, your doctor must (by law I should immagine) treat you in total confidence.

If it gets to look worse, rather than better, see a doctor... Tell him it was a drunken stunt your pals' thought would be a huge gag, but it went wrong and get it sorted. Your (not so) hairy-plums are safe, mine have had worse I promise you.

May I suggest the instant but not long-lasting pain of wax next time ? ;)



09-14-2005, 12:50 PM
you will be ok, in about 1-2wks everything will clear up. just wait untill everything clears before veeting again. wait about 4-5min after applying then wash off.

09-16-2005, 07:34 PM
I just shave and don't mess with any sort of depilatory cream. They've never worked for me and they all smell like a man with chronic flatulence who's eating limburger cheese while getting a perm in the septic tank of a slaughterhouse.

09-18-2005, 09:58 AM
I just shave and don't mess with any sort of depilatory cream. They've never worked for me and they all smell like a man with chronic flatulence who's eating limburger cheese while getting a perm in the septic tank of a slaughterhouse.

I couldn't have put it any better my selfLOL :)

Tara Beth
09-18-2005, 01:36 PM
Well, I've no experience with depilatories, but I can second the comment about not looking to the internet for medical matters. DO NOT do a yahoo search for "wisdom teeth extraction." I was scared for what turned out to be substantially less than what I imagined.

Back to depilatories,.....well now you've all got me scared of those too! :D

09-19-2005, 12:18 PM
I've been veet/nairing my "stuff" successfully for a few years. Not all the time, but probably five or six times/year. While you can leave the stuff on hard to de-hair areas like knees longer than the recommended time, you have to be VERY CAREFULL veeting "the boys." If you go at the minimum recommended time, and rinse thoroughly, you shouldn't have a problem. Yes, it will sting a little, and if you find that the hair doesn't come off easily, by all means don't do it again for several days.

Also, coat "the boys" and netherregion, with neosporin for a few days, and you'll be good to go.


09-19-2005, 05:44 PM
I also use nair on my private areas about 8 times a year and apply a vitamin E cream to the area immediately after rinsing off and I don't hardly even turn red in the area. The amount of reddening dissappears the next day. :thumbsup:

09-20-2005, 02:04 PM
Never used any other hair removal method other than shaving.But,I can relate to the burn.I love eating hot,really hot peppers(Habenyeros),handleing them and then going in to shake Mr.Wiggley is an experiance I can do without.Once was enough.Have to use disposable examination gloves now.

10-04-2005, 07:51 PM
3 minutes and it's gone. I loved it! but even though I tried, I got some on my ... ehem under area and it burned like H E double hockey sticks but it went away 2 days later :)

You should be alright.