View Full Version : Throwing off the shackles of oppression…

Jennifer Girl
12-07-2010, 05:55 PM
…by shaving my legs! I’ve always wanted to shave my legs. Ever since I was a small child and first noticed that I had hair on my legs, I wanted it off. Well first my parents, then society, and eventually girlfriends have always kept me from shaving them. Finally I have had all of the oppression that I can stand and I can’t stand anymore. I’m shaving my legs tonight for the first time in my life! My current girlfriend isn’t going to like it one bit, but that’s okay because I’m getting to the point where I don’t like her one bit. She’s a loser and she can’t get her life together and she’s really needy and, worst of all, she is disgusted by crossdressing. More and more lately I’ve been asking myself why am I wasting my time with her and why am I letting her force me into a life of hairy legs? But I digress…so I’ve made my decision – I’m shaving my legs tonight and I hope that it pisses her off so bad that she never wants to speak to me again (if I’m lucky).

I’ve been covering my leg hair by wearing thick opaque nude tights made by Capizo. They’re great for hiding leg hair, but just not the same look or feel as sheer pantyhose or stockings. So tonight, for the first time in 39 years of my life, I’m going to know what it feels like to have pantyhose over smooth legs! Just in time, too. I’m going to a party this Saturday and I’m wearing a skirt that comes to mid-thigh. I can’t wait!!! :D

Jenny Gurl
12-07-2010, 06:16 PM
Lots of separate issues there, but I hope you enjoy your smooth legs. The first time I did it, I felt like a whole new person. I'm sure many here can relate. Just don't burn your bra, you may need it after you get the smooth legs.:heehee:

Kelli Ann
12-07-2010, 06:23 PM
Just remeber, once you do shave them you will become addicted to it! I absolutely love shaving mine. I think it is the ultimate in underdressing. Shaving your legs and keeping them shaved will definetely boost and take your femininity to the next level!


Kelli Ann

12-07-2010, 06:26 PM
I shaved my legs for the first time a few years ago. I was not prepared for the different sensation that you get when shaved. Everything that touches your legs feels totally different. I like the feeling of rubbing freshly shaved legs together when you are in the shower. So smooth and slippery ... I might just go for a shower now!

12-07-2010, 06:26 PM
You might want to use Nair or Veet the first time around. When I shaved the hair off my legs for the first time I was always clogging up my razor and got razor burns in several places.

Now I shave my legs with a razor - Gillette's 5 bladed Venus razor.

There is nothing like the feeling of hose on freshly shaved legs!

I'm very fortunate that nobody thought it was wrong for me to shave my legs, arms, and body.

12-07-2010, 06:29 PM
You gonna love it! I been shaving my legs for few years and at first I told everyone that since I play soccer most athletes do it anyways but now I can careless what anyone says, I love the feeling of smoothness and I been getting facial laser hair removal, is taking a little more than I expected but Im loving it.

Love Ericka..

Nicole Erin
12-07-2010, 06:35 PM
Imagine the liberation you will enjoy when you shave your private area as well!
OK joking... :)

Oh hey as you know, set aside plenty of private time for yourself when you try on the hose cause let me tell you, when you see and feel the difference, should you be a hose lover, you are going to want a lot of time being your OWN girlfriend! Oh yeah, you gonna LOVE it! :D

Donna June
12-07-2010, 06:37 PM
Oh my gosh, you are going to love how it feels

12-07-2010, 06:44 PM
Good for you Jennifer. I have shaved my legs (plus what little was on my chest and left a little landing strip elsewhere) for 10+ years and can't imagine going back to hairy.

Hey, if you're done with the girlfriend then, why not use this as a way to express your independence! Your girlfriend may never appreciate what she's missing, but someone else will!!!

12-07-2010, 07:01 PM
Hi Jennifer,

Sorry to hear that your girlfriend is such a bad match for you. Sounds like the relationship is a doomed one, and not just because of the CD issue. Be glad that you two aren't married, that makes things much more complicated, and worse IMO.

Anyway, congratulations on shaving those legs!! That can be a revelation, and I suspect that once you're used to it, you'll never go back to hairy legs. Have fun on Saturday!

Carol :hugs:

12-07-2010, 07:28 PM
You won't go back and it's just the tip of the iceburg. Enjoy!!

12-07-2010, 07:35 PM
Personally, I can't even bring myself to dress up anymore unless my legs are shaved. Congrats!

Cassandra Lynn
12-07-2010, 07:44 PM
Let freedom ring!
Well from leg hair anyways. Chances are that this will just be the beginning, as i believe it was for many of us.
I've been hairless (well, cept for one small area) for yrs, only had forearm hair for my summer job.

Not sure i agree with the nair or veet treatment the first time, a better idea is using an electric hair groomer with attachment and getting all the long hair down as far as you can, before the razor, and don't scrimp on good cream and razors.

Enjoy it...............as you most deffinitely will!

12-07-2010, 07:58 PM
Good luck! I have found it works better to use the trimmer on my electric razor to shorten it as MsMjSerene suggests before you use the blade. I found it clogs the razor like crazy. Gillette Venus works well for me, probably better than the one designed to work on your face. Be sure to moisturize. Don't know about your choice of shave gel, but Skintimate seems to work well for me. If you've never shaved them before, then it's a very different feeling, especially under the sheets or when you put pants on. I wouldn't be too bent out of shape on the implications of shaving them; bicyclists and swimmers often do.

Can't comment too much on your girlfriend, although I had one that sounds similar and was giving me lots of red flags. You gotta watch out for #1 though, and if she doesn't make you happy then you either have to figure out what's wrong and try to rectify that, or move on. Good luck!

12-07-2010, 08:02 PM
Personally, I can't even bring myself to dress up anymore unless my legs are shaved. Congrats!

Me to.

Anyway, the thing with your GF is something u should do regardless of shaved legs etc, if u want to end it with her, i dont think its such a good idea to hope that she will end it couse of shaved legs. I mean, u should first throw those shackles of if u really feel that way. Sorry, dont want to interfere, but ..kinda had to say this.

As for the shaved legs, especialy for the first time ever, it really is kinda liberating :)

Sarah Doepner
12-07-2010, 09:14 PM
You may want to moisturize your legs with an aloe base gel or lotion after you have shaved. That's nice too.

As for the girlfriend, well I can't give you advice there, but it sounds like she doesn't really understand how deep crossdressing goes in our personalities. Good luck on both counts.

12-07-2010, 09:22 PM
I'm trying to find a girlfriend and you are trying get rid of one. How interesting.

12-07-2010, 09:48 PM
Congratulations on your newly shaved legs!

But, the right thing to do would be for you to break it off with your girlfriend and tell her the real reasons why, rather than hope she will get angry and break it off with you. I understand your anger about having repressed yourself all your life, but it's unfair to your girlfriend to pile all of that onto her.

12-07-2010, 11:20 PM
Big step. Do it.

12-07-2010, 11:47 PM
First the legs, then the chest, then the pits, then the privates. SMOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOTH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

12-08-2010, 04:56 AM
Its amazing!

Im lucky having a mother of chinese origin a have bald arms but as I am a mix I still have hairy legs, boo! Even as my male self I love shaved legs as I can see my muscle definition better. The only hair I cant bare to rid is the line running form the pubic region up to the belly button; I love it - but I also know I would love to have without it sometimes! Cant win! Unfortunately I cant shave my armpits as I like to wear vests to the gym and in general when in male clothing and I think it is more appropriate, but my mind may change!

12-08-2010, 06:18 AM
You will luv your shaved legs until the next day.The stubble is a terrible feeling. Shave everyday to keep it smooth. What a chore, so I've been epilating and go 10 days between times. I don't even get stubble. It grows back slowly and finer like a womans leg hair.

Kate Simmons
12-08-2010, 06:49 AM
Sounds like you've made your decision and any victory is mostly symbolic. You may want to give some thought as to where this will lead down the road though as the euphoria will eventually wear off.:)

12-08-2010, 07:27 AM
Yes shaving, one legs is a milestone in the tg journey. I too felt as if I was makng a stateman and taking a stnd good for you!!!!!!!!!!!!!

12-08-2010, 08:44 AM
Love it, shave everyday, I lost about 2 lbs. in hair when I first shaved !! If only I could reach my back everyday :o I agree, go with the electric first and then a good 5 blade works great for me, in fact I don't even use gel anymore, just shave with the water running on them as not much grows back each day, faster and cheaper and works for me. My wife had one of those razors with the soap block attached to it, she hated it and was going to chuck it out, so I used it and whacked a big hunk of skin off my ankle, so I threw it out for her !:)

Now as for the girlfriend: If you are not out to others and don't want to be, you may want to treat the split (if it comes to that) with kid gloves. If you piss her off too much, would she be the type that outs you to all of your mutual friends ? Food for thought.

But enjoy the shaving experience, do the pits as well ! :D

Question for others that shave: when you shave your legs, do they feel kind of damp/cool/rubbery (hard to describe) after you have shaved ? Especially when you put your man pants back on. I get this no matter what I do, gel, no gel, soap, exfoliating, doesn't matter. Don't want to hijack the thread so maybe I should start a new one.

12-08-2010, 09:20 AM
Congrats on your decision to shave your legs! As others have stated, it will be an exciting different feeling - not only on your legs, but in your mind. You may think "why did I wait and what next should I shave"! Continue to do what YOU feel is best for you at the moment! If your GF is not giving you positive re-actions, it is time to move on. IMO she will only hold you back from enjoying who you are!

Jennifer Girl
12-08-2010, 10:37 AM
Thank you everybody for the kind words of support! You are all so great! And YES I AM addicted to shaving my legs now!!! WOW they feel great! And yes, I am breaking it off with the girlfriend today. Not just because of the CD'ing either. We're not a good match.

I'm trying to find a girlfriend and you are trying get rid of one. How interesting.

Just be more picky than me when you're choosing one. :D I'm a sucker for cute faces and cute little bodies, but they turn out to be disasters!

First the legs, then the chest, then the pits, then the privates. SMOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOTH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well luckily, I ONLY have hair on my legs, pits, and private parts (and not that much). My back, chest, butt, and the rest are all naturally hairless!

Sharon B.
12-08-2010, 05:19 PM
Congratulation Jennifer;
You are now addicted to keeping the hair on your body hair-free. Feels great all year long.

12-08-2010, 06:02 PM
I have been shaving for like 7 years now and I prefer it to being a hairy gorilla. I am so hairy some pores have like 3 hairs comming out..... Yeeeccchhhhhhh!


12-08-2010, 08:18 PM
I shave year-round now regardless of what I'm wearing, it's funny, no one notices or comments. I hate body hair in general. At the moment though my gf and I have decided to try waxing and growing out the hair SUCKS! I am itchng to shave!

12-09-2010, 03:05 AM
Ya know, a lot of heartache could be avoided by recognizing a bad fit. No need to blame either yourself nor her....just a bad fit...like heels that pinch just a bit.

Ultimately,tho, Jenn, you need to be who you are...a really attractive girl with so much to offer! You just need to find someone comefortable with the delightful person that you are!!!!!!

Just be more picky than me when you're choosing one. :D I'm a sucker for cute faces and cute little bodies, but they turn out to be disasters!

Well luckily, I ONLY have hair on my legs, pits, and private parts (and not that much). My back, chest, butt, and the rest are all naturally hairless![/QUOTE]

12-09-2010, 09:13 AM
My tip for getting the most out of the experience; once shaved don't rush to put your nylons on. Have patience padawan, wait for your legs to be fully dry, not even slightly damp. That way your nylons will go on soooo smoothly. Oh and yes, one more thing, treat your self to the best finest denier pair you can get. You will remember that sensation for a long time.(They say crack cocaine is less addictive)