View Full Version : Ever been clocked wrong... in boy mode?

12-20-2010, 04:47 PM
Psst! Ever been ma'md when you were in boy mode?

I was at Disneyland recently this past Friday in boy mode and the lady up on the register at the candy store insisted that I was a girl! All I wanted was my peanut brittle, but she kept on saying, "Will that be all for you ma'm?" to which I replied with my boy voice, "Yes!" My new friend even said, "Did she just call you 'ma'm?" and hushed him and smiled.

Finally, the poor lady looked at my photo on my debit card and looked at me and said, "Alexander?!" to which I replied, "Yes?" with a grin on my face. I then said, "You called me 'ma'm'!" to which she replied, "No, I called you Alexander!" with a sneaky smile, turning red with her mistake.

I've included a couple of pics of me from that day, so you be the judge whether it was right for me to be ma'md. One is a full photo of my outfit and the other is a capture of an on-ride photo.

Otherwise, I'd like to hear some accounts from some of the members here who've been ma'md while in boy mode.

148639 148640

12-20-2010, 04:50 PM
It happened to me just a couple of days ago but it was just a slip of the tougue.

I was buying breakfast at the place I always do totally in boy mode. I asked the cleck a question and he answered "Yes Ma'am...I mean Sir"
I just laughed it off but I was thinking about the times I do get called Ma'am and how much I like it.

12-20-2010, 04:55 PM
I don't blame her, you look like a ma'am or a miss. But I am old and probably have poor eyesight!

12-20-2010, 05:02 PM
Yes, I get called "Sir" nearly all the time, which is not correct for me.

I am getting called "ma'm" more often now, but it still isn't "common", even when I'm wearing a dress or skirt.

12-20-2010, 05:11 PM
I can see someone ma'aming you in boy mode, based on your pics above (and BTW, you are beautiful in either mode, IMHO), but the 2 or 3 times it happened to me back in the day still mystify me. I think back...there I was in a t-shirt and sweats, no support or enhancement for my tiny A-cup boobs (which without a bra just looked like a slightly fleshy chest), no makeup, beard stubble, my natural hair (long, but even back then with a very obvious male receding hairline), no earrings or female jewelry, no polish to call attention to my nails, no conscious attempt at acting or speaking "girlish" -- and STILL I got "ma'amed" a few times! I couldn't see it, but a friend told me that perhaps I was in spite of all those other "clues" still unconsciously projecting an "aura" of femininity from all the time I spent as Starla.

But I think that's New Age claptrap -- my assumption still is that these people needed to see an optometrist!

12-20-2010, 05:17 PM
I've included a couple of pics of me from that day, so you be the judge whether it was right for me to be ma'md. One is a full photo of my outfit and the other is a capture of an on-ride photo.

Maaaaaaaaybe mistaken in the ride-on photo, maybe. But to me at least, you shouldn't be mistaken so easily in male mode.

Can't say I've been ma'md in male mode, but I usually have so much stuble that it's a dead give away. I just can't stop the stuff.

Karren H
12-20-2010, 05:21 PM
Hell I'm lucky to get Ma'amed enfemme.....

12-20-2010, 06:35 PM
I have been sir'ed when wearing a dress!


12-20-2010, 07:44 PM
I can totally see why this might happen to you, as the features of your face are so cute and cuddly!!

For me it happens on the phone all the time.. me: "Hello..." them: "Hi, is this the lady of the house?" LOL, and I always say "Yes, how can I help you."

In person though it's not happened for about 20 years. In my late teens, when I still had the long curly locks and couldn't grow a beard no matter how hard I tried, it was a regular occurrence. My girl friend at the time and I used to be mistaken for sisters quite often. These days however the shiny spot on top of my head, and the ever present gray shadow of my nemesis the 'face monster', are pretty much a dead giveaway while I'm en-homme. Thank the Universe for pretty wigs and quality cosmetics!

12-20-2010, 08:52 PM
You could pass for a Miss no problem!! You're a Miss to me ;)

12-20-2010, 09:55 PM
In your case, it's easy to see why she addressed you in that manner, you're cute, petite and feminine-looking.

I have had people mistake me for a female while in man-drag a few times, but in my case, it's always a shock, as I'm 6'5" in my bare feet, and not exactly slender (that's an understatement, unfortunately). The best one was when I was fishing (!) at a nearby lake, wearing a t-shirt, jeans, a baseball cap and sunglasses. My hair is longish, and my cap covered the thinning hair on top, and I was wearing a rhinestone stud in my left ear. Anyway, a couple high-school aged boys were working their way around the lake, casting artificials for bass, and when they got near me, one of them asked if I was catching anything, and I replied that I was catching a few sunfish, nothing special. They continued on their way, and I heard the one say to the other that until I spoke, he thought I was a woman. That totally amazed me.

I've also been maam'ed a couple times dressed as a guy when in my car where my height wasn't so obvious too.


12-20-2010, 09:59 PM
This outfit sort of fascinates me, Lexie. IMO, the top of you looks girly, and the bottom of you looks quite masculine, fading smoothly from one end of the spectrum to the other, from top to bottom.

I guess the sales lady saw whatever she wanted to see, because you could probably be read either way depending on what a person focused on. You look adorable as always, by the way. :)

12-20-2010, 10:16 PM
Nope, I would have mame'd you too. and I mean that as a compliment. 15 years ago I was having lunch with my sister in a restauarant, my hair was on the longish side and was wearing a unisex type bulky turtleneck. I got "what can I get you mame?" for two different waitresses who stopped at my table. After I told the second one that I just heard that from her friend she says". .so get a haircut!" ... cracked me up.

12-20-2010, 10:53 PM
You look like a female even in male mode. Sorry but it is true

Rachel Morley
12-20-2010, 10:57 PM
Looking at your pix I can see she why you were mammed. You are very feminine in the face for a guy and with your long hair and gender neutral clothes ... :)

You asked about instances of being mammed in boy mode. It has happened to me several times over the last 3 or 4 years. I'm always with my wife when it happens, and we get called "ladies" yet I am in my "girly-boy mode".

First off, I want to tell you I'm not a very big person to start with. I'm only 5'4" tall and I weigh 130 lbs. I have small hands and I take a US women's size 8 shoe (UK 6-1/2). I also have thinly plucked eyebrows and long fingernails with subtle nail polish. My girly-boy look is usually a baseball cap, gold stud earrings, minimal makeup like eyeliner, mascara and lip gloss. I usually wear my pink and white tennis shoes, tight fitting jeans (sometimes my older boot cut ones), a women's fitted t-shirt and either a classic style high buttoning cardigan or a girls hoodie. Add all this together and I guess I don't look very manly, but I don't think I look "that" much like a woman to be mistaken for one either ... mostly because I'm not dressed fully en femme ... when I say "fully", I mean in the sense of not wearing a wig, forms and hip padding.

Anyway, I absolutely love being mammed when dressed this way. Usually it's a quick "off the cuff" comment in passing where the perosn dosen't get too much of a long look at me, but I remember a specific time in Las Vegas a couple of years ago. My wife and I were walking down the strip in the Saturday afternoon sunshine. I was dressed the way I have just described, and as we approached a woman handing out fliers, she held out her flier to me, smiled, made eye contact, and said "How about a show Ladies ... umm ... Sir.... err ... I mean, Ma'am." I was beaming with happiness when this happened because for a person to actually be confused about my gender when they looked at me and I am in (my) boy mode made me feel fabulous. It happened again about half an our later with a different woman. She was giving out fliers too! :)

Having said all that ... I don't think I'm even in your league. I have to wear fairly obvious girls clothes and eye makeup added to my small stature to get this type of thing happen to me. You on the other hand ......

Diane Elizabeth
12-20-2010, 11:00 PM
I have had it happen a couple of times. When I went into a restaurant with my SO the gal greeted us with "Hello ladies". I had just got off work and was wearing T shirt and jeans. They assumed because of my long hair that I was a female. I did not try to correct them. I relished the moment.

12-20-2010, 11:05 PM
I get it on the phone a lot, but not in person. It used to happen a lot back when I was young and pretty. Not so much since the hair started to go, and it's been noticeably thinning since I was 20. :)

12-21-2010, 12:24 AM
yeah!!!!, back when my actual hair was long, and down to the middle of my back. I happened to be out bowling with my neighbors, and some kid came up to me from behind, to try to sell me something, and said "excuse me, miss".....When i turned around, he realized his mistake and got real embarassed. That was the first and only time. I was always used to people coming up to me and asking me what tribe i belonged to. There were quite a number of people who believed i was American Indian. Even a couple Indians themselves!

12-21-2010, 12:46 AM
I have this happen to me to. I did not like at first now. Love It!

12-21-2010, 01:07 AM
mamm ,sir, at least they know i am in the room. :devil: seriously, have been mamd
and i wonder what prescription was on their glasses, but I sure did love every time it happened

Schatten Lupus
12-21-2010, 02:03 AM
It happens every so often. I would think my height and broad shoulders would be a dead giveaway, but I used to get ma'amed at one of old jobs so frequently I could almost count on it happening, which is very odd because people had to see me from behind because I had a long goatee at the time.

12-21-2010, 02:11 AM
I'd say you were meant to be a girl after seeing your avatar.

Diane Smith
12-21-2010, 02:56 AM
When I go through a fast food driveup or checkout line, it's about 50/50 now whether I will be addressed as "sir" or "ma'am." But I do have long hair, eye makeup and long nails all the time -- you, Lexine, on the other hand, have a much more naturally androgynous face and general build.

- Diane

12-21-2010, 06:12 AM
I agree you have a female look to you. My wife hatted that when we were out and I was in male mode and people would say can I help you ladies. But now we fixed that problem. No more male mode. See how simple you can fix that problem.

12-21-2010, 06:24 AM
Not since I was in my teens. At first it used to annoy me but when I realised that as a boy being mistaken for a girl I would make a convincing girl when dressed. This led to some fun with some of my girl friends. Certainly couldn't pass muster now.

jessica renee
12-21-2010, 06:43 AM
It happens to me about half the time too. It used to bother me but not so much anymore.

12-21-2010, 12:37 PM
Just the other day, I have a week left of work before I come out F/T as Angel at the office, so I was on my way to work in the morning still in guy mode. I had on a 1/2 length black winter coat, black gloves, and a forest green pashmina scarf around my neck and tucked in. Underneath the scarf was a men's button shirt and tie, but you'd not see it. I walked up to the register at D&D's, and the clerk (who I didn't recognize for once) ma'amed me through my whole order!! I was soo stunned I nearly forgot to bring my voice up as I responded to him. I was talking to one of the other girls who I know there after, who confirmed that he 'didn't know', and congratulated me as I ended up knocking my whole coffee onto the floor. Ugh..

Kicker? Later that afternoon I went into a diff. diner, and was talking to the girls there about the morning, and got giddy again.. and NEARLY wore my drink there too. I certainly wasn't offended, and now my biggest headache will be the opposite with my RLE beginning on New Years. Go figure.

Dee Baker
12-21-2010, 02:12 PM
Ok since Karen didn’t jump on this one then I guess I will.

Does this mean you were Counterclocked?



kate dresser
12-21-2010, 03:54 PM
When I was in boy mode I was buying a new bra and panty set, as I walked up to the sales desk the SA asked if I would like to try it on. I should have said yes but didnt. When I replied she was a little embarassed.

12-21-2010, 07:29 PM
Not since I was a teenager, but it's something I'm aspiring too now, with the right haircut and some other subtle cues like earrings

Amawa Hibiki
12-21-2010, 08:34 PM
I am called 'mam about 50% of the time on the phone, no matter where or what phone I am using… even at work. Co-Workers will call up and ask who is speaking. I hear a few faint chuckles out of them after I tell them who I am.

12-22-2010, 02:33 AM
THat happens to me on the phone occasionally. I don't have a deep voice at all, and may sound feminine. It no longer bothers me.

12-22-2010, 04:15 AM
I pass as female more when I am not trying. (in 'boy' mode) I love it !! I love the 'her' 'she' 'that Woman' etc. I just hate it when/if they notice the "mistake" and than say 'excuse me, Sir.' or worse the 'Sir' when I am in full fem mode.


Claire Cook
12-22-2010, 06:44 AM
It's happened to me a couple of times -- maybe recently because I wear clear nail polish and a femme wedding ring most of the time in drab, and when people look at my hands first. Once or twice peolple realized they made a mistake and apologized -- to which I said, "No problem -- thanks for the compliment!"

12-22-2010, 07:03 PM
I was dressed up as a female cheerleader for a Halloween party, and had my legs shaved.

One of the girls who was there told me I "had the legs" for the costume, and when I was leaned over on a window-like opening that separated the kitchen / dining room to the living room, the same woman said there was "too much ass" in there...

12-23-2010, 03:30 AM
I need to add to this today since I got mistaken for a girl again tonight LOL

Tonight was the night of our office's Christmas party. We were on our way back to our party bus after seeing the Clippers lose to the Rockets at Staples Center when these guys standing right next to a different party bus asked us if we wanted to join them. J, one of the girls I work with, asked if it was our party bus and I replied, "No," so she kept walking past them. One of the guys then walks infront and around me, looked at my face, at which point I felt his eyes go down towards my legs and said, "Wow! Are you sure you don't want to go with us, gorgeous?"

I replied in a manly voice, "Uhh, not in a million years buddy!"

After that I just kept on walking until I found our party bus. Funny thing is that I was wearing the same jacket that I wore back in Disneyland shown in the opening post. Hmm...

Joanne f
12-23-2010, 05:21 AM
Yes only by my wife as she thought she was marrying a man :heehee:

12-23-2010, 03:53 PM
Today when I was paying for my breakfast in the cafeteria at work, the lady said "Thankyou Ma'am!" Then she got a screwed up looked on her face, then half stating and half questioning said "You're a guy, I'm sorry!" Then I smiled and said "I'm sorry too!" and picked up my food and walked away. After that I heard some girls behind me giggling and smiling. That would have normally bothered me, but today I felt really good being mistaken for a girl! Maybe I'm starting to outwardly appear and act more feminine? I'm afraid to be critisized, but another part of me really wants to look like a woman.

Schatten Lupus
12-23-2010, 05:21 PM
I just realized that it has been about a year since anyone has "ma'amed" me. But my hair has also gotten long enough that when combined with a band shirt most people probably see a long haired hippy before anything.

12-23-2010, 06:48 PM
One of the guys then walks infront and around me, looked at my face, at which point I felt his eyes go down towards my legs and said, "Wow! Are you sure you don't want to go with us, gorgeous?"

I replied in a manly voice, "Uhh, not in a million years buddy!"

I'd pay good money to be able to see the reaction on his face. :D

Midnight Skye
12-23-2010, 10:06 PM
I've had this happen too Lexi... its been a while though as I haven't been femming out as much. It tends to happen when I send mixed signals, like wearing my hair in a female way and wearing just enough makeup to have a noticeable feminine touch. Generally the deciding factor is what voice comes out...

I get this ALOT over the phone and at drive throughs... I'm actually using my female voice more often than my male voice at this point so thats always funny.

The two times it really surprised me though was at the orthodontist. I was clearly dressed in a mens shirt and slacks... but my hair and face were fixed very feminine and sure enough they tried calling out Miss Skye... I blinked stupidly in my seat for 10-30 seconds before the gal panicked and started searching for my sex on the forms (blushes) that was just embarrassing.

The other time I was just picking up groceries, again feminine hair and face, mens dress-shirt and slacks... this was really weird as I was at my usual grocery store, and a new cashier was checking me out. She mam'ed me... and I just chatted away with her in my fem voice as if all was normal. She really thought I was a chic picking up her groceries... though I'm not sure how.

Its those days I wonder what magic makes me female.... while on other days dressed obviously for the part people look at me as if I'm something not quite female.

12-23-2010, 10:29 PM
maybe its the super groomed eyebrow arch?

12-23-2010, 11:53 PM
hehe it happens to me a lot because i dress really femme in 'boy mode'. ive been to restaurants with my gf where the server will say 'what will you ladies be having tonight' and then they will look at me and apologize and i just smile hehe

i get a lot of young kids that walk by and ask their mother 'mommy, is that a boy or a girl?' :p

12-24-2010, 08:27 PM
I can recall getting called "ma'am" twice. The first was picking up a sweater dress from a store after work. Male mode. Hadn't shaved since the morning. "I can help you over here ma'am... oh, I'm sorry!" The second was getting groceries after work, with the bagger asking me which type of bag.

In both cases, I could easily laugh it off, while smiling inside.

12-25-2010, 11:29 AM
I replied in a manly voice, "Uhh, not in a million years buddy!"

12-25-2010, 11:50 AM
maybe its the super groomed eyebrow arch?

Angie, if their indicator that I'm a girl is only through my groomed eyebrows, then they got a lot of problems to worry about considering I didn't even have my forms on LOL

Prissy Linda
12-25-2010, 02:45 PM
Most of the time my eyebrows are tidy with a somewhat feminine arch but not extreme except for those opps moments when I get carried away. A few months ago on a Friday evening I decided to wear a bit of foundation, some finishing powder and lined my eye a bit. I was was wearing red sleep pants and a t shirt that wasn't gender specific since I had planned on just hanging out at home for the evening. My wife yelled up to the bedroom that she needed milk from the convenient store and asked me to go get some, I stepped out and told her I had just applied makeup, her response was "oh just go the way you are, I need the milk" So I slipped on my white Sketchers and off I went. There were not many people there, maybe 7 total. So I grabbed a gallon of milk and went to pay. The cashier smiled then asked "Ma'am" is that all for you? I smiled at her the walked to the door to exit when two men say me and opened the door for me and smiled and nodded as if I was a woman. I had no wig or forms but felt and was treated like a woman just doing what normal woman do.

My wife thanked me, asked if anyone noticed my makeup and earrings since she didn't really get a good look at me before I left. I just acted like it was no big deal. Then I went back upstairs to finish my makeup.

Does that count as getting clocked in boy mode?


12-25-2010, 04:00 PM
I get this all the time from first meetings, at gas stations a lot until the credit card is shown. What is funny, at least to me is when shopping and at the checkout guys attempting to hit on me and then hear me in my male voice then their attitude changes and back off or if I notice them doing this I will drop into my female voice because there are times when men are offended at themselves for wanting to hit on a female who is not female and they tend to blame us.

12-26-2010, 11:52 AM
Hell I'm lucky to get Ma'amed enfemme.....

Haha Karren,,, great :)

12-27-2010, 03:27 AM
A few weeks ago, the girl who cuts my hair (I'm always there as a male) commented on how "well shaped" my eyebrows were. Now, I'm wondering what she might say next visit if I wear the slightest hint of my favorite fragrance - Beautiful. Such a small amount that only she would notice while cutting my hair.

12-27-2010, 12:03 PM
my take.... possibly.... you have nice femme features

12-27-2010, 02:16 PM
So it seems that starting this thread started some sort of weird chain reaction and now a lot of people clock me as a girl! Okay, admittedly, I did put some eyeshadow on and minimal lip gloss... but that's it!

Last night, two of my best girl friends (who know of Lexine btw) and I went to a restaurant down in Santa Monica and, when we got there, the guy who was going to sit us down said, "Good evening, ladies! Table for three?" We got sat down and I noted his mistake in my mind.

Next was the waitress. She took our orders down and she said, "Hey, I think I remember you all from here!" The last two times I was at that same restaurant with one of my girl friends there, I went as a boy then as a girl. After acknowledging that she was correct, and with me not even trying to talk like a girl to reply, she said, "Alright, let me put in your orders in ladies and it's nice to see y'all again!"

I joked around my two friends after eating our meals, saying, "I guess I can't brag about the fact that I'm with two beautiful women tonight because, apparently, we're all women here tonight!" One of my friends had this weird look and I told her what happened with both of the people who worked there and, after thinking about it for a while, she acknowledged it, we all laughed, and had a hearty toast to that!

For posterity, we took pics of ourselves last night. I cropped one of the pics to only show what I wore last night. My friends said that what gave me away as a girl were my scarf, the feminine cut of the jacket, my hair, my eyebrows, the natural highlight under my eyebrows, and the lack of a visible 5 o'clock shadow.


12-27-2010, 04:46 PM
For posterity, we took pics of ourselves last night. I cropped one of the pics to only show what I wore last night. My friends said that what gave me away as a girl were my scarf, the feminine cut of the jacket, my hair, my eyebrows, the natural highlight under my eyebrows, and the lack of a visible 5 o'clock shadow.

There is all that, but maybe it's just because you look so damn PRETTY even when you're not trying to "girl up!" (Grrr.....envy kicking in here....) :D

Seriously, Lexi, I've seen lots of women that look less like women than you do as a man! (Did that make sense?)

Diane Smith
12-28-2010, 01:38 AM
Lexine, I'll be honest and say I see nothing but girl in that photo.

- Diane

12-28-2010, 07:27 AM
I have a job where I'm around people all of the time. It happens about one a month. I'm not sure if it's just folks not thinking or if they really can see the real me inside. (I sure hope it's the latter.)

Angie G
12-28-2010, 09:30 AM
Yes it did happen To me at K-mart years age And about 2 yrars ago at claire's both from behind. And from your pics I could see her mistake you do made a pretty guy.:hugs:

12-28-2010, 09:39 AM
These days this happens to me all the time. Even though I am out n male mode (or what I consider male mode) I quite often get referred to in the feminine mode. The long hair tied back in a pony tail, the ear rings, the necklace, the style of clothes - in fact my girlfriend said to me the other day that it annoys her when we go somewhere and even when I am not trying we get referred to as ladies. Men quite often check that they are in the right washroom (its kind of funny to watch). I have found that as I have lost more weight that this happens more often than it did.