View Full Version : Hormone Check

12-23-2010, 01:59 PM
Hello everyone and Merry Christmas!

I am writing to relate an experience I have had and also out of concern for everyone.
On a visit to my doctor in March, asked him to check my Testosterone level because I was curious. He ordered the test and finally told me on my October visit that it was low and he wanted to re check it. So they drew the blood and sent it to the lab. I received the results about a week before Thanksgiving. The test was a “Free Testosterone test” and the normal level was listed as 20 to 22. My level was 4!!! My doctor who is a personal friend of mine, we grew up together and went to school together, called me and expressed his concern. He said I needed to get on a treatment program, which is giving myself and injection every 3 weeks. He told me that a low level like mine is bad for your heart and since I already have a heart condition, I needed to start right away. He said this is does happen with men as they age, I am in my 50’s, and it is a good thing I had it checked out!
I have started and I have to tell you I no longer have any desire to dress! I will see how things go, but in a few months I will probably put my things up for sale as I do not think I will need them any longer.
Now, please do not get me wrong or misinterpret my intentions. I am not saying that this is the reason for crossdressing or a desire to be female. I am sharing this with you in hopes that perhaps many of you will ask your doctor for a similar test. It may just help you live longer and healthier! I am only relating my results for your information. I have no desire to dress, but that is just me!! You still should have a test to protect your health and you may not have my result. In fact you may want to dress more!! You just may be better off.

12-23-2010, 02:08 PM
Thanks for posting this. I never thought about having a testosterone level check. My family has a history of medical issues...a certain part of me just thinks I'm bound to have something! :-)

12-23-2010, 02:45 PM
I'm not necessarily sure I want to know myself.... but it might be worth while to have checked out anyway. Thanks for raising the concern.

12-23-2010, 02:49 PM
I did a little bit of research having read your thread Regina, and there are two points that are worth mentioning.
I found that men with low Testosterone are rare, contrary to what people think.
And low Testosterone results in a low libido in men, a possible symptom. But there are many other things that can lower a mans libido so that this in itself is not an indication of this condition.
So yes, get yourself tested but it’s unlikely to be a problem in most men and nothing to be too concerned about.

Hope that helps. SUZY

12-23-2010, 02:52 PM
I did have mine checked, as some of my symptoms were consistent with low T level. The result that eventually came back was that it is a little lower than normal but not unusually so for my age.

(I was going to continue but then I remembered this is the open part of the forums.)

12-23-2010, 03:11 PM
I did a quick google search, and some site called Answerbag had this to say about males producing estrogen. (http://www.answerbag.com/q_view/6514)

I'm curious, has anyone here had their estrogen levels checked? I know now I'm curious about both.

12-23-2010, 03:18 PM
I thought about it a while ago as I think I do have have low testosterone, I then thought about what I want to accomplish in my life, if I went to my doctor he'd probably do excatly what your doctor did, and that is a step backwards in my opinion, I'm in my late 20's and my doctor would be concerned. the only way I can think of to say no to the treatment at that point is to tell him I want to become a woman... I just don't think I have the fortitude to say that, and I don't know how he'd react...

earlier on this forum someone asked if we could take a pill and forever cure us of TS/CD if we'd actually take the pill. I said no because I've live my whole life as a man and the only things that I enjoy are distractions. as a woman, so far I've found I enjoy shopping for women's clothes, wearing said clothes, doing my nails, and even some make up (I have alot of learning to do for make up though) for me being a woman is the great existence, I feel happier and more at peace, I hope some day to start hormones, and have the surgery. Testosterone for me is the wrong move.

Annie D
12-23-2010, 03:29 PM
I am sorry about your medical condition and hope that the medication that your doctor prescribed helps your physcial health and well-being. Whether you cross dress or not, we all wish you the best and know that if you never visit this site again, we wish you the best along with our love. Good luck and we hope to hear from you again.

12-23-2010, 03:40 PM
Mine was 8. The shots gave me tons of energy and libido. Felt like i was 20 again. Level jumped to 20 and they put me on a gel topical, levels plummeted immediately.Wife and I heading for divorce due to lack of sex over the marriage. She didnt believe that was the cause. I know better. now off the shots. no need to continue. AND it made me get hairy like a yak! ick YMMV

12-23-2010, 03:45 PM
I'm curious, has anyone here had their estrogen levels checked?

I had my estridol checked about 2 weeks ago, and will get the results back in about 2 weeks.

I don't think anyone who saw me would be surprised that my T was on the lower side.

12-23-2010, 04:07 PM
Hi everyone. I am not trying to hijack the thread but you really have me thinking. I have a real low libido, almost never there and ED. I have have had two heart attacks. I am retired state school employee and having a conflict with the state about if I have health care since that they take money out of my check for it. Would any of you know how much a testosterone test would cost?

Barbara Dugan
12-23-2010, 04:53 PM
My last Testosterone test I believe was free 3.65 and serum 96 very on the low range....I know I may need to get back to the testosterone replacement therapy because I am starting to feel the symptoms of low T but I have doubts...I was on the T for over a year and even it gave me a few good days most of the time was like a roller coaster and had to stop it because it made my prostate to enlarge and my psa leves rise too.

12-23-2010, 05:03 PM
Loveday, check out Prepaidlabs.com. A testosterone level is $46, if i recall correctly.

I recently visited my pcp for a routine checkup. I am transitioning, and was interested in knowing my T level. I told her i was experiencing ED, (which i am, i am 46 after all!) and she checked a total T level. Mine was 282, below normal for an 85 yo! She prescribed Androgel, which, of course, i haven't picked up......

Karren H
12-23-2010, 05:41 PM
I have so many blood tests each year... Testosterone is nothing I'm currently concerned with.... Pitutary related and PSA... Are on top.. The Cholesterol

But I'll step on my soapbox.... If you have a prostate.... Get an annual PSA... My dad died from prostate cancer and my boss now has it.. I get one every year.... Stepping down....

12-23-2010, 05:49 PM
Thanks Renee.
I am now in my early 50's. The low libido started in my thirties and ED was in my forties. You girls may be on to something here. I do not think they ever checked my testosterone level. They just keep giving me larger and larger amounts of generiac prozac which I cannot even feel, it does nothing to me. Thank-you again Renee, cognitively I have been troubled about this for a long time.

12-23-2010, 06:23 PM
Hello Regina!
Don't sell that stuff to quickly. Box it sure....but it may cost you money. I was put on patches and brought my testosterone levels up. I did lose interest in dressing and quit for awhile, but eventually when my level evened out the urge returned.

12-23-2010, 06:31 PM
Regina, like Charlie said, DON'T get rid of things! You will be sorry! Speaking from the perspective of someone who has purged many (tens of) thousands of dollars, the girl inside always comes back!

12-23-2010, 07:34 PM
If you are older, low testosterone can also create a problem with calcium loss and bone density. The same problem basically that women have when in menopause. Andropause is the male version,. Breaking bones becomes easier with calcium loss, so it is not a bad idea to get checked for low T, and often times the same test includes estrogen and prolactin which can be elevated when T goes down.
Good luck, happy holidays

12-23-2010, 08:36 PM
Hows this work when you want to be on HRT? If my T levels are low, then to ME, that's a GOOD thing.. I think... I'm gonna have to look it up again, but if I recall correctly, low T is GOOD for prostate health, IF you have enough E.... If I ever found out my T levels were low, I'd be unwilling to take T shots.. WTF.. FTW

12-24-2010, 12:46 AM

First, I would recommend getting another test done. Men's T-level varies during the day and the test should be done first thing in the morning. Also, free testosterone is calculated based on blood. Different labs may use different analysis...

Second, if you do have an abnormally low t-level, then the doctor needs to determine WHY your level is so low. There are several different reasons for low t-level and just getting injections only treats the symptoms, not the reason. If the reason for the low t-level is fixed, then you may not need the shots.

Third, personally I would not my PCP to manage my hormone levels. Ask for a referral to an endocronologist. As your doctor mentioned, an abnormally low t-level can result in other things going haywire in one's body. However, there are several possible nasty side effects from testosterone supplements. You need to research the benefits and risks to figure out what is best for you. This is a condition where there doesn't seem to be one really good answer...

I had my t-level checked earlier this year... My free-t is way below the "normal" range and my Estradiol level is way above the "normal" range... I am still trying to decide what to do...

Robyn P.

Rachel Mari
12-24-2010, 03:19 AM
My T levels were also tested and found to be low. I first tried Gel (hated rubbing that stuff on my belly), switched to the patch (gave me a rash) and then shots every two weeks. The shots worked pretty well, except you have more T at the beginning and slowly drop down until the next shot.
I stopped the shots in October, just couldn't see any reason to continue. I feel very little urge for sex now and my wife and I are dealing with that. She doesn't feel that much of an urge either, but that's another story.
During all this time, my desire to dress did not change. It almost seems like it increased during the shots. Now, two months later, I'm underdressing all day on most days and that has really helped me feel pretty good.

12-24-2010, 03:37 AM
Hows this work when you want to be on HRT? If my T levels are low, then to ME, that's a GOOD thing.. I think... I'm gonna have to look it up again, but if I recall correctly, low T is GOOD for prostate health, IF you have enough E.... If I ever found out my T levels were low, I'd be unwilling to take T shots.. WTF.. FTW

Before I started on HRT I had obviously had a load of tests, one of which was for Testosterone, I had a low count which meant I could be on estrogen only, and didn't need any T blockers - after 5 months on oestrodial valerate my T level had dropped to 1.7. So one happy lady here!

joanna marie
12-24-2010, 04:03 AM
One of the joys of aging

I have the same problems with low T,I'm taking shot every two weeks
Mine started in my late 40's early 50's ,I'm 60 now
T shots have caused prostrate to enlarge silghtly,and a slight rise in PSA number,so I monitor it closely
I stay on the shots for bone strenght and to maintain muscle
My urge to dress has stayed the same,but the low libido and ED has played hell on marriage

Don't throw out your clothes,the urge to dress will return.

I don't think that T levels have much to do with your urge to crossdress since the majority of us started doing this at an an age when our testosterone levels were high.

12-24-2010, 05:36 AM
i'm having mine checked in February (it was scheduled before this thread). I have severe ED and I'm concerned. I am also a prostate cancer surviver, even though I think I took the wrong treatment. I chose rqdiation. There is now a fantastic woman in my life who I wish onlly to please in any and every way possible. I have two PSA's done a year and an evaluation done once a year. I am cancer free but I think the radiation may have killed the lower part of my anatomy. Will find out soon. Definately get the PSA done. Mine was caught early for which I will always be thankful.

Bobbi G.

linda allen
12-24-2010, 09:15 AM
I've been on Androgel (you rub it on your shoulders every morning) for three or four years now and it hasn't affected my urge to dress at all. Low testosterone and erectile disfunction are not necessarilly related.

12-24-2010, 07:49 PM
There's no real reason to have your testo levels checked unless there is a problem which usually manifests as low libido or ED, but also general feeling if being or lack of well-being. In guys not on any hormonal therapy there is even less reason to have oestradiol measured either (again, unless there is a problem like gynaecomastia which might indicate something very serious) because we don't have the apparatus to make E2 (ie ovaries). Low testo is not that uncommon, especially above a certain age so replacement isn't a big deal, and you need it to keep your bones healthy. The bone thing is driven by oestrogens which are made in men in small but sufficient quantities from their testo. You need reasonable testosterone levels to be healthy, but you might be predisposed to low levels anyway which might be natural and high enough for your body.
I do wonder the effect of testo on desire to CD. as I understand it, gender identity is influenced more by the homonal environment in the womb than anything that happens after a baby is born so the mixture of T or E floating around in the adult body might not affect the need to dress per se, but might affect the way you might dress (more sexual maybe)

12-24-2010, 08:26 PM
I KNOW I have low T levels & need to get the patch or gel I think. Did it before but it's expensive as hell. Replacing T for me does make me feel stronger & more self-certain, no doubt. Also hornier - though just as much as a girl as my guy side i.e. it empowers me as much as 'him'. Difrent strokes for difrent folks I guess (no pun intended).

12-26-2010, 04:09 PM
I've always felt I must be on the low side because I've never has a very strong sex drive, even when I was young. But since my energy and strength levels have been good even though I'm well into my 50's, my T level may be normal. I have a physical coming up next month so I'll ask for it to be checked just to satisfy my curiousity. I do think the natural loss of testosterone as we age must be the reason so many of us see a change in the balance starting in our mid 40's. I'm still somewhere in the middle but the balance now is mostly toward the feminine side whereas it was more toward the masculine side when I was younger. I think I'm a much better person now and would not want to turn back the clock.