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View Full Version : Would we dress differently if we did it every day?

12-27-2010, 09:23 PM
An interesting question came to my mind while I was walking in to work today. I have about a half mile walk from the train station to my office in downtown Chicago. Along the way, you get to see lots and lots of people. I'm very observant of the ladies with both their appearance and how they dress. As to be expected, you see lots of women dressed to the nines in gorgeous clothes and perfect makeup and the others that didn't do much to themselves since they got out of bed.

Now, in my normal drab role, I don't dress sloppy or anything, but I don't spend too much time on myself either. I just throw on whatever business casual attire is convenient, spend 20 secs on my hair, and am out the door.

When getting dressed in a fem outfit, however, I do spend a lot of time. Trying on different things and doing makeup and all... Now, if I were to dress fem every day, I don't know if I would spend the time at it like I do now. Honestly, I don't think I would. I would probably resort to the same thing I do now by just throwing on some fem biz casual clothes and head out.

So, that leads to my question. If it was accepted by everyone for you to wear fem clothes anywhere, would you spend anywhere near the amount of time getting ready as you do now? What do you all think?

Sara Jessica
12-27-2010, 09:30 PM
It's not so much if you "did" it everyday but rather, if you "live" it everyday. One is likely to settle into a routine, just as any other woman would. So I think you answered your own question.

Now, if I were to dress fem every day, I don't know if I would spend the time at it like I do now. Honestly, I don't think I would. I would probably resort to the same thing I do now by just throwing on some fem biz casual clothes and head out.

From there, it would matter what your signature style is. You mention business casual as something that for you might be quick and easy. Terrific. Others might just go with jeans and a top. One's signature style may speak to being polished from head to toe, yet have pieces that are easy to coordinate and even easier to wear. The other extreme for everyday wear is the dreaded sweats, t-shirt and flip-flops. It runs all over the map.

Bottom line, dressing to the nines becomes less of an issue, and less of a necessary facet to express one's femininity when routine sets in.

12-27-2010, 09:33 PM
I am not sure what you mean by dressing differently!!

I do dress enfemm virtually every day! However, since I don't wear makeup or a wig it doesn't take me very long to dress. I do spend more time picking out what to wear enfemme than I do when going in male drab! I have about 1/2 a closet with male clothes, and 4 with female clothes!! So it does take longer to choose the outfit!

Karren H
12-27-2010, 09:34 PM
Yeah... If I went full time I would definitely not dress up every single day and I like to look sloppy but you would not find any blue denim in my wardrobe... Pink sweats... Jersey gauchos, preppy capris... Sloppy with a dash of cuteness!! :)

12-27-2010, 09:36 PM
The one area I really need to expand is my wardrobe is fem casual.

Eleanor M
12-27-2010, 09:36 PM
Most likely, yes, it would just be what we normally did every day.

Rachel Morley
12-27-2010, 09:49 PM
Would I spend anywhere near the amount of time getting ready as I do now? Well at the moment (post showering and shaving) I've got it down to about 45 minutes to an hour. In my guy mode it's 15 minutes or less but that's mostly because I don't wear makeup to work.

If it was accepted for me (a non-transitioning part-time CDer) to present as a woman at work then I'd sure I'd be seen by some people as "flying the flag" and representing the trans community and I certainly wouldn't want to look like crap if I was doing that. I'd want to look my best. So after saying all that, I don't think I'd cut any corners at all on my "hair" and makeup but I do think I'd be more likely to dress in jeans and a cute top with low heels, as opposed to a dress and 4" stilettos (which is what 99% I wear when I usually go out en femme) :)

12-27-2010, 09:53 PM
If it was accepted by everyone for me to wear fem clothes anywhere... but would they accept me wearing makeup and fem hair style?

I used to spend about 2 hours to get ready to Go Out. That included shaving closely, might include my hair, doing my makeup, gluing my forms on, choosing my outfit and choosing again, choosing and detangling a wig, doing my nails several times and still having a mess...

Now my typical outing is about 5 minutes of preparation -- choosing my outfit and putting it on, draw a line of lipstick on each lip and mash them together to spread it out, put some forms in the bra I'm already wearing, and out the door. That doesn't, though, include time shaving or doing my hair, both of which I do anyhow for either mode. I don't usually bother to do my nails for one evening, but when I have time I get a manicure and have my nails done then and leave them done, including wearing light polish to work. I don't use wigs anymore, my hair is long.

Twice in a week recently, I got compliments on how "carefully" I had done myself up, when both times I'd simply tossed on what I could find quickly, did lipstick and rushed out, 7 minutes max :D

If makeup were accepted at work, then I might start using more of that -- mascara would probably be the first thing I would add.

I don't spend a lot of time choosing the "perfect outfit" these days -- though that's partly because I've lost track of a number of things (something I'm working on cleaning up this week.) But it's also because I go to fewer social events now and dress more for every-day activities.

And no, I don't mean that I'm slipping more and more into wearing jeans "to blend" or "because they are comfortable". I'm wearing dresses more these days, but I bought some good-quality multi-purpose dresses, simple enough in design to be worn in the mall but good enough to wear to events. "Simple" dresses in linen or good cotton are much harder to find than polyester prints or "party dresses" or complicated gowns!!

12-27-2010, 09:53 PM
I would for starters have to get a much bigger wardrobe. I like to wear flowery dresses at home, but for work I'd need a few nice one coloured long sleeve dresses, matching cardigans, and more skirts and blouses for variety. Work would also involve a female uniform, but to my chagrin, those awful high-visibility coats.

12-27-2010, 10:04 PM
Yes, I would dress differently. Since most of my outings include dinner and maybe a nice wine bar, I always try to dress for the venue. Dressing everyday would require that all my femme clothes and accessories be more out than they are now. They are currently in under the bed plastic storage bins and garment bags inside of my closet. I would think that the first months would be difficult to adjust, but after that I should be able to get it down to a workable system and have a better idea of what I had, where it was and what goes with what. I would also probably alter, or better yet, expand my wardrobe for causal, business, et al styles to fit the moment. Oh, what fun to be able to shop for more stuff!

Paula T
12-27-2010, 10:07 PM
Yeah... If I went full time I would definitely not dress up every single day and I like to look sloppy but you would not find any blue denim in my wardrobe... Pink sweats... Jersey gauchos, preppy capris... Sloppy with a dash of cuteness!! :)

PINK SWEATS:eek: sweat pants of any kind either on a male or female are strickly
verboten in my world and should be a punishable offence on almost anyone.JMHO:eek::spank:

12-27-2010, 10:16 PM
If SOME had to dress fem everyday it is a certanty that they would dress differently. Skirts and heels are only fun to for so long and then more realistic clothes become more agreeable.


Kayla Shadows
12-27-2010, 10:21 PM
I get what your saying here..Everyday dressing is much more relaxed than dressing for the club on a weekend.Doing it everyday,whats on is on and its all fine and whatever.For some girls,dressing "en femme" everyday is way different from dressing "en femme" and going out every day.At home its one thing but, public appearance is another.Trans events are something else too. Some girls will say its just like a bigger closet.Much different than making a day drip to the mall.Some events I'll see girls in their best princess dress but you really wont see that in a hamptons club on a saturday night.

*insert sarcasm* For the crossdresser,remember,when its -10 degrees every woman will be out there in a skirt.They wont be wearing jeans for the fear of people thinking they are trying to blend in.Jeans are so trendy anyway,geez.

12-27-2010, 10:27 PM
Lucky guess, Fresan! My sessions take between 3 and 5 hours, with up to 2 weeks previous prep time! EEK!

12-27-2010, 11:17 PM
*insert sarcasm* For the crossdresser,remember,when its -10 degrees every woman will be out there in a skirt.They wont be wearing jeans for the fear of people thinking they are trying to blend in.Jeans are so trendy anyway,geez.

-10C or -10F ?

Short dresses are not uncommon in the clubs around here even in the middle of winter. GGs probably have them over jeans or leggings though.

When I wear a skirt out on a cold day, I look around and see that I'm not the only one in a skirt.

Michelle James
12-27-2010, 11:28 PM
I am out dressed most of the time now and i have got the routine down to about 30 minutes from the time I get out of the shower and finish shaving. As soon as I scrape off the last whisker I can be out the door in 30 minutes for my day look. If we are going out in the evening I need about another 25 - 30 to do my eyes.

Sorry, in answer to the OP yes. Since I am going out more everything doesn't have to be a production. Some days if I'm just running errands I might dress down, like sweats or jeans and a sweater.

12-27-2010, 11:45 PM
most certainly I would dress differently but always stylish. Sweats? this ain't no gym and the sweat pant is a gateway to gaining weight and not caring. Now skinny jeans...denim ones...they keep you thinner :)

12-28-2010, 09:19 AM
I dress in women's clothes on a pretty regular basis these days. I do tend to only get fully en femme for special occasions and otherwise do more of an androgynous, guy in a skirt look. In general I think people should make at least a little effort to look good when they go out, because your appearance shapes people's impressions of you, so I try not to look sloppy if I can, whether I'm fully in men's clothes or if I've added a dash of woman to my look.

Having said this, I'm definitely guilty of rolling out of bed late, running my hands quickly through my hair or even tossing on a ski cap, before throwing on a shirt that was "hanging" on the back of my chair and then heading off to the job I hate where I wear an apron anyway. This is just laziness and poor planning on my part, and while I don't feel guilty about it on days that I do it, I do feel better on days when I have actually given myself enough time to pick out a clean shirt, spend time with some product in my hair, maybe a bit of eyeliner if I have time, and really take an effort to look good.

When I wear women's clothes, I admit I feel a much stronger obligation to always make the effort to look presentable. I may be able to get away with some scruffyness if I'm wearing a kilt, but if I'm going any steps further, like tights or another type of skirt, I really think it is important for me to look at the whole outfit in the mirror for a few seconds at least and determine if it really works. I know that the way I dress is unusual and that people will notice it, so for me I feel like while they can say how I dress is weird, they can't say I didn't put together a nice look.

This doesn't mean I always dress to the nines though, I rarely do, usually when I go out in women's clothes, I just do the closest approximation to what I'd have worn if I was a girl my age with my sense of style, so typically a t-shirt, with a skirt, tights, and boots.

12-28-2010, 09:30 AM
If it was accepted, I would spend more time getting ready. Everything would have to be as good as it could get. Unfortunately, the world's standards are that I can't wear what I want.... Maybe someday, I'll get the courage.

12-28-2010, 10:23 AM
if i was to have woman's clothing on as a daily (normal) thing in public..i know i would look cuter than as a male. to ware a skirt and cute top. just to go shopping for food,going to the post-office, etc, just doing things out and about.
but i would still need my male things as Loni's are way to good to be used while working on the truck/jeep.

but i would spend the cash to try and get real hair growing on my head again. hair club would love my ca$h.

12-28-2010, 11:36 AM
I think there will be a wide variety of opinions here and most may be directly related to how often the person dresses. As we hear from some of the transitioned ladies (I am not sure about the gentlemen, that may be a whole different perspective), life changes when you have to do it all the time. So a CD who dresses once a month or so may always get dolled up and they may want to change that if they dressed daily. Others may be like me where I can dress often, so dolled up is for appropriate events or maybe Tri-Ess meetings. Other times, it just varies from casual to something in the middle. So I think I would go through some changes because it is more constant and I don't have to do it at 4-5 AM right now. But I probably don't have to go through as much change as some others who would need a new section to their warddrobe.

12-28-2010, 11:47 AM
i think that the only change would be that i would have to buy more outfits, both casual and party ones. As a male i do like fashion too, so i try to look my best, to work and also on holidays and weekends.
what i wouldn't have to buy is underwear, i think i have as much as a regular GG

12-28-2010, 11:51 AM
I'd probably spend more time getting ready if I was out in public. As it is, I dress nearly full time at home with my wife's support, but often its fem casual, because that's what seems appropriate. I'll go all out on date nights, tho.

12-28-2010, 11:55 AM
For me, the answer is that it would be different each day depending on where I'm going & what I'm doing.

If I were going to work, I would take the time to look my best for the occasion. In this case, a cute skirt & top, makeup, forms, etc.

But if I'm working in my shop (but still femme) I'd wear a t-shirt & jeans. Forms, but no makeup (sawdust sticks to makeup), no wig, etc.

If it were acceptable, I'd grow out my hair to become more femme looking as well.

In the end, I really would want to look as femme as possible in public, but at home I wouldn't work as hard at it.

12-28-2010, 11:58 AM
My answer would be a "Yes." From my observations of my behavior, I'm exhibiting a lot of the "trans-adolescence" that a lot of girls experience when they first go out as a girl in public and in the multiple instances after that. Since those first few times, I determined that Lexine's continued existence is hinged upon the fact that I won't be going to clubs all the nights of the week or even going out to dress to impress, so there needs to be other types of clothing she could wear. Because of this, all my shopping efforts have shifted to purchasing a lot of casual clothing that would make me look good, if not better, than most women. Granted, I started doing this when I first started, but I think there's a more concentrated effort towards buying casual clothes now as opposed to when I started going out to clubs and meeting other members of the community.

As far as preparation time is concerned, I think since I was still learning how to do makeup that that's the reason why it took me a while to get prepared. Nowadays it takes me about 30 minutes to get ready, which doesn't include shaving and taking a shower, etc.

As a point of reference, I usually go out as a girl once a week.

12-28-2010, 12:18 PM
It seems that most of us start our transgendered "careers" by trying to learn how to minimize the masculine signals we throw off, and to maximize the feminine signals. Since we start with no understanding of feminine body language, voice, or deportment, the first things we focus on are clothes, makeup, and hair. Once we begin to learn those other feminine signals we are able to relax the clothes and makeup a bit, and in doing so can widen the situations in which we are comfortably feminine.

Like everything else, this process takes work and practice. Dressing more of the day means being feminine in a variety of situations that add to our repetoire of femininity (sorry Karren, but that does include jeans :) even if we reject them eventually!). The broader the repetoire, the more we are able to be feminine in ways that make us comfortable.

Short answer: Yes, we would dress in an ever-increasingly varied manner to adapt to the situations we would encounter in daily life! :)


12-28-2010, 02:02 PM
Yes, certainly. When I have the freedom to dress at home regularly I often wear very casual clothes, a cargo skirt, maybe leggings, flat shoes etc. Given more limited opportunities one want to make the most of them of course, so I tend to dress more elaborately. If I were to have a job where I could present as femme (I can only dream) I think I would become less fanciful over time. My initial thought would be to wear a dress or skirt every day, always with heels, frilly blouses, full make-up and polished nails etc. But would I want or be able to maintain that? Maybe not.


Nikki A.
12-28-2010, 07:59 PM
First of all if we had to do it every day we would get better and faster at getting ready. Of course after the initial rush I think most of us would ramp it down a bit and dress more casually. Yes Karen even you would eventually wear jeans

12-28-2010, 08:32 PM
Even though I am perfectly free to dress at home any time I want, I find that it is just too much bother sometimes. Just like there are some women who wear dresses and skirts all of the time, and others who never do, I'd be somewhere in the middle.

Depending on the weather, what kind of activity I was up to that day (office job? Yard work? Shopping) I'm guessing I'd wear a skirt or dress probably about 50% of the time, but I'd probably get sick of pantyhose pretty quickly and just go with knee socks :) . On the other hand, I'd probably wear a women's top more like 80% of the time. I just find the soft materials generally more comfortable than a men's polo or dress shirt.

12-28-2010, 09:58 PM
Since I read your questions as different than I normally wear on a daily basis, then the answer is no.

I work and dress daily as a hairstylist, makeup artist and wig stylist. I work in salons and am generally the most feminine in the salon. I wear heels daily but wear them with jeans (yes, Karren, jeans) I wear a full compliment of makeup and jewelry but it fits in with what I do for a living. I mean, would you go to a 60 plus year old bald guy for maekup?

Since my look is what is typical of those I work with, then I do not change the style daily. When I go out to clubs and other such places, I simply wear more club-type attire and flashier hair and makeup.

For those that think dressing daily loses some of it's appeal, I haven't found that yet. I love being able to look like I do every day and look forward to the next day. It is great to go to work!!

Nicole Erin
12-29-2010, 01:39 AM
You go thru stages. Everything from the rush of buying your own first pair of hose all the way to going thru the hoops of a legal name change or even surgeries etc... We all start from a similar spot, but where we end up depends on the individual.

Being full time now myself, I know my goal is to dress as comfy yet look good.
The fun part of dressing does eventually pass.
IN all honesty, if I could pass well and never have to wear makeup or alter my voice I sure would. The dressing part is a hassle.

12-29-2010, 03:54 AM
In guy mode it is really easy and fast- white tee shirt, jockey shorts, sweat socks, jeans and whatever shirt was thrown on the back of the chair the night before and a choice of white sneakers or soft casual shoes. En femme, ugh! I only wear dresses. So, the choice of the dress; then starting from the inside out. Do I wear a white bra, white slip and white panties and white garter belt/girdle? Or do I go for a matching color undergarments? Having too many slips that I simply must wear, it's pulling out an entire ensemble of matching undergarments and then finding the right shoes. I'm not counting shaving in the time crunch because it is something I must do in either mode, although I will admit when I do not have an opportunity to dress, the shaving goes by the wayside. After I made the selection of the dress, I think the entire time is no more than ten minutes. That does not include makeup time. The wig does not take any more than two minutes.

01-16-2011, 10:44 PM
Practise makes perfect, you'd be faster getting ready to go out, but given the opportunity to actaully dress full time most of us would spend more time in preparation. More shaving, more nails, more skin regimen, more sleep! So net time we'd be more and looking for ways to save time. Good thing a cocktail dress and killer glam makeup is not the dress code at work for 99.9% of us LOL.

01-16-2011, 10:53 PM
I want to dress the way a woman would on any given day. Problem is, some women dress like they just don't care. Maybe I'm too preoccupied with the nuances, but I love girly style.

It's impressive to walk down, say Broadway, or the fashion district in NY City, the women there do it so well, and I wish I could look & be like them, but small-town girls act like they just don't give a at's rass.
Why do some of these girls find it so much fun to dress up?

01-16-2011, 11:24 PM
Seeing as how I have transitioned and have had SRS, I am a woman. I dress as a woman every day and have for 30 years. Normally on a week day you would find me in a woman's business suit with skirt unless it is really cold outside. If I need to go out to a construction site I wear jeans and women's work boots. If I am at home working around the farm again I would wear jeans and work boots. If I am just going out shopping it would be womens casual. Usually slacks or a skirt depending on my mood. Many times when working around the house and farm I do not even consider makeup. If I am going out clubbing or out to dinner I will usually dress nicely yet stay within the limits of where I am going.
As you begin to live full time you will find that things like makeup and hair become easier and don't take but a couple of minutes. I usually lay out what I am going to wear the night before so that all I have to do it shower and dress in the morning. Even in male mode I tried to look decent. There is never a time one should look like a slob unless there are extenuating circumstances like being homeless or poor. That does not mean you have to wear the hottest fashions either. Just what you can afford. Just my opinion.

01-17-2011, 05:02 AM
I probably would dress the same way for a period of time. Then I would gradually modify my dressing habits to be more like gg's dress just now, but I think it would be a long time coming.

01-17-2011, 05:12 AM
I dress almost every day,and to be honest Im not sure If i would change a lot I love skirts and dresses,and whenever I do go out dressed,on the whole I like dressing this way.If it were to become socially accepted I could see myself dressing more casual after all a Cute top can look nice with Trousers too.I would still take the same care and attention with my make-up (damn tht 5 o'clock shdow) and hair,If only such a world did exist


01-17-2011, 08:34 AM
most certainly I would dress differently but always stylish. Sweats? this ain't no gym and the sweat pant is a gateway to gaining weight and not caring. Now skinny jeans...denim ones...they keep you thinner :)

I just love the style aspect. Lots more skirts and blouses an vary the length of the skirt daily, but not too short, age approiate:2c:

Jennifer in CO
01-17-2011, 08:38 AM
I have to agree with Jorga in that it just becomes normal...You get up in the morning, put on what ever your required to wear to work, come home and usually change into something more comfortable, maybe go out then go to bed...every day. Most weekends you never get out of the comfortable stage. Shortly after I transitioned in July of 79 I ended up in management in the lab I was in. That meant a dress and heels every day. Given that I was working in the sometimes artsy world of commercial photography, trendy was better than fashionable. We were coming out of the Annie Hall era and entering the big shouldered business suit times...and I hated them. If you didn't do the business suit look, you had to look like you were ready to hit the clubs a bit early. Thankfully it didn't last long but I was transitioning back by the mid-80's and the "Soft and Innocent" pretty look was in place (for a visual reminder, Farrah Fawcett in Cannonball Run) which I truely enjoyed for a short while.

ahh...those were the days...


01-17-2011, 09:52 AM
Currently I dont dress very often so treat it like a special occasion and I dress up.
When Ive had the opportunity to dress for a few days I see a shift and want to explore more casual outfits.

I think if faced with dressing everyday I would want to fit it and be more comfortable, which would include a much more casual look.
I have walked on ice in heels once and that just wouldnt be a daily option for me.

I dress as a male most of the time and my analogy would be that I dont wear a suit and tie everyday unless forced to by dress code, but its nice to dress up once in awhile.

Tina B.
01-17-2011, 10:06 AM
For me, not so much, I could start wearing womens clothing 24/7 with the wardrobe I have right now, and would not wear them much different than I do now. When I get up in the morning, if I am going to dress , I pick out something appropriate to what I plan to do, many days it's just a pair of Capri's and a cute tee with flats. Someday its a skirt and heels, I love wearing one as much as the other. Being retired, I don't have to worry about work clothes, But the last job I had before retiring, I would be wearing skirts and cute blouses, to sit and input data, just like the other girls wore. Lately I've been getting pretty close to 24/7 at least as close as a closet dresser can get. Some days make up is fun, some days it's a drag, I doubt that would change.
Tina B.