View Full Version : Are there others here like Suzy? I would love to know.

01-05-2011, 12:42 PM
:twitch:Dissociative identity disorder or Split personality is, I have found out a mental disorder almost always associated with trauma in childhood.
I never had any trauma in my childhood. I had a wonderful mum and dad.
But I am two people. Suzy and the other me.
When I am Suzy I really do think, feel, and act like Suzy. Not just a man in a dress.
Its 100% real for me. [And I love it!]
But I enjoy my other life as well.
Now this is not a worry or a problem for me. I have never been so happy.
And if I am “off my head” I just don’t care.
I would love to know how many others here can relate to this.


01-05-2011, 12:46 PM
I'm right there with you, girlfriend.

except for the "never been so happy" part. I am really feeling like a ship adrift at sea right now, looking to find a mooring

01-05-2011, 01:47 PM
Hi Suzy! That's another good one of yours.
I'll try to put a few spontaneous thoughts together before I have to rush off.

When I start dressing I feel like I'm inviting Gaby into my "normal" world. At this stage she seems only to be an extension of me. If I dress for long enough she is me.
My male-self approves and steps adoringly aside.

I like to think of myself as a harmless crackpot.
Nonetheless the thought of going out - and trying to show-off as Gaby - does have it's (distant) appeal!
(In my previous life I was a chicken. And a pretty one, if I do say so myself!)
(In my next life I want to be a lady-footballer playing for Alexa Ferguson...)

I'm almost always happy after I've put on a dress and/or underwear, shoes, makeup, a wig... At night I prefer to sleep dressed though I like being naked too.

Like yourself, I had (and have) very good parents - my childhood was truly innocent in most difficult working-class circumstances. Hats off to them!
There were of course traumatic times in an environment full of religious bigotry and helpless ignorance. Those were totally unnecessary!

Up to recently I thought that my crossdressing had something to do with childhood problems and/or everyday problems.
I don't think that anymore I'm pleased to say.

Well, that's a start... oh, oh... it's very late for my rehearsal and they've phoned already... but I love thinking and talking and writing about and simply being Gaby!

Your ever-appreciative

01-05-2011, 02:29 PM
Hi Suzy,

I am the same as you are!

01-05-2011, 02:31 PM
I was hit by a car when I was seven and lived in two foster homes because my parents split. Do you think thats why I want to be a woman now?

01-05-2011, 02:33 PM
I was hit by a car when I was seven and lived in two foster homes because my parents split. Do you think thats why I want to be a woman now?


01-05-2011, 02:48 PM
Really? Think it was my hitting my head on the concrete? Wow! I would have never thought that was the reason. When I lived in the foster homes, I didn't really trust or love anyone because I thought they would leave me too.

Joanne f
01-05-2011, 02:57 PM
In one sense i do wish it was some sort of split personality and i have had quite a few things happen to me in my life but dressed or not i am the same and always feel the same yet i almost feel like i do not know the real me and cannot know the real me , i no longer know what is fantasy and what is real or to make real sense of it i do not what i am .
( Now there is a well balance post if ever i saw one ) :heehee:

01-05-2011, 03:00 PM
My byline, "Making a life for Tina" tries to explain in a sound-bite what you've put forward. When my wife and I "found" Tina we quickly decided that to find out who she was we needed to let her be herself. My wife treats her as a separate personality (same database, different use of that database), and finds it interesting to talk with Tina about the same topics she has spoken to my male self about, usually expecting a different twist on the responses. When I asked her why she was doing this her response was, "I thought that Tina's feminine perspective might give her a different set of conclusions!".

We find this duality completely normal and, frankly, exciting! Just yesterday my wife talked about going shopping at a particular store and knew I probably wouldn't be interested, but then she stopped and said, "gee, I probably should have invited Tina". Well, Tina has accepted the invitation! It's like chick flicks: I can't stand them and yet Tina and my wife watch them all the time!

Dual gendered? Maybe we need a new name for us :)


(p.s. I'm kidding about the name...we don't need more "catch-names" to discuss!)

Emily Ann Brown
01-05-2011, 03:34 PM
No split personality.....just a girl trying to the man the world wants.


01-05-2011, 06:46 PM
You know how people are born with different outlooks on things Well I was born with more female tendencies than male, Because for as long as I can remember I have wished that I had been born a woman but it is quit obvious that I am male. but now that I am divorced and live alone I dress, act, and look as much a female as I can outside of makeup I suk at that part of being female

I do not feel that I have a split personality whatsoever.


Ann Thomas
01-05-2011, 06:59 PM
I feel that I'm just searching for who I am. In no matter what mode I'm in I'm still myself. When in male mode I can recall what happened in female mode and vice versa.

That's a huge difference from Dissociative Identity Disorder. Years ago (like 25 or more) I got to know several people diagnosed with that in a group therapy type environment. I'm no expert in this, and my knowledge is quite out of date, I'm sure. From what I recall, in most cases there's rarely only two personalities, but usually several. Sometimes those personalities are aware of each other, but in most cases not. So, to whichever personality you're talking to, you'll find they have memory lapses, which are the times they are in the other personality. So, there's little shared memory. Doesn't sound like you or me at all.

At times I am rather distinct in my personality like you are expressing, but most times not, because life has not allowed me to fully be female at this point. Hopefully someday that will be an option for me. For now I'm rather androgynous most of the time.

Hope that helps a bit.


01-05-2011, 10:40 PM
I don't think it is a split personality with me so much as being Mona allows expresion of a whole wonderful part of me that usually remains hidden.