View Full Version : How many of us have gotten into trouble when SO sees our forum activity?

01-13-2011, 02:10 PM
My wife has gotten wise about my forum activities on Crossdressers.com.

She now snoops on entries and private messages that I have.
She now calls me "Johanna" instead of "John".

Who else is in the doghouse for activities on Crossdressers.com?


01-13-2011, 02:28 PM
My personal surfing is my personal business. No one has direct access to it.

01-13-2011, 02:29 PM
No way my wife is included in every thing that I do, since telling her about Kathryn New Years Eve 2009. It is so much better than trying to hide how I feel and want to behave. But I am VERY lucky as she accepts Kathryn totaly.

01-13-2011, 02:37 PM
My wife knows about the forum and I have invited her to read my posts anytime. she has told me no problem have fun. Be a good girls and no boys.

01-13-2011, 02:43 PM
So she calls you Johanna now? Isn't that what you wanted? Seems like a perfect time to start a dialog on this and maybe she can quit "snooping" and join us here.

Megan Thomas
01-13-2011, 02:56 PM
Mine has her own accounts on some of the same forums I use. Is she snooping? Don't know and don't care. I do as i please and hopefully i do nothing to displease her. I haven't as yet.

Marilyn Beck
01-13-2011, 02:56 PM
I told my wife about this forum shortly after I became a member (I try not to hide things from her). On a few occasions she has expressed some curiosity about the forum and (looking over my shoulder) has read some of the threads and my posts. Sometimes, out of the blue, she will ask questions like "did you post anything on your crossdressing website today" (to which my truthful response is usually "no"). I have suggested to her that she can look at the site at any time on her computer and can become a member if she wants. Frankly, I wish she would spend some time on this forum, as it would likely give her a better understanding of crossdressing. But she doesn't seem to have much interest.

To answer the OP question, NO, I don't get into trouble when my wife sees my forum activity. However, she does get slightly annoyed when she perceives that I spend too much time here at the expense of doing more productive things. Not a big deal, however.

Sara Jessica
01-13-2011, 03:04 PM
My wife has gotten wise about my forum activities on Crossdressers.com.

She now snoops on entries and private messages that I have.
She now calls me "Johanna" instead of "John".

Who else is in the doghouse for activities on Crossdressers.com?


I dunno, sounds like a bit of touche' to me since you came into these pages wondering why (putting it nicely) many of us adopted feminine names. Not only do you seem to have one for yourself but your wife uses it too. Imagine that???

01-13-2011, 03:25 PM
So she calls you Johanna now? Isn't that what you wanted? Seems like a perfect time to start a dialog on this and maybe she can quit "snooping" and join us here.

She sees me in a dress half the time, and I have fairly long natural hair - over the ears and the back down to my shoulders. The only time she does not wear pants and shorts is when she is wearing her nightgown, and her hair is short.


Ashley Allison
01-13-2011, 06:51 PM
I'm not married but any female that comes into my house to disrespect me would get thrown out. I don't care if she's been with me my whole life. If she doesn't like this side of me then she doesn't like me.

01-13-2011, 07:00 PM
My wife knows I cd, but doesn't participate. Rather indifferent about it. In any case, I believe that I am entitled to my own thoughts and private conversations. So far, no problems with her reading anything I wrote. She chooses not to come here.

01-13-2011, 07:48 PM
My wife has gotten wise...
She now calls me "Johanna" instead of "John".

Sounds like a bit of acceptance to me! :thumbsup:

I told my wife about the site while I was still a lurker. She and I discussed whether I should join and came to the conclusion that I should. She knows my femme name (never calls me by it, though) and I have no problem if she reads what I write. She'll occasionally sit with me while I peruse the site.

This is much healthier for our relationship than sneaking around!

Tina B.
01-13-2011, 07:50 PM
My wife has zero interest about this site. I can sit here for hours, dressed and reading and replying to threads, while she sits across the room on her computer doing what ever, and unless I mention something I read on here, we never talk about it. She's watched me dress for around 35 years, it's just no big thing to her.
Tina B.

01-13-2011, 08:10 PM
my wife not only knows I am on here, but gives me her opinion on some of the threads on here. I keep nothing I am doing from her because honesty is the core of our marriage.

01-13-2011, 08:28 PM
My wife reads my blog posts to a varying extent. I think that if it looks interesting, she reads it thoroughly but if it looks boring at the start I don't think that she reads to the end. Several of her relatives and a few of mine read it too.

My wife knows about my posting here, and I suggested that she join because there are other partners and the GG-only section but I don't think that she's ever bothered. She's far more interested in playing farmville etc on Facebook.

My attitude is that if you're going to put it on the internet, you should be prepared to have people who know you, including your spouse, parents, children, etc read it, because sooner or later there's a good chance that they will.

01-13-2011, 09:44 PM
My wife knower's nothing about computers; and does not want to learn.
Some times it is a good thing, some times not. I tried to explain what I am doing
but she thinks that I am playing games on the computer. So life goes on. Rader

01-13-2011, 09:47 PM
I dont "snoop" but I do look at my husbands older posts which were from before I "found out" and before I joined these forums myself.. Im not happy with some things he has posted before he knew that I knew but I cant change that.. and I dont say anything about them to him.. i just live with it I guess. :straightface:

01-13-2011, 11:15 PM
I dont "snoop" but I do look at my husbands older posts which were from before I "found out" and before I joined these forums myself.. Im not happy with some things he has posted before he knew that I knew but I cant change that.. and I dont say anything about them to him.. i just live with it I guess. :straightface:Maybe it would be a good idea to sit down and talk with him about your concerns. Harboring unspoken misgivings can't be good, right?

01-14-2011, 12:06 PM
She now calls me "Johanna" instead of "John".

Sounds like a bit of acceptance to me! :thumbsup:

When I am in drab my wife asks me, "Where's your dress?"

01-14-2011, 12:23 PM
My life is an open book to my wife. There isn't anything of consequence that she doesn't know about. She knows I participate on this forum, and enjoys me telling her some of the stories that come from here (she especially loved the recent one about one of the girls here being accosted by a would-be purse thief!). She's not one much for the Internet, so she doesn't participate in any forums, much less this one.

Had I married at 20, I would live in fear of my wife finding out because I was not mature enough, not self accepting enough at that time in my life to tell anyone. Thankfully, I waited a long time to get married, and told my now wife long before we got engaged. There isn't anything that I've posted on this forum, or any other, that could possibly get me in the dog house.

01-14-2011, 12:49 PM
my wife has gone as far as joining,but hasn't gone any further,i think the novelty of having a laptop in the house has worn off for her,even her facebook games have lost their spark,She might have a peek now and again,or if I see something I think she may like to read I'll tell her all about it,I try not to be on here (or any site) for too long,not a good advert for communication if we are on opposite sides of the living room going square eyed


01-14-2011, 01:53 PM
Shesa is a member here and she does not mind what I post on here at all. Nor do we argue about what she posts on this site.

We are also both on Facebook. Now that is a different story!

01-14-2011, 07:46 PM
Maybe it would be a good idea to sit down and talk with him about your concerns. Harboring unspoken misgivings can't be good, right?

you are correct.. but i guess its something that we are just use to doing and not communicating very good

Stephanie Miller
01-14-2011, 10:52 PM
As far as I know my wife isn't on here. But it wouldn't matter anyway. I never say anything on here that I wouldn't say to her face to face. Makes sleeping at night much easier.

Danielle Gee
01-15-2011, 09:13 AM
My wife know I'm participating in a "Crossdressiing Chat Group" but has shown no interest in looking,joining in, or even knowing the name of this site. She has mentioned it at times when she feels I'm spending too much time here


01-15-2011, 10:55 AM
I have zero to hide from my wife here on this forum. Even though she has no intrest in this site and what other like minded CDers have to say, I could care less if she browsed to see what I'm saying on here.

Earlier in our relationship though, when I frequented another CD-like forum, I did get in trouble for some of the things I said on there...but that was back when she didn't really accept my crossdressing.

01-15-2011, 01:26 PM
My wife has signed on and I encouraged her so she can get a better insite on crossdressing and I think it have help cause she helps me lot more now. Now she can talk to other GG read the forums

5150 Girl
01-15-2011, 04:20 PM
Well,, my Polar Bear doesn't care what Wynonna does. However, she has this anti internet thing in general. This forum, cycling forums whatever, All internet activity (and computers in general) is evil. She had an ex, and also knows som other people who have had their husbands and boyfreinds use the WWW to cheet on them. I can't even sit at the computer and play my F-15 simulator without pissing her off.

01-15-2011, 04:44 PM
Shesa is a member here and she does not mind what I post on here at all. Nor do we argue about what she posts on this site.

We are also both on Facebook. Now that is a different story!

I am open minded about a lot of things & very accepting of all things and how they are, will discuss anything, but what my SO needs to learn,... that if he lives in the present as by his CD.com profile...then you dont hang onto the past,..this could be off track,....just my 2cents re facebook.... the one thing about facebook is when i asked a simple question,... i dont like being lied to,
but hey some of you guyz like to hang on to the things of the past, (could be anything) as well as being ex girlfriends and if they are on face book I wonder how many other SO's would stand for that... :battingeyelashes:

I was on the outside lurking in... so nope i wasnt snooping either I had to log in to comment.... lol :tongueout

my life is an open book, I have nothing to hide.

Rogina B
01-15-2011, 08:59 PM
It is on our computer's favorites list and my wife may look from time to time..I encourage her to do so..This is a nice forum.

Melinda G
01-15-2011, 09:01 PM
My wife has gotten wise about my forum activities on Crossdressers.com.

She now snoops on entries and private messages that I have.
She now calls me "Johanna" instead of "John".

Who else is in the doghouse for activities on Crossdressers.com?

Show her the recent news article about the guy sentenced to jail for reading his wifes E-mails.

01-16-2011, 09:55 PM
My wife is on here and I encouraged it. Anything I have to say here I will say to her. For that matter, one of my daughters is here too. But private messages are just that. I don't have anything in them that is bad, but every person has a right to their privacy. She can have her own private messages to read! :battingeyelashes:

01-16-2011, 10:40 PM
My wife is non-understanding. She has known about this site for about a year, and she usually insists that I close the site as soon as she enters the room. The most she has done is to read a post or two. Very slow progress.