View Full Version : Would I be so out of place?

01-14-2011, 05:27 AM
I plucked up the courage and went for a walk while dressed. Instead of my usual dead of night occasional outings I went out in the half-light just before dawn. Cars went by and didn't crash because they had looked back at me and I walked past a couple of people about 30 yards away and didn't attract stares. My question is how would the look hold up in daylight, would I attract stares or just is it a he or a she curious glances?



01-14-2011, 05:58 AM
Hello Jo, I can see and feel 3 things that you need to get a better handle on. The first is easy...smile, a smile goes such a long way. Second is your wig...because of your jaw line you need a wig which reaches your shoulders. Lastly Jo, even though I haven't seen you in person, your stance is one that a man portrays. I hope this helps....and please don't think of this a criticism, but stepping stones.

01-14-2011, 06:02 AM
Many thanks Jenni, I'm here to learn. If I pose for a picture I just can't figure what to do with my hands especially. Oh, and I'm fefinitely changing the wig.


01-14-2011, 06:15 AM
for help on how to pose for a photo. Look at magazines with photo's of woman. Not that it really matters. We accept you just the way you are.

01-14-2011, 06:41 AM
Longer hair is a useful accessory. Forget the stance talk and worry about how you walk. If you walk like a lumberjack in a dress, or if you walk like a plank because you are focused on it, it can tell on you.

I have gone out a few times as a man in all femme clothes. It can be very freeing. Early on, I wore khaki slacks and a non-descript white blouse. Later I wore a skirt. Once you realize that no one cares and you are obviously read, then going out any old way seems easier. Trying to hide what you really are is stressful. When I could not hide, the stress abated (a lot, but not entirely.) Just be careful. Going out late at night or at other odd times means no one is around to see you and it means that no one is around to see anyone mug, murder, etc. you. Being in crowded places can be very healthy.

Michelle James
01-14-2011, 10:21 AM
Here is what helped me. Before I ever went out I did hours and hours of research. I don't mean books, or online. Get out of the house in drab and watch the GG's in their habitat. By that I mean the mall, the grocery store Wallmart etc. Go there find a bench and watch them. I spent hours doing this every day for weeks. I also took notes. I focused on women of the same basic body shape as my own. Notice how the walk, stand, gesture, what the wear. Pay attention to the women with the same size and shape face. How do they wear their hair. Try to emulate this look and style. In the beginning try to focus on blending. As you go out more and gain confidence you can start integrating your personal style. If for your first time out you go over the top with your outfit trust me you will be read and that is the worst confidence killer. I believe that if you carry yourself with your head held high and really believe that you are supposed to be there all is possible. I wish you luck and trust me when i say that you will get there and look back at these days and wish you had done it sooner.

Traci Elizabeth
01-14-2011, 11:05 AM
All great advice. I agree the wig has to go but what was most striking to me is that you seemed so "up-tight" and "ridged." RELAX! Take a couple of slow deep breaths, hold your head up and smile. You don't have to bear your teeth but women smile. Add some femininity to you walk and hand movements and you will be well on your way.

I will promise you this: each time you go out it will become easier and easier and before you know it, you will have no idea what all the fuss was about because you fit in just like any other woman as we come in all sizes and shapes.