View Full Version : Transitioning from caricature to lady, maybe?

julia ann
01-14-2011, 05:47 PM
This thought has been runnming through my mind all, alittle recent history, for the past 2 weeks my kids have gotten up every day and left for school, my wife has been in Florida visiting her parents. With the ability to move my work to evenings I have been able to dress all day every day since new years, at least monday to friday. I have been getting up in the morning showering applying my makeup, my jewelry, my wig,skirt, heels etc. I get all dolled up head to the mirror, head to the computer, sit for hours on this site, you tube, vicki rene etc. Two days ago I was watching you tube videos of crossdressers prancing and strutting and cooing at the camera. BOOM!!!! struck by thunderbolt, this is not what women do they don't coo and prance at every opportunity. Look at me, this is not what women do, they don't get up every morning and put on there best looking outfits, jewelry, full makeup with nails and lashes to sit in front of the computer. Women get up in the morning, most, properly prepare themselves for there day and they go on to live there lives that day.
So for the past few days I have gotten up slipped into a pair of jeans and a very comfortable top, light powder, light stroke of mascara,quick swipe of eyeliner and lipstick and moved on with my day. Did some light housecleaning and laundry made some phone calls related to work even ventured out to the post office to drop a few things off. No one said a word though I don't beleive I was passing, didn't really care. I spent the whole day dressed as a women doing what needed to be done in my life, the sense of accommplishment was great. felt so natural that I don't think I can go back to that overdressed caricature. I think I have finnally met the women in me and like her. Thanks for listening to my rant. Love julia

01-14-2011, 05:59 PM
Julia, I know what you mean. Mostly one needs to dress down and to glam up just occasionaly. I think you have it right. though I wear skirts even dressed down, as does my wife.

Jennifer Freeman
01-14-2011, 06:01 PM
Well said Julia! I totally agree. I dislike the 'caricature' and as often as possible, am much more comfortable being 'just a woman', doing ordinary things as a woman. That's not to say that I don't love dressing up and going out as any woman does, but not the 'caricature'. I try to emulate the women that I like.
Jennifer Freeman

julia ann
01-14-2011, 06:15 PM
Thanks Jennifer, I am certain I too will continue to dress in a full and glamorous fashion if the occassion calls for it, but I think just being the best lady I can be will be the goal from now on.

01-14-2011, 06:45 PM
Lots of times I will get up in the morning, throw on a house dress, put on lipstick if I feel like it, and leave it at that.


Cheryl T
01-14-2011, 06:49 PM
I agree Julia. When I was younger I was certainly a caricature of a female. Heavy makeup, Playboy style attire and the highest heels I could find were my stock and trade. As I grew older I realized that my tastes and style were changing and now I find myself almost on the other side of the aisle. One night some of us girls were talking and the subject of skirts came up. One girl said about wearing skirts, "Isn't that why we do this?", to which I immediately replied, "NO".
After I blurted that out it struck me that I've come farther than I thought.
On top of that I enjoy myself more than I did in those early days as I can go out and blend in, just being one of the girls. Seems that's what I wanted all along.

01-14-2011, 07:00 PM
I dress en femme everyday for at least 12-16 hours a day, and yet I only put on make-up if I plan on leaving the house. Otherwise, I'll just hang around in leggings or jeans, a sweater and ballet flats. I may even skip shaving or washing my hair, if I don't have any need to leave the house that day.

Of course, for a while I fell into that same trap as the OP, I would wear nice dress, heels, make-up, jewelry etc. just to walk down the driveway and check the mail. That got old after a few months, considering there wasn't really anyone to appreciate the effort I was putting into it.

01-14-2011, 07:01 PM
Well done Julia! I remember when the thunderbolt struck me too... though I am afraid that I still like to dress a little young for my age from time to time!

But yes, it's about feeling like the woman you are inside and expressing that... and blending in is definately about not being the caricature!

Crissy Kay
01-14-2011, 08:16 PM
I still tend to prance around when I have a chance!!!

Rachel Morley
01-14-2011, 08:20 PM
I agree ... if women truly are your role models, do what they actually do .... not what you think they might do.

01-14-2011, 08:26 PM
I agree ... if women truly are your role models, do what they actually do .... not what you think they might do.

Yes... if we emulate women, they are role models for us. If I identify with women, I try to see and feel into their lives. We try to think and feel as they do, and see
how to dress and behave in various situations... dresing down, in a womanly way, is an art in itself for the regular crossdresser...

01-14-2011, 08:48 PM
I agree ... if women truly are your role models, do what they actually do .... not what you think they might do.

Not that I ever pranced.
In fact I don't even own any really nice clothes. Female or otherwise.

If we want accepted as women we should act/dress like them.

If we want accepted as flamboyant attention hungry pervs, well, then act/dress like that.

01-14-2011, 09:22 PM
I tried the prancing thing in front of the mirror and I looked like a wounded water buffalo. So I am now just working on my walk and mannerisms and sometimes my voice. It hard to practice the voice without someone to talk to that can give you feedback. I am still dressing with jewelry and makeup. I usually am wearing a denim skirt and and this cute little black tank top trimmed in lace with sandals that have about a two inch heel. But still feel like putting on the glam every now and then. You are right though women don't usually run around the house in 5 inch heels and cocktail dresses. I would say that some stay in PJs and night gowns more than anything else for most of the day. Without makeup I might add. Part of the reason we do this to make it as real as possible unless your you are into fetish and I can't speak to that and I won't.


01-15-2011, 12:13 AM
Julia, I had the same sensation watching You Tube the other day, and I have found myself focusing more on being a woman, than on looking like one, or a caricature of one. Sometimes jeans (from Chico's), a nice sweater with a v-neck underneath, clogs, and a little light make up is all it takes. Thanks for starting this thread.