View Full Version : I have looked at other C.D. forums and this is my opinion of this one.

01-15-2011, 02:58 PM
Recently I have looked at other sites catering for crossdressers.
The experience has made me realize that I was lucky to find this site first. It’s the perfect site for me personally. I think it’s the right balance that does it for me.
I don’t want porn. I don’t want nasty comments. I just want people like me to chat to, read there comments, and learn how to be more feminine.
I am even beginning to believe that the community here are nicer than people in general. Is that because of what we are? I think it might be.
I think I will be a member for a long time.

All my love, SUZY

01-15-2011, 03:02 PM
I ran into this place by accident within a few days of the very first time I had dressed en femme. Sometimes I just get lucky and this was one of those times!!!


01-15-2011, 03:03 PM
Suzy, my sentiments exactly.

01-15-2011, 03:07 PM
I've seen some bad sitesin my time. Profiles full of porn, nasty comments by people with an agenda.

We are really very free to express ourselves here.

01-15-2011, 03:10 PM
Back when I first started getting on the forums, I wa sa member of several of them. Now after almost 6 years, I never visit any of the others. I have found this to be my home.

From the great people here and all the supurb work of the moderators. This is where I fit the best.

01-15-2011, 03:11 PM
I totally agree! I appreciate that most on this site are very helpful, respectful, and kind in their comments. I hope that as we all continue to grow in our femininity that we will be very generous toward others with love, grace, and kindness.

Femininity is a wonderful gift! It is soft, gentle, nurturing, and loving.


01-15-2011, 03:15 PM
The first thing I did when we got our Laptop,was look for Crossdressing sites,and as luck would have It I came across this wonderful site first,What a great find as there is a lot of shocking sites out their,that do us no favours,Theres only one other that comes close but here is where I feel most comfortable


Deanna B
01-15-2011, 03:26 PM
hi suzy . you are so right . if you really knew me you would know i am very very reserved . on this forum i have told everyone how my life has been and how i feel now .
for me to be so open wow . it is a lovely place to be . love deanna . :love::love:

01-15-2011, 03:31 PM
I was using AOL chat rooms before I found this site. The people in here are a lot nicer. There were sonme good people over at AOL, but most weren't. It seemed that the AOL CD chat rooms were full of Cliques.

01-15-2011, 03:57 PM
I have tried other sites and I agree with you that this one is the best.

01-15-2011, 04:04 PM
Agree 100% I have looked at many others and they all seem to be just casual sex / pick up places - no better than porn sites.Doesnt really do the image of CD a great deal of good.


Melissa Jill
01-15-2011, 04:25 PM
This is the only one I have come across. You type in "crossdressing" and "forum" this is the very first result.
I do like this place though. The girls are wonderful and always post very helpful responses, even on inane things.

01-15-2011, 04:56 PM
I've been on a number of other TG forums before I came to this one and by far, I've enjoyed my time here the most. There's practically no insults, no flame wars, no trolling. The moderators here run a tight ship, and I am incredibly appreciative of that. The last TG forum I was on for about a week, and it was nothing but people asking for naughty pics, trying to set up real life hook-ups and spam links. IT WAS AWFUL.

Crissy Kay
01-15-2011, 06:44 PM
I must agree with the other posters on this thread. Also I think the members here are somewhat more intelligent then in other forums when you look at the number of subjects or threads covered, and the level of participation as well.

01-15-2011, 06:55 PM
I was using AOL chat rooms before I found this site. The people in here are a lot nicer. There were sonme good people over at AOL, but most weren't. It seemed that the AOL CD chat rooms were full of Cliques.

Totaly agree with you on this one, makes me wonder sometimes the ones that are making most of the noise are the ones who have not told there WAGS or they just fabricate to make themselfs look good.
To be honest, I have not been on here very often alately, I have been dressed going out when i can, Instead of going on about it, I have gone & done it:hugs:
On the other hand, there is also those who just set out & spoil it for others

01-15-2011, 07:05 PM
My wife looked at a few other sites for S.O.'s. She thought they were terrible, all the wives were sooooo negative and hateful. The issue with that is all the other wives who see those sites first and think that's how they should feel. We thought about trying to get people from this site and other more positive sites to join those just to show there are better ways to deal with this. Or at least direct them here.

Cassandra Lynn
01-15-2011, 07:48 PM
I first came online here so it has been special to me and while i still stop in daily because there are more topics of discussion to look over, i have made my home over at the Club. It is just a much more laid back place than here. No offense to the vast majority of truly great folks here, but there are a few that always seem to have a snide remark or come across as angry at the world.


Suzette Muguet de Mai
01-16-2011, 03:18 PM
I agree, this site is the best suited to me and my needs. The moderators are helpful and maintain respectability to all here, MtF,FtM, GG and member's family,TG,TV etc. Somtimes, understandably so, one can read between the lines to see the stress the staff here are under at times and I commend their commitment to the site. I hope they never feel so dis-heartened that they may feel they make no difference, but it is easy for us to offer this when we are not subjected to constant scrutiny in reading postings. Heres to keeping this site as it is, and not to change.

01-16-2011, 03:31 PM
This by far is the best site. it's all about respect and members here do care. i consider myself lucky to find this place and the friendships i have found truly amazing

Kate Lynn
01-16-2011, 03:39 PM
I've seen some bad sitesin my time. Profiles full of porn, nasty comments by people with an agenda.

We are really very free to express ourselves here.

Are we ?

01-16-2011, 03:57 PM
I have to agree. This is a great site, with lots of smart and lovely people. There is no porn spam and no seedy pervs after a pick-up. On the other hand, it's not too serious. A few sites are SO po-faced and serious. Life is about fun, crossdressing life doubly so.

01-16-2011, 04:10 PM
I am Happy with this site it beats some others I have looked at. The respect here is really nice it makes for a better experience overall. Thanks moderators for your hard work! I know we are an unruly bunch most of the time. I feel I have grown over the past few months in my thoughts about respecting others when I post. It is truly an ongoing learning experience not just becomming more presentable but learning to relate with others respectfully and kindly.

Lynn Marie
01-16-2011, 05:33 PM
There are times when I wonder about other CD websites, but I always come back here. It is because of this forum that I'm out of the closet and set free, and that means everything to me. The encouragement here is exactly what every CDer needs and it is given abundantly. Where else would you go?

01-16-2011, 06:50 PM
This is the most serious CD-community i have found, and i have been looking alot for CD-communities. All other CD-places are in some way sexually degenerated. Here CD:s are just ordinary people and that is what i like.

01-16-2011, 06:59 PM
My only worry is that this site might get too popular and become too hard to manage as a free community. They already decided to drop profile photos recently. All we can do is try to avoid making extra work for the moderators and hope it continues to do well.

01-16-2011, 07:20 PM
My only worry is that this site might get too popular and become too hard to manage as a free community. They already decided to drop profile photos recently. All we can do is try to avoid making extra work for the moderators and hope it continues to do well.

as one of the moderators ... i will shed a little light... the photo albums were removed simply because it was creating extra work because certain members could not read the rules... pictures were being posted not only in the pic and vid gallery but the same pictures were then posted into profiles... ..also certain members would delete pics from the gallery threads and add them into their profile thus making the original thread useless... this forum has been running since 2004 (i think) we currently have over 26,000 ,members with over 7,000 currently active members ... we as staff pride ourselves in keeping this forum clean, porn free, and supportive..

01-16-2011, 07:41 PM
as one of the moderators ... i will shed a little light... the photo albums were removed simply because it was creating extra work because certain members could not read the rules... pictures were being posted not only in the pic and vid gallery but the same pictures were then posted into profiles... ..also certain members would delete pics from the gallery threads and add them into their profile thus making the original thread useless... this forum has been running since 2004 (i think) we currently have over 26,000 ,members with over 7,000 currently active members ... we as staff pride ourselves in keeping this forum clean, porn free, and supportive..

I guess az_azeel is right, but I do miss the profile photo albums though.

01-16-2011, 07:57 PM
I am a relatively new girl here, but here are my :2c:

I stumbled upon this forum when I was searching the internet for some resource to help me figure myself out (a work in progress) and how to handle coming out to my wife. It has turned out to be a godsend. I have gotten nothing but advice given in a friendly and non-judgemental manner. I have made some online friends that have been nothing but helpful on topics ranging from makeup to getting my head around CD'ing. And some of you have made me laugh or just smile when I needed it most. I have also discovered a local group of girls that I hope to meet soon.

Since coming to this forum, I have joined a few other TG- related forums that some of you had mentioned and have been disappointed. They don't compare to this one. Some just don't have a lot of activity and on some, unfortunately, it seems that the majority of members tolerate (barely!) crossdressers but really are geared towards girls transitioning in spite of what the group advertises.

I just want to say thanks to all of you and thanks to the moderators for keeping this forum the haven it is!


01-16-2011, 08:01 PM
This is a pretty awesome site! This place was my lifeline several years ago when my living situation wasn't as ideal. I remember when this forum was much smaller, before they added the additional forums and groups. It's cool to see how things change over time. I've been to a few other forums related to CD'ing and one can easily see the huge difference in quality. To me this is the place to be!

01-16-2011, 09:24 PM
:battingeyelashes:I also have looked at others and none compare to this one

BUT! why is it that if you talk bad about this forum it gets deleted ASAP and if otherwise talk about it you praised, hmmmmmmm doesn't seem quit fair to me,
Seems to me we should be able to read other ppls opinions of our home away from home the good and the bad and be able to voice our opinions.
What ever happened to a freedom of speech

Just a thought, It's not my forums, I hope I don't get deleted :battingeyelashes:


01-16-2011, 09:27 PM
Although I didn't find this forum first, I felt fortunate to find it while I was visiting others. I realized quickly that this was the best place for me. I have since left the others (time and content as the reasons). This is the best that I know of, and I'm glad to be a part of it.

01-16-2011, 09:37 PM
Thanks, Az, for all the work that you and the other moderators do!!

I learned about this Forum from a dear friend (GG) some years ago after my dear wife had passed away. I only wish I had known of it sooner. Az stated it correctly when he said that thios Forum is run properly. We all are pretty much free to say what we want, without using porn or offensive language to get a point across. Thsat is what makes the Forum so great, at least to me it is!! I have looked at a few other forums, but do not use them like I do this one!

01-16-2011, 10:04 PM
This site has been very helpful to me, I was looking for a serious forum and came across you all (southern Indiana slang). I found that serious site and also was pleased that it is also silly, funny, confrontational . I would like to Thank the moderators and all my brothers and sisters here for their experience(s), sarcasm!! and insight... Namaste...:hugs:

01-16-2011, 10:15 PM
Hi Suzy, great post this fourm is the best I was a visitor
for a couple years before I joined in Dec. 2008.

No matter what the question somebody will have an answer for you.

Membership in the forum is a privilege not a right if you don't
follow the rules out you go and good riddance.


Lauren KS
01-16-2011, 10:24 PM
I've visited several forums just to see what was available, but the people here are so supportive and so nice, and it's moderated so well, there's really no reason to go elsewhere.

Marcia Blue
01-16-2011, 10:27 PM
IMHO this the best CD/TS/TG forum in the world. The moderators do a fantastic, often unappreciated job, of keeping things civil and proper.
The members are also the best group. We support each other, are truthful to our peers, and have a good time.
I only hope that Crossdressers.com is around for a very long time. The transgender community needs a place like this. We need to pay forward and help the younger generations.

01-16-2011, 10:30 PM
My wife looked at a few other sites for S.O.'s. She thought they were terrible, all the wives were sooooo negative and hateful. The issue with that is all the other wives who see those sites first and think that's how they should feel. We thought about trying to get people from this site and other more positive sites to join those just to show there are better ways to deal with this. Or at least direct them here.

I found out about this site from my SO, about three months or so after I found out that he dresses and spends some time presenting as female. When I felt like I needed more resources to explore about it on my own, I asked him about this site (he had mentioned he was on a forum for crossdressers) and started going on here myself. I've only seen one other site for us WAGS and it was so full of anger, resentment and hate that I couldn't even bring myself to post on it. I am soooo glad this is the website that Crystal had found to be 'herself,' and also so glad there is a place for us GGs here as well.

01-16-2011, 10:53 PM
This was the first site I found which is no surprise since the name is simple enough. I lurked for a while and decided it was for me. I have no reason to go elsewhere as here is where I have made friendships. I actually did create an account at a very similar site to stay in contact with other people I met, but I didn't have the time for it, so I just don't make it back there.

01-16-2011, 11:12 PM
:)Definitely the place to be! I LOVE this site! I can't go a day without coming on here and seeing what's new. I know of no other site where I can go and truly be myself and share and learn from others like me. For many years I thought I was alone, and didn't know how to deal with my urges to dress. I finally decided that I wasn't going to fight it any more and since I found this site I have made steady progress and have made many dear friends, both online and in person at various cd friendly events. Some of the other sites I checked out were little more than meat markets and riddled with pornographic images that portray all cd's in a very derogatory manner. This is truly the best site in the world for us, where we can ask questions and get answers from those who have "been there,done that", share photos of our progress and experiences enfemme, and probably the most important(for me at least), it allows us to find and contact others like us to get out and experience our femme selves and to be the best we can be. And yes, kudos to the moderators for keeping this a place where we can all be comfortable and enjoy our own personal journeys, wherever they may lead. Here's to everyone who makes this site what it is,THE BEST SITE IN THE WORLD for us.:drink: Hugs, your friend in heels, Tonya:battingeyelashes:

01-17-2011, 12:52 AM
It's my favourate bookmark

01-17-2011, 01:14 AM
Hey whats wrong with a little porn? ok maybe not here but there is an element of excitement to it all. There are pluses and minuses to all of the boards. Frankly I wish the non-CD parts of this board were more active. There are things i like to talk about besides crossdressing.

01-17-2011, 01:40 AM
After reading the posts here, I just realized the ONLY thing this site DOESN'T have is a chat room!:eek:
There MUST be a reason for that?:brolleyes:

I'm on a few other CD sites that DO have chat rooms. But, I rarely visit them! I find them either; boring, cliqueey, immature, gross, moronic, crude, (or worse), or ALL of the above!:sad:

Maybe THAT'S why there isn't one here!?:straightface:

Tamara Croft
01-17-2011, 01:49 AM
BUT! why is it that if you talk bad about this forum it gets deleted ASAP and if otherwise talk about it you praised, hmmmmmmm doesn't seem quit fair to me


Normally we'd delete them because they turn into flame wars, but I decided to leave this one up and see how it went....

What ever happened to a freedom of speech

This is a privately owned board, there is no such thing as freedom of speech, would you allow someone to come in your home and trash it?? I doubt it, same rules apply here, membership is free, it will always be free, but we have rules which have to be followed.

Doc, you just answered your own question. Yes we had a chat room, we had video chat, but it turned into a porn room and we removed it. We have one you can join at the top of the board, but the staff here do not run it, it's ran by the site owners.

01-17-2011, 03:15 AM
I'd like to add my thanks as well. It took me a couple of years to find this site after a series of searches that resulted in numerous porn sites and little else. I was looking for answers, not porn; this was as close, I realised, as I could get. I was actually finding accounts from people who had been where I was, and had progressed from there in a myriad of different directions, all of them interesting. The thing that surprised me, and for which I am profoundly grateful, was how helpful the folks here were. One member took the time to walk me through the site's rules and procedures and I actually found enough information to answer most of my questions. I stop by 1 or 2 times a day just to check the new posts & threads and reply to those I feel I can add something to.

01-17-2011, 03:44 AM
This site is the one and only one for me. (Oh, how I wish the Internet had been invented forty years ago!) Although, I do enjoy Flickr also.

01-17-2011, 06:34 AM
This site is by far the best one out there. There seems to be an unparalled element of respect and comradery amongst all the members here, both GG and GM. I don't even bother to go anywhere else any more!

01-17-2011, 07:52 AM
I feel that I'm at home and at peace and can say almost anything.:thumbsup:
We have the pleasure of associating with one another with out the fears of the internet. The moderators here do an outstanding job.:2c:
I have been able to learn so much from here and am now out and about every week, I have never looked back an the future is what you make of it. I wouldn't trade being out and dressed for anything, the feeling is so me nowadays.

THANK YOU ALL for being here:hugs::hugs::hugs:

01-17-2011, 11:21 AM
I'm in about 95% agreement. The other 5% is just the inevitable clash that happens when you get more than one person in one place... and when it happens the mods are great about handling it!

01-18-2011, 03:08 PM
Must agree with others that it is Porn free & no pervs, but it would be nice just to have a hanfull of pics on our profiles, even if its only half a dozen:D


01-18-2011, 03:16 PM
I love the way you feel not everything has to be nasty*)

01-18-2011, 03:20 PM
Suzy says it all. Spot on!

01-18-2011, 03:22 PM
I love this site also,honest opinions,no porn,nice people,what more could you ask for?

Jenny Doolittle
01-18-2011, 06:52 PM
I just love you honesty Suzy. That is why this room is so nice, it is just people trying to help others, just like you.

HUgz Jenny Do

Luciana Vitale
01-18-2011, 10:35 PM
That is why i am here since 2005, and help me grow a lot and express my feminine side

01-18-2011, 10:47 PM
I fully agree with you Suzy, this forum is by far the best for politeness. The content is never deragatory or demeaning and no come ons from trolls looking for a hookup. I enjoy my daily visits because there's always something new and refrshing.

01-19-2011, 05:43 AM
Anyone remember Donna's Den ? Long gone that was the first site I visited years ago but this is by far the best site.