View Full Version : Ever get caught?

01-17-2011, 02:22 PM
Soo when I was home on winter break I borrowed my mom's computer one night to take... lets just say some intimate pictures which did not include my face thankfully. Apparently my mom went through the trash bin and found one of them, confronted me, then told me that she didn't think it was me because she didn't recognize the body. Needless to say when she told me she had found pictures on her computer my heart instantly dropped, thank god it wasn't worse than it was...

anybody else have close encounters like that?

Karren H
01-17-2011, 02:46 PM
Nope... No one has ever seen me ernfemme in person or photos... My wife found some of my thing so I fessed up... But she hasn't seen me enfemme or really doesn't want to... Plus... I don't have toys let along take photos of them! Lol

01-17-2011, 02:53 PM
My wife found my things so we had to have the long awaited conversation and she found them because she sort of caught me hiding something hurriedly as she came into our room so she went on a search - ho hum so much for being careful, but now she knows so no more hiding but she hasn't seen me dressed

01-17-2011, 03:25 PM
Hiding things doesn't work.....I even dress in front of the SO....

01-17-2011, 03:39 PM
I was never caught per se despite some very close calls! However, my SO found a draft of my 'letter' a few weeks before I gave it to her to read. She didn't say anything about seeing it until after I gave her the letter.

01-17-2011, 04:18 PM
Two very close encounters..one with mom when I was 14, one with an ex GF when I was 26. Both scared the dressing out of me for years after LOL

01-17-2011, 04:29 PM
A couple of times. But the one that tops them all is , one day I got up real early and got all dressed up. Of course I thought no one would be up. I was scared but I made it out of the house with no problem. Just as I was almost to my car my girlfriend came outside, Looked at me and said what the f___. She went back inside and I left.

01-17-2011, 04:41 PM
My mom caught me when I was 16 and we talked about it for about 30 minutes and then it was never spoken about ever again.

Funny thing was is that the clothes, the makeup and wig she caught me in all disappeared!

If I had it to do all over again my life would have been so different now.

R.I.P Mom

01-17-2011, 04:42 PM
If my toys included a 72 blue metallic T-top Corvette I would take pictures :)

I haven't been caught in photos but then I let anyone see them who wants to

01-17-2011, 05:12 PM
Dear Ms Bostonbabe,

Thank you for your interest in our organization.

Your experience and skill set falls short of meeting our basic requirements for any intelligence position within our organization.

We suggest you keep your day job.


Al Coholic
Chief Recruitment Assessor
Big Brother International

01-17-2011, 05:17 PM
My wife found a picture of me dressed on the computer. She didn't tell me that she had seen it but she did tell my daughters.
My 20 yr old finally told me that I had been caught so I had a talk with my wife.

01-17-2011, 05:53 PM
I came REAL close one time. My wife left for an errand one Sat. morning. I was so excited to get dressed up. I put on a black tank top with thin stringy straps, and jeans shorts with nude pantyhose. I was at the computer when suddenly the door opened. She forgot something. I immediatly DOVE under the desk. She walked by the den and asked what I was doing under there. I said something like I dropped my pen. She was in a hurry to leave again, and she didn't even take a second glance into the room. I tell ya- I could HEAR my heart pounding! Didn't dress again for about a month!

Nikki A.
01-17-2011, 07:23 PM
Told my wife before we married, dressed at home when we were alone at times. I haven't told the kids yet, but, since I go out dressed now when they are in college I do expect I will get caught by someone that knows me and if it does so be it.

02-07-2011, 03:53 AM
sorry haven't been caughth yet

02-07-2011, 05:44 AM
When I was in high school my mother found a panty girdle in my dresser drawer. She thought it was a trophy that I had taken from some girl...little did she know that it was mine :)

02-07-2011, 06:23 AM
When I was very young my mom found my stash of clothes, and basically let teh whole neighborhood know that she found them, talk about embarassing, not counting the fact that she put me in therapy to try and figure out why I was dressing....

Rita C.
02-07-2011, 06:49 AM
At one time or another ,we all went through the hidding stage. And I know that a lot of the girls can not come out. but if you ever do get caught just come clean. If you dont come out with the truth, later on I will come up and bit you in the butt.

02-07-2011, 12:29 PM
Two worst days of life. I was caught wearing my sister's things one day after school when I was 15 by my mother. My father later confronted me that night. Not a very good confrontation. Three months later I got into trouble with the law concerning CDing. The fit really hit the shan then!

02-07-2011, 09:32 PM
Heh, once. I was at home by myself, completely dressed up,(sans the wig) just finishing some makeup when a friend casually popped in out of nowhere. Luckily, I was able to close the door and inform him that I was about to take a shower. (That was back in Missouri..... I was in an area that it would have been very bad to have been seen lol)

Jennifer Soames
02-11-2011, 08:22 PM
I have a pair of panties that have a ribbon attached at the back and hangs down about 5 inches. I was underdressed and went out for coffe. went to the mens room and left it hanging over the back of my jeans. it was mostly covered by my t shirt hanging out but about the bottom inch or so was showing. A woman sitting at the next table said to me quietly that the tail on my panties was hanging out. I was mortified. She smiled and said I should be a little more careful. She went back to her coffee and me to seemingly reading the paper, I wanted to leave but was in a state of nervous confusion. when she left she smiled and said "bye cutie". Later, much later I loved the whole encounter.

I have seen her once since from a distance, I dont think she saw me. the mall where this happened is about 2 miles from where I now live and has a beautiful Lingerie boutique that I now am scared to visit incase I bump into her again. quite silly really.

Josie M
02-11-2011, 08:47 PM
I think I posted my best getting caught story here:


There was also a time back then when I snuck out of my apartment - under cover of darkness - only to discover that I'd driven through the small town of Painted Post NY with cabin lights in my car on.

02-11-2011, 09:27 PM
Well, when I was about 13 or 14 my father and I were visiting his girlfriend in Kansas City. They went out one night, and I went into her room and began dressing. As it turns out, I did not have the wherewithal to close the shades. I apparently put on a show for the older couple who lived next door. A few days later, I got grilled by dear old dad about being a demented freak for hours. He was not an open minded kind of guy (at 5'6, he thought anyone over 6 feet tall was also a freak of nature). He threatened me with all kinds of psychological testing (and worse, as I remember it) if he ever caught me again. No shock, I retreated into a dark closet of shame.

There was another incident at a school event a couple of years later, but he never found out. Somehow, I escaped too much ridicule after that incident, probably because it was "only" some classmates who caught me, and I was not dressed up when they found me. I know they had suspicions, and I sure was on eggshells for awhile afterwards. It took a very long time to try again after that.

02-11-2011, 11:20 PM
I was caught in JrHgh by my parents. Long lecture on sex. Never caught but found out years later that several people had caught, seen, figured out that I crossdressed. One neighbor walked in on me fully dressed and never said a word about it. Told my girlfriend, now wife early in relationship. I don't worry about it anymore. I keep my lingerie in my drawers and hang my womens clothes in our closet. Daughters know. Neighbors know.

The fact is that hiding it is awful hard. Most will be caught and those close will feel bad about it.

Billie Jean
02-11-2011, 11:27 PM
A girlfriend I used to live with put pictures out of the recycle bin of me back in my pictures file. Before that she told me if I ever wore a dress we were through. Her daughter always wanted to paint my toe nails. I think they both saw my pictures. Billie Jean

02-11-2011, 11:48 PM
My grandfather, who lived next door, caught me wearing my sister's miniskirt & ruffly blouse when I was 10 while my mom was at work, and I was home from school one day.

Nowadays, with things like facebook which has a pic of me, there ain't no secrets.

02-12-2011, 12:27 AM
Parents came home early one night when i was completely en femme... bra, panties, stockings, little black dress, and full make up... i had to hide in the bathroom and pretend i was taking a shower while i changed and then wrapped everything up in a towel when i walked out. It was exciting though walking out in front of them still wearing my pink and black lace boyshorts :battingeyelashes:

02-12-2011, 01:03 AM
I think over the years we all have had some close calls. Back when I was like 15, I was about the same size as my older sister and would borrow a few of her things when everybody was gone. One afternoon I had spent some time dress and started to change only to find that the zipper on the dress was caught. I would beleive that her dress had to be washed because I sure did sweat a lot trying to get it off. My clothes are all in the drawers and hanging in the closet now. Have no plans to tell my kids and take the chance of changing our good relations we have now. Only my SO, her sister, and my Ex know I dress. Yes I would like to shout it out, but will not happen.

Georgia Rose
02-12-2011, 06:51 AM
Confessed to my wife soon after I started (late starter) and dress in front of her often. Infact she often asks me on weekends if we are not going out whether I'm dressing that night or not. Tonight I was. Wouldn't want the kids to know as can't see them understanding.

Maria in heels
02-12-2011, 07:02 AM
my wife found pictures of Maria after we had been married for a short period of time..that was my coming out talk to her...

02-12-2011, 08:37 AM
I have had soem really close calls over the years. My mother found my stash of things one time. That wasn't a real big, but she did give me a talking too.

The only time that I was actually caught red handed was one night about 2:00am I was awake and decided to take advantage if the free time I had while everyone else was sleeping. My office door opened and it walked my youngest son.:eek::eek::eek:

He asked what I was doing, I said I couldn't sleep, And I told him to go back to bed. He did and not another word was ever said. Hopefully he was just sleepwalking. But I don't think he was. :daydreaming:

02-12-2011, 09:05 AM
I've not been caught as such, but I've had the odd near miss. One time I was fully dressed in one of my Mam's dresses (cream, turle neck, it was the early 80s after all), nude tights, high heeled mules and full makeup (well as full as I could get at the time which mounted to eyeshadow and lippy) in the attic bedroom I had. My sister came and tried to open the door. Fortunately I had bolted it. My family knew though, I'm sure, and my mother would put things like new packs of tights in places where I could get them. There was a pair of grey tights (and I mean pantyhose for those of your with a western Atlantic persuasion LOL) that I knew had been there for months so one day I opened them and wore them with a leotard to do some girly exercises that they did on daytime TV, and kept them afterwards and wore them loads in bed with a lacy nightie I'd alsoacquired. The more I think about it, the more I realise it was a test or a trap of some sort

02-12-2011, 04:51 PM
When I was 14, my younger sister caught me in my mom's pantyhose, girdle and slip. Had a few close calls with the older sister and parents.

02-13-2011, 05:10 PM
My mother was always rather accepting of "alternative lifestyles" and seemed interested in their stories so while I never tried to get caught I assumed if I did she might be accepting and perhaps even a little helpful. I had bought a wig and placed the small box it came in, in my wastepaper basket. I thought the box was plain and unmarked but apparently she found otherwise and confronted me with it. She wasn't angry but she wasn't exactly in the "let's go shopping" mood either. It was a very concerned, worried I was "sick" tone and an offer, more like a plea if I had bought a wig to get me help. If she only knew the help I wanted was hers to experience what it was like to be a girl, something she and my sister took for granted. I did come home for a while hoping to find a few "surprises" sitting on my bed waiting for me but it was never discussed again. Oh yeah, I told her I had no idea why the box had wig markings and told her I had mail ordered a couple of videotapes and that's what they shipped them in. Just because it was never brought up again doesn't mean she bought it or never gave my bedroom and closet a thorough searching when I wasn't home.

02-13-2011, 06:28 PM
Parents came home early one night when i was completely en femme... bra, panties, stockings, little black dress, and full make up... i had to hide in the bathroom and pretend i was taking a shower while i changed and then wrapped everything up in a towel when i walked out. It was exciting though walking out in front of them:battingeyelashes: exactly the same as what happened to me a couple of weeks back! I also left a used make up remover wipe by my sisters mirror by acident last week when i had the morning off and realised on the bus to college :O needless to say i was worrying all day about how i was going to explain my crossdressing to her when she found it as she gets home before me. Luckily that day she decided to stay late at school that day so i got home first and removed it. very close call!

02-14-2011, 11:23 AM
My wife knows, but doesn't approve, so I usually give her a warning that I'm having "a personal day". So *she* has never caught me, however one morning after dressing, I'd forgotten to take off my eyeshadow, and my son asked what in the world it was doing. I told him it was medicine for conjunctivitis... he was young and believed everything... :)

02-14-2011, 12:15 PM
Wow. Reading these stories is great.

02-14-2011, 12:57 PM
Well, I'm past the point of being found out. My wife assumes that I spend my free time en femme, but, she does not know the extent of my dressing. Not to rub it in her face, I have to make sure nothing is left out for her to find. There have been some slip ups. Last week she found a pair of my Vanity Fair nylon panties on the floor. She just threw them out into the hallway without saying a word. When she found one of my red bras hanging on the towel rack in the bathroom, she put it behind the wash closet door and told me to not leave it where somebody else may find it. Then she found a pair of water balloons in the kitchen sink. On occasion she will get the mail, a rarity, and find a small package being delivered. It's DADT.

02-14-2011, 01:03 PM
You know, it's funny. I don't really recall for certain being caught. I think I may have been? When I was a pre-teenager, I think my step-dad walked in on me wearing something of my sisters literally hiding in the closet of my room. Then again, I may have only dreamed it.

Foggy memory, maybe repressed? My mother never said anything neither did my step-dad but sometimes my mother makes comments about my son's nylon rubbing like she's on the defensive for him (and me as I did the same thing). I'll have to talk to her and find out....and tell her about my hobby....


02-14-2011, 03:11 PM
When I was 14 I was alone at home and I was dressed in my sister's pink chiffon baby dolls. I loved them. Suddenly I heard someone walking up the stairs and I hurried got in bed and pulled the sheet up to my neck. It was my older cousin who was gay. I told him to leave me alone that I was tied and trying to get a nap. He stared at me smiled and turned around and left. I realised after that the wide pink frilly straps of the baby dolls were exposed and that he probably saw them. :o

A couple months later I had hidden in my bedsheets a bra, panties, pantyhose, sanitary napkin and sanitary napkin belt to put on when I went to bed. While I was out of the room my mother decided to change my bedsheets. I came back in the room and she look at my stuff and then at me. :eek: She gather up my stuff and left the room. I never saw my stuff again and she never mentioned it ever. I was so embaressed but I always wished that she would have sat down with me to talk about it. I wanted to tell her so much about the real me the girl inside of me. The person I really was. :daydreaming:

Vicki :love:

02-14-2011, 03:24 PM
Oh gosh, I've been "caught" a bunch. However, I didn't get a vote the first time; the nurse brought me out of the delivery room in a pink blanket! I didn't really try to hide it as a kid though; as a toddler, I had my own purse, long gloves and that sample Avon lipstick. I played dress up with my sister all the time. I would go the whole 9 yards when we played, except a wig, and I never thought much about it; it just seemed natural. I know my parents knew but they never confronted me about it; I think they were afraid to find out their only son is a crossdressing girlie-boy. Then there was the sitter that my mom took me to once where they allowed me and the other boy there to dress up in cute dresses and borrow their sling backs (two girls watching us) and we played house all day like that; next thing I knew, my mom was standing at the door hollering that it she was there and to come on. I asked if she saw us playing and she said yes, but didn't say a word more. Then after I got married, I used to under dress a lot. One day I wore some cute panty hose; I was in the house using the restroom (sitting like a lady of course) when my wife walked in and saw me in all my glory with my hose down to my knees...I told her that hose are good to wear for the cold in the winter...she bought it. Later on, she actually dressed me up, make up and all, and took pictures (which I regretably tore up later). Now she is not supportive overall, but allows me to wear cotton panties and ladies socks, PJs and such. Slowly but surely I intend to get her on my side and see that she isn't losing a husband but gaining a part-time girlfriend! Hugs - Jen

02-14-2011, 03:32 PM
Not yet.... but I guess that there is a first time for everything. Its probably just a matter of time.

03-16-2011, 07:05 PM
Yes. My wife logged onto my Secondlife account and saw my profile pic of me wearing stockings, garter and lace panties. I don't know what my avatar was wearing or not wearing, but usually something ****ty. My wife confronted me about this a month later thinking I was having an affair and that she should have one too.

Years earlier I took naked pics thinking I was not getting any younger and I emailed them to my now wife. They ended up in "recipes". Years later I made a screen saver with all her "My pictures" folder. Then one night we heard a screen from my 18 YO step daughter while she was watching the screen saver. The "recipes" folder was in the my pictures folder and I "popped" up. Opps

03-16-2011, 09:16 PM
Not yet.... but I guess that there is a first time for everything. Its probably just a matter of time.

The odds are better than even money for it to happen.......:battingeyelashes:

03-16-2011, 11:58 PM
Soo when I was home on winter break I borrowed my mom's computer one night to take... lets just say some intimate pictures which did not include my face thankfully. Apparently my mom went through the trash bin and found one of them, confronted me, then told me that she didn't think it was me because she didn't recognize the body. Needless to say when she told me she had found pictures on her computer my heart instantly dropped, thank god it wasn't worse than it was...

anybody else have close encounters like that?

Ummm [SHIFT] + [DELETE] Use it! This means bypassing the recycle bin and preventing these types of things from happening.

03-17-2011, 12:11 AM
I'd go beyond that and make sure that you only store that sort of thing on separate media (like a USB drive) that gets secured without fail when you're not using it. Even if it's your own computer you never know if some odd circumstance will have someone looking through your hard drive.

03-17-2011, 08:04 AM
Not in that manner. I left some underthings in my room and my fastidious mother found them while she was cleaning. Busted. It turned out fine, however.

Now, I personally don't think taking "intimate" pics on your Mom's computer was a particularly wise choice.

03-17-2011, 09:25 AM
This is my previous post about getting caught:


I still really regret that sad day.

03-17-2011, 10:36 AM
Yes, I have been caught. Semi-interesting story follows:

A long time ago (20 years ago) I was part of a nerdy club (Japanese Animation club to be exact). I had come to know one of the persons there but it wasn't like we were hanging out with each other all the time. After a while he left and a few years later the club dissolved due to lack of interest and the inability to find a meeting place.

A couple of years ago, I was fully crossdressed and hanging out with a friend of mine at a transgender/crossdress friendly bar. As I was about to enter that person who was part of the club long ago spotted me. We then had an interesting conversation, mostly along the lines of "I didn't think you were a crossdresser" type stuff.

After that we've remained in contact but beyond that, I've had some close calls, but that's about it.

Joanna Maguire
03-17-2011, 08:22 PM
I think all serious CD's eventually get caught. I have been caught several times. When my wife first caught me with lipstick on my face, She thought I was having an affair . But after I told her I was a CD and revealed my self dressed up. First she was horrified. Gradually she began to accept after I bought us both similar expensive night dresses to wear. Since then we both wear night dresses to bed. It improved our sex life. I took her to a CD club to meet other CD's Now in retirement I dress full time. Before retirement I was caught in public and recognised by several of my work mates>No problems arrose afterwards at my place of work.

03-18-2011, 12:28 AM
I was about 14 and had dressed fully in my mothers clothes, my brother's mates were downstairs and one of them saw me walk across the landing and immediately cried out 'Who's that woman upstairs!' to my brother. I panicked of course and quickly locked myself in my room, whilst my brother and his friends tried to push open the door and look through the top window to see who it was. Needless to say they told my mum when she came home, and I had some explaining to do...

But that is another story.

Tasha McIntyre
03-18-2011, 04:26 PM
Thanks for re-visiting a great topic Becky. Always good for a smile or two

I've never actually been caught dressed, but 2 "events" come to mind.

Back in the early 1980's when I was a teenager I had the house to myself and had a few mates were over for a meal and video evening. After everyone had left I was lounging around in my denim mini skirt and pink T shirt when I hear the front door opening.....yeah, I should have had it locked Anyway I high tail it to my room to change and come back to see my mate there with a big smile "forgot my radio" he says, and then leaves. This guy was best man at my wedding a few years ago and nothing was ever said. Reckon I dodged a bullet.

A couple of months ago my son's girlfriend (she's 19) looks at me and says matter of factly "you're wearing eye makeup!". Seems like I'm crap at putting makeup on, but even worse at removing the stuff Oops, off to the bathroom for a better clean up job. Nothing further came of it.


03-18-2011, 05:04 PM
I havent been caught but.... well almost.
One time i had bought a pair of heels and the person that sent them had packed them in a way that it was totally clear what it was inside.
And just few days ago I had bought a skirt and at the package it was a "nice" trademark that had the text WOMENS WEAR and a picture of a woman in a pink skirt. :/
I dont live home alone so i didnt get these packages first.. :/
Another time my ex found a stockingspacking in my backpack and wondered why it was there. A sweet little lie explained that i had cleaned a rentroom and found it there.
Another time my ex wondered why i was dark round my eyes and a sweet little lie explained that i had slept very badly. :/
The life as a crossdresser aint easy....

Nicole L.
03-18-2011, 05:33 PM
Where to begin. Here goes, in no particular order. Went for a drive, and my nephew stopped me. Got a new pair of red boot's Fed-Ex'd to me, that were dropped off at two different neighbor's address. The last one was someone I went to school with, who opened the box. Size 14's. I tracked it down, and picked it up from him, personally. Another neighbor spotted me getting out of my car, while she was walking her dog. My ex know's all about me. But has never actually seen me. My youngest, who live's with me, has known for year's. So he catch's me dressed all the time. And my oldest and his wife borrowed my laptop, without asking. Needless to say all of my pic's were there to be seen. And I'm quite sure they were. No R or X rated photo's. Just lot's of me in mini's & hi-heel's. Now, with all of these "sighting's", not one of them have said a word about it, including myself. So yeah, I guess I've been caught. Nicole

03-18-2011, 09:28 PM
While working as onsite manager at a small motel for sometime, one night, after all housekeepers had left I took some of my fem dresses along with other male clothes and put them all in the housekeeping washer, which is inaccessible to all guests. I had some drinks that night and i vaguely remember having gotten my clothes back from the laundry after wash and dry.
But next day, the housekeeper called me and told that your clothes are still in laundry and she took them out and put them in the drier. I almost died hearing that. Scared and embarrassed, I ran to the laundry and to my relief only two of my male clothes were left back by mistake.

Wendy G
03-18-2011, 09:41 PM
When I was a teenager, I got caught by various family members on a couple of different occasions. It forced me to repress for a few years, but the desire to crossdress was always with me. Admittedly, I have some shame over this and am sorry for the discomfort that it caused various family members. In 30 years, it's never come up again, but I'm sure it's not been forgotten. On the other hand, as I've matured, I realize that this cannot be repressed. I have to live my own life and not allow others to dictate how I should be. In my current life, I've escalated this passion, and the threat of being caught is always there. Again, it's a risk that must be taken.

03-19-2011, 04:55 AM
My wife found stockings and suspender belt when she was looking for something and then she has seen an odd item or two, I think I left a basque in the bedroom - she told me to 'put your things' away

Each time we have had a tense conversation and close to splitting up

The most embarrasing moment was when she walked in early from work

I think she developed a habit of walking in 'silently' as if to catch me and I made comment about her coming home and not saying hello as she came in

On this day I expected her to be another hour and I was only in my comfortable white t-short, an OBG with suspenders and stockings

She walked in quietly, made comment about me getting changed and then afterwards we had conversation about my repeated behaviour, not keeping such behaviour/clothes out of the house, disrespect/insult/humiliation to her and questionning my perversion, orientation and inability to stop.

Each time such conversation has happened the issue of splitting up has been traised but we are still together and appear to be happy but...

Not certain if she believes it continues out of sight as never discussed

Nearly caught this week - had been in bra and pant on day off, changed to collect her from the train station and left items in a bag just inside the flat

Realised as she walked from car and chased after her, diverting her attention as we walked in, standing over the bag and directed her to go past as I needed to use the adjacent bathroom - a close call

Not certain if it is accidental that we get caught, continuing to take risks, or that accidents do not happen and we are looking for moment to be caught, confront the issue, be open...

Do we like risk-taking, it's part of the thrill...?

Maria 60
03-19-2011, 06:45 AM
When i was 15 or 16 my parents would go to our summer cabin on the weekends, because i would work on the weekends i couldn't go with them, but my grandparents lived with us. I would get home around 9 or 10 and my grandparents would be sleeping and i would go in my moms room and get dressed. I then would go and watch tv, because being tired from work i would fall asleep on the couch. I'd wake up the next day in bed still dressed, and remembering my grandmother telling me to go to bed that its cold in the living room. I would never remember closing the tv and going to bed. On another occasion i would wake up the next day on the couch with a blanket covering me. My grandmother never said nothing to me, or even acted different around me. God rest her soul i guess she toke it to her grave because nothing was ever said about it, That was one cool grandmother.

03-20-2011, 05:54 AM
caught by my aunt at five wearing her stockings,made to wear girls jeans shoes top and frilly knickers when i wet myself, caught by my dad wearing pantyhose at 12

03-20-2011, 06:03 AM
I was caught a couple of times as a teenager. I used to wear a nightie under my PJ's and the top peeped out on one occasion. My brother caught me that time. Didn't stop me though and, surprisingly, nothing was said to the rest of the family! Another time my mother found some girlie items under my mattress! Terrible hiding place but I used it for years. My family now know so no more hiding.

03-22-2011, 04:06 AM
Was caught at 10 by little sister, ran and blurted to whole family. Kinda of stopped me for a little, always on the back burner in my mind. Almost got caught the other day by so, she walked into bedroom as I was putting things away.

Karen Johnson
03-22-2011, 04:28 AM
Got caught red-handed by my older sister when I was in my late teens. Everyone was gone and I had the house to myself. I was wearing my mom's bright red garter belt, hose, and bra, with a little make-up on when my sister comes through the front door. I was sitting in the living room watching tv when she came in. I don't know who had the more surprised look on their face. I jumped up and ran to my room. That was over thirty years ago and neither of us have ever mentioned it. However, I do wonder who else she has told.

03-22-2011, 12:54 PM
Hi Becky!
Your thread has reminded me of plenty of moments in my life when I suspect I was busted. Mostly nobody ever said anything, so I can't be sure.

As a kid I noticed my love for feminine cloths and a desire to wear them on a gradual basis. In puberty I couldn't understand why I needed to "steal" and try on my mother and sisters' clothing. My mother certainly knew about my innocent needs - thankfully I never felt rejection but she was certainly "worried" about my behaviour and communicated that to me. I'm looking forward to a day in the not so distant future when I can simply ask her and my sisters, whether they knew/know and what they thought/think of it all.

I needlessly traumatised my Ex by believing I could keep my crossdressing secret from her. And I was a nervous wreck for fear of being found-out. I can't count how often I purged and hoped never to start dressing again.

After ten years of being together and sharing (almost) everything, I got caught around 1998. On the positive side that was the long-delayed beginning of me accepting a very important part of me.
Another ten years and I found myself living alone and surprised that I could crossdress at will.

I didn't think much of that before taking the risk of signing up actively to this site last Summer. I told a few ggs and had a range of reactions that were mostly positive. My present SO has known from the word go - it's such a relief not having to live in fear at home.

My enthusiasm has been dented a few times since though.
For instance, I just adore nail-polish and I was thrilled when I finally tried on my own for the first time last Autumn. I teach piano among other things - and I was mortified after one of my pupils noticed a half-red thumb-nail. She said nothing.

My daughters have always loved dressing up and I like to think I know where that comes from. The older one is having a phase with crazy nail-polish colours and I'm really jealous... and happy! She uses my computer regularly and interestingly enough I don't have any problem leaving my link to this site on my desktop. I'm looking forward to talking to her openly at some stage but I won't force it.

Regards, Gaby :yawn:

03-22-2011, 01:07 PM
the closest was when my wife was going to get pictures printed at a local drug store. The camera was my daughter's so she took the SD card out to get it printed.

Well evidently i had used the camera at some point as Darla and even though the pictures were deleted from the camera they are still on the media. She was furious with me because it was almost my daughter going by herself who was going to print the pictures.

IMPORTANT POINT: When you delete pictures from digital media (eg. SD or CF card) it doesn't really remove the data for the picture on the digital media. All it does is remove the picture entry from the digital media file allocation table. When you go to one of these picture printing kiosks they don't necessarily read from this file allocation table like the camera does so old (possibly deleted) pictures can come up. The only way to truly get old pictures off a digital media is to do a "scramble wipe" on the media or else you could just completely fill up the media with random pictures which will eventually overwrite the old deleted pictures.

03-22-2011, 03:43 PM
This also has happened to me many times,and I even gave up dressing for a while,but the urge to dress became too hard to resist.

Linda Stockings
03-22-2011, 04:46 PM
Oh, yes. I was practicing my walk and movements in 5 inch platform pumps, a skirt and blouse, and pantyhose - AND recording it on my digital camera. It was hard enough as it was, but imagine the recording as I realized my wife was coming!!!!


No ladies, I don't plan on posting the recording, although you may get quite a laugh.


03-22-2011, 05:21 PM
Never been caught face to face by anyone, but there have been many times where my mom comes to my bedroom door, and I just yell "I'm getting changed" in the middle of the day so she probably knows, not to mention the various panty stashes shes found over the years, lol. And just a few days ago i was doing a photo shoot in her bedroom mirror when i heard her car door, i ran and forgot a pair of pants and she just happened to walk straight to her room and find them.

03-23-2011, 04:16 AM
I've been almost caught a number of times - especially when I was living with my family. They would often find some panties in my underwear drawer and ask 'what's going on?' and my excuse - every time - was 'it must have got bundled up with my stuff in the wash' - realistic eh?

I think they must have suspected something but nothing was ever said.

My wife recently found a pair of her panties in the wrong place, and I never came up with any excuse at all. To be honest I'm sick of the hiding and stress of wondering if today will be the day she finds my stash so I am building up to telling her.

Interstingly, though I have also stumbled across my younger brother trying on some of my sister's clothes and some pron magazines which must have belonged to my father where he'd stuck skirts and dresses onto the men so I wonder if there is some family thing behind this?

03-25-2011, 01:58 AM
I've never been caught wearing clothes but when I was a teenage my mom found my stash of pantyhose and asked me about them. I was so humiliated that I couldn't give her an answer and told her that I would throw them away and the subject was never brought up again.

03-25-2011, 10:20 PM
Never really thought about it as a kid; I used to dress up with my sister all the time. I would raid Mom's clothes; bra, panty, slip, dress, heels, makeup, etc and never thought a thing about it. Then I began to realize it wasn't socailly acceptable and began to try to be more careful. Was caught a time or two by Mom who never said anything. Then I got married to someone who does not support or accept it much at all. In fact, she has caught me many times over the years. She has never come face to face with Jennifer, but she has discovered sales receipts for wigs and clothes, found websites and just this week found makeup. Everytime it happens, I try to convince her I am still the same person she married. She wants me to go for counseling now and says I need to figure out what I want to be. I just can't bring myself to tell her the truth; that I love being feminine (as if she shouldn't already know...she even said that this is probably why I use body lotions and creams...duh!) I'm traveling right now so I guess we'll see where this goes when I get home!


Samantha Thomson
03-26-2011, 08:31 AM
only my gf has caught me fully dressed and about to go out thought she had left but wasnt mad know im her girl as she puts and love when i carry a purse like her

03-26-2011, 07:35 PM
Unfortunately, yes...my high school girlfriend came home (to her house) and I had let myself in and was in her bedroom laying down in her bra, panties and pantyhose with a couple of dresses laid on the bed. I won't tell you what I was doing...you can use your imagination:) She came to the door, tiptoeing and then screamed when she saw me dressed and with her lipstick on...it took a while that night, but I convinced her it was because it was a way of me getting close to her when she wasn't around. She kinda bought it and thereafter whenever we would be alone, whenever she put her lipstick on she'd put some on me as well:)

03-26-2011, 08:25 PM
Oh...one other thing that nearly got me caught...wearing a tight underwire bra for half a day and I undressed hours later (after having already taken it off) and sure enought there were the telltale bra marks on my side and under my breasts...oh my gosh, I nearly walked out in my swimsuit without a top until I took a quick look in the mirror...that was close as there were several women at the pool party who would have known in an instant what those marks meant!

03-26-2011, 08:59 PM
Praise yourself for having the courage to wear the underwire half a day--next time, all day!!!

03-26-2011, 09:00 PM
She is a great woman, treat her that way!!!

03-26-2011, 09:01 PM
Jen, I know that was August, she accepted you as a personality, if she was mature...with patience, and some seduction, she'll do it again.

03-26-2011, 09:03 PM
You are young, tell her!!! In a loving and compassionate way of course. She already accepts "sides" of you, this is another. Imagine being an actor, who must dress differently for every role--not that different.

03-26-2011, 09:08 PM
I never got caught--my sister's girlfriend's dressed me but I had access to lots of lingerie, stockings, pantyhose, slips, when I was young and home alone. The closest I got caught was buying a pair of pantyhose for my girlfriend in high school--someone I knew saw me--thankfully, I could say that were for her--not me! I was very careful.