View Full Version : Time to be kind

Sasha Anne Meadows
01-18-2011, 03:08 PM
With all the terrible things that are happening these days such as the Tuscon tragedy and the rancor in Washington, perhaps this is a good time to reflect on how important it is for we sisters to treat each other with kindness.

While I consider being tg a gift, I know that it provides a great source of difficulty to many of my sisters. Some of us struggle with spousal approval or discovery. We worry about how this might affect our jobs. We fret about whether we look good as girls and whether our clothes and makeup are acceptable. There are many other issues, each a unique part of us.

So the next time you encounter a sister on the Internet or at a support group, try to have a kind word or two to say. It will surely make them feel better and, I promise, make you feel better too.

Hugs from Sasha Anne

01-18-2011, 03:25 PM
I agree Sasha. It costs nothing. And being nice to others makes us feel better as well.
[If I go on like this I will have to join a nunnery]
Being Suzy is making me go soft but that’s O.K.


01-18-2011, 03:50 PM
research has shown that nasty, bitter, aggressive and deprecating behavior/comments leaves much longer and more indelible marks on people than positive remarks/behavior. I suppose its a vestige from our ancestors. So, its up to us to try to offset the nastiness 10 fold by offering support and encouragement instead of criticism and rebuke.

01-18-2011, 04:08 PM
What a great world this would be if everybody felt like Sasha, Suzy, and Kim!! Of course, I feel the same way, and have felt that way for many years!! Way to go, ladies!!

Cynthia Anne
01-18-2011, 04:22 PM
I don't believe it could be said any better! Love ya' all!!!