View Full Version : Awesome things your Wife/SO has said or done

01-20-2011, 10:18 AM
For those of us lucky enough to have a wonderful Wife (or SO), what are some of the unexpected and awesome things they have said or done?

Last night, my wife said the coolest thing; while lounging on the couch in my girl sweats, drinking a beer. She said, "I don't care how much you dress in my clothes, or buy your own; as long as you keep our great love and sex life intact. Only if that changes will I worry."

And then later that night she was having me try a few more of her lounging clothes items; and I made her try a few of my girl items. I must say she looked great in them. Thankfully, except for feet, we are about the same size.

Guess that counts as another breakthrough...

The previous mile-stone was her buying me my own manicure set, and a few polishes for my Christmas stocking.

Please share your good experiences and stories!!!

01-20-2011, 10:57 AM
OMG the list is long, but probably the first was the best:

Seeing me in some of her lingerie and heels she gushed about my legs and then said, "We HAVE to buy you a dress".

What a way to start the journey of one's feminine self!


01-20-2011, 11:09 AM
My wife is pretty awesome about this dressing stuff. She's been extremely supportive and a great help- teaching me how to do make up and letting me borrow her clothes and things like that. The coolest thing so far has to have been earlier this week when she bought me a pair of breast forms, right out of the blue! I've never had a pair before and am loving them.

Sarah Doepner
01-20-2011, 11:19 AM
Does not killing me in my sleep count?

Actually she has been a wonderful supportive companion and just letting me know she still loves and appreciates me is enough. It was a bonus a week after she found out about my crossdressing that she told me to get my things out of the duffle bag and hang them in the closet.

Tina B.
01-20-2011, 11:19 AM
I've had a wonderful understanding wife for over thirty five years, it would take way to much space to explain all of the wonderful things she has done for me, or bought for me, since I told her about this side of me.
The best was, the day I told her about Tina. I feared that moment, but it stead of going off the handle, she calmly asked the usual questions, why, how long, it's it me, are you gay, do you want out of the marriage, and are you planning to transition. We talked for about an hour or so, when she said, then you need something to wear, (her clothes where way to small for me back then). So she took me shopping, I would up with two dresses, bra, garter, and panties, She even went into a shop, and came out with a set of foam breast forms. On the way home from there we stopped at shoe store and bought a pair of black strappy heels, it's was the first pair of new shoes I had ever had.
Well since then there has been many times she has gone on a bender and shopped for Tina bringing in bags of goodies just to surprise me. I think she has bought more of my female clothing than I have.
Tina B.
Oh, and the occasional complement, and flowers are nice too!

Karren H
01-20-2011, 11:23 AM
Mine didn't divorce me and take all the money and kids away! As awesome as it gets around my house! Sigh...

Jay Cee
01-20-2011, 11:26 AM
My SO has purchased me lingerie, jewelry, and gone shopping with me many times. She was there when I had my ears pierced. She's offered to drive me around when I am en femme, and said it is perfectly fine if I want to go fully dressed while visiting her family. Haven't taken her up on that last one yet, but maybe someday. :)

I am soooo very thankful for her, every day

Michelle James
01-20-2011, 11:34 AM
My wife does wonderful things for me every day. The more I push this envelope of self discovery the more she just goes with the flow. A few things she does for me:

Give me a regular mani/pedi with Shellac polish. Tutti Fruiti this week. (She is a nail tech.)
Supports my 24/7 dressing 99%
Goes out with me shopping, shows, movies, etc.
Keeps me from becomming a "circus freak" by telling me when my makeup or hair, or outfit is not blendable.

It occurs to me rather than telling you all abot this we should all be thanking our SO's for everthing you do.

I think I shall buy her a gift. A shopping trip!! What shall i wear? LOL

01-20-2011, 11:35 AM
Besides buying me clothes, makeup and jewelry she at times tells me, "Honey you seem a bit tense, why don't you dress up and put on that dress I like!"

01-20-2011, 02:06 PM
I told my now wife fairly early on in our relationship. Two days later, she bought me pantyhose. Saying you're accepting is one thing. Going out and buying your boyfriend some pantyhose? Priceless.

Mine didn't divorce me and take all the money and kids away! As awesome as it gets around my house! Sigh...

Did she run out and buy you jeans? :rofl:

01-20-2011, 04:27 PM
Genney, are you going to put you nightie on it is getting close to bedtime, you don't wont to mess that new skirt and top.

01-20-2011, 04:30 PM
I told my then gf about my CDing before we were engaged. The next time we spent the night, she asked me to dress up for her. It seemed to work for both of us, and I've been married 11 years now, and the list of great things gets very long - and includes many treasured intimacies. But not long ago she surprised me by treating me to a pedicure!

Sasha Anne Meadows
01-20-2011, 04:50 PM
She buys me my clothes, wigs, perfume, makeup etc.

01-20-2011, 05:17 PM
we both sleep in our nighties. one time we bought a sports bra for my daughter and also got one for me!

01-20-2011, 06:37 PM
So many things to mention it's really kinda hard to pick the best. She's completely accepting and there's absolutely no second thought about anything I am wearing. Accept of course if we're around family.
She's bought me clothes, makeup and a wig. But I must say that getting pedicures together is awesome. Especially when she has no problem walking out with me after I get a coat of bright red polish on the toes. That's fun. :-)

01-20-2011, 06:52 PM
I'm with Karren H on this... we still have an intact family unit, which she chose despite the difficult discussions on separationand separate homes. I love her for that. Our sex life might be over and in the history books, but we have stayed true and are very protective of our kids and supportive of our extended family (and friends).

I am glad she didn't just dump me, as most often happens these days.

01-20-2011, 07:02 PM
Mine once said "I hate you. You're the perfect guy and the perfect girl." :D <3

Jocelyn Quivers
01-20-2011, 07:23 PM
Mine is very protective of me. When I am dressed, she warns me when she has opened the blinds in certain rooms, she always double checks behind me whenever company is over to make sure none of my items are out. She also never hesitates in helping me pick out clothes when shopping. She also deserves a medal for putting up with me and my male side which is no easy task.

Polly R
01-20-2011, 07:48 PM
Like a few of you gals, I'm just glad that through all these years of CDing, we've brought up a fine family and are still together as I approach retirement. Yes, there've been sticky moments but we're still hangin' in there...

These last few years she's bought me clothes and things to try, done a couple of warpaint jobs on me - the list, looking back, is almost endless. Bless her cotton socks and I've not been as supportive in return as I know I should have been - I know that. School Report on that one: Polly could do better...

xx Polly

01-20-2011, 07:48 PM
I hate you enough :) You lucky sissy, LOL.

Marcia Blue
01-20-2011, 07:58 PM
My wife is a real gem. She is accepting to a point. Even with her reservations. She has helped me shop, put outfits together, encourage me to go to a Tri-Ess gathering, and puts up with a female side. She really works hard to accommodate my dressing.

Leslie Langford
01-20-2011, 08:10 PM
Mine didn't divorce me and take all the money and kids away! As awesome as it gets around my house! Sigh...

Karren, given that no-holds-barred assessment of your personal situation vis-a-vis your wife's take on your crossdressing and your ability to tell it like it is without wallowing in self-pity, I'd say that you would definitely be a contender for heading up your chapter of the National Sarcasm Society.

Evidently, some of us here get to dine off the buffet table of acceptance/support by our SO's - others here have to settle for the scraps that fall off it or even stoop to the level of dumpster-diving, figuratively speaking, of course :sad::doh:...

Rachel Morley
01-20-2011, 08:22 PM
OMG .. there's way too much to even begin to list. You have to remember that my wife was looking to date a CDer before she met me and she likes my feminine side and encourages it. I'm totally serious when I tell you that some of the things she has said to me are and I quote:

"You look cute. Girls' clothes suit you and you should be wearing them."

"I'm going to treat you like a girl and I expect you to act like one."

"I like to feel reassuring bra straps under your clothes in boy mode as it reminds me that you are different, and I like that."

She buys me clothes all the time (for both boy and girl mode) and I know I am totally living the dream and will never take it for granted. I am very very lucky :) She's also the Vice President of our TG support group.

Jenny Doolittle
01-20-2011, 08:50 PM
The best thing and it was only an hour ago.... I will alwasy love you! I just wish I wasn't so much the way I am about your wanting to dress.

My reply.... I love you so much, I am in deed the lucky one.


01-20-2011, 09:13 PM
She gave me a collection of nail polish she didn't like, and said, "maybe these will work for you." It thrilled me so much I cried.

01-20-2011, 10:04 PM
My wife has done/said a number of awesome things to support my CDing here and there, but these two stick out:

1) When I was on travel a few years after I came out to her, she told me to expect a package at the hotel and that I shouldn't open it in front of my colleagues. It turns out she was buying some tights online for herself, and thought of me. It was really sweet, and they were a great pair of super-soft microfiber tights.

2) Last year I showed her my pictures from my two transformation makeovers. At first, she was really quiet and I thought she was really freaked out. Then she says, "Wow. I can't believe that's you. You're really pretty!" My heart just melted. She then started telling me about which pics she liked best. It was great to be able to have her share an appreciation for my CDing for a while.

kimmy p
01-20-2011, 10:23 PM
My wife has sewn me several female Halloween costumes, she buys me clothes and shoes I want. I wear a nightgown almost every night we are at home with her blessing. And until I got sick a couple of months ago I hadn't wore a pair of men's underwear in years.

01-20-2011, 11:17 PM
My wife of 32 years has been pretty good about adapting to the changes as my TG status has evolved thru the years. When I was wondering aloud when Sally would be ready to go out into the real world she said," I think you're ready now".

She escorted me to my first meet up with a t-girl group and let me go clubing with them.

Several of my Halloween costume she made from scratch. My favorite will always be the Playboy Bunny uniform. Identical to the official ones I might add!

She has shared her fears that I sometimes look prettier than she does.( not true at all, though )

Without her I might never have found the courage to become myself.

Chloe Renee
01-21-2011, 12:33 AM
I cannot list the awesome things my wife has done, there are so many over the years. The biggest was her choosing to stay with me after I finally realized I was ts. It was a painful time for each of us.
Since then some other things were when she chose my name. It took her over a week to find one that she liked both the sound and meaning of.
And at Christmas she made me a beautiful charm bracelet. She also bought us matching ornaments with our names on them.

01-21-2011, 12:50 AM
Mine didn't divorce me and take all the money and kids away!

Does not killing me in my sleep count?

Mine hasn't divorced me yet but it isn't the money that I fear losing, just her and the kids. I am more in the camp of Sarah...She hasn't killed me in my sleep.

Melody Phillips
01-21-2011, 05:02 AM
the first awesome thing she did for me was love me for who I am. She also encourages me to explore my fem side. She is such a wonderful person.

01-21-2011, 07:07 AM
My wife is really coming around to all of this. She currently is coming to a conference this year to the dinner dance. She has discussed what dresses we should wear to the dance!

01-21-2011, 08:38 AM
Over the years when we get home from shopping and I've bought a new dress or outfit and model it for her she'll sometimes say "oh that looks really cute on you ... in a strange sort of way" or "in a sick and twisted sort way" and we both have a chuckle.

01-22-2011, 10:53 AM
Take me! (Okay, I can dream)

I can't remember the exact wording, but both her and my daughter do this. When we want to go out, especially shopping, if I am in drab I get the "How come you aren't Sue today?".

01-22-2011, 11:12 AM
the first awesome thing she did for me was love me for who I am. She also encourages me to explore my fem side. She is such a wonderful person.

Melody hit it on the head for me.

Tina B.
01-22-2011, 11:36 AM
I know I've already answered this, but this morning I got one to add. I had been dressing for a week, and yesterday was the first time I almost made it back to drab, I was under dressed, but on the outside pure boy mode. So I decieded to stay in drab this weekend to give the wife a break from it. She is so good about it all I figured it's the least I could do. When she got up this morning, the first thing she said to me was, "We don't have to go out today, so you can wear what ever you want". I said I had things to do so I couldn't, and her answer was, well that up to you, but that could wait. At that point I got her coffee, and delivered it with a kiss, I love that little lady a lot!
Oh, and I recalled when I first felt secure that she was OK with this side of me. Years ago I used to tease my wife by snapping her bra strap, in public, she blushed easy, and I found it funny, OK so as a guy I can be a jerk. Well one day we where walking across the center of the mall, I was under dressed, and didn't even know she knew I was wearing a bra, when she put her arm around my waist, slipped her hand up and suddenly surprised me by snapping my bra strap, I got embarrassed and looked around quickly, to see if anyone had noticed, then I looked at her, she is smiling slyly and says "What, you do it to me all the time." Needless to say I know longer did that to her after that. But I also knew she had accepted me, as a guy that just might have a bra on, no matter where you are. The worst thing she has ever said about my crossdressing is, that doesn't fit you, that doesn't look good on you, and you messed up your make up a bit. This kind of criticize I appreciate.
Tina B.

01-22-2011, 11:55 AM
Once upon a time before my wife flipped to the dark side (non approving), she bought me a pair of white stockings and a garter belt. That was 35 plus years ago. Since then once we went shopping together for panties for me. She was so nervous who'd think the store security camera were broadcasting us live at the Super Bowl half time show. She was so nervous, it was not worth the effort. I don't buy her sexy lingerie or undergarments anymore, because she says I would think about wearing them, which makes her envision me wearing them. Maybe that's a new thread.