View Full Version : Idols, ideals, image?

01-28-2011, 11:45 AM
I know for many people here, cross-dressing is what it is: dressing as the genetically opposite gender.

For me, it's a bit more "complicated" lol. One of those complications is... I want to look in the mirror and see my ideal female image. That gives me ambition but it also depresses me alot of the time too. It might come off a bit vain, but at those times I just don't want to see a MAN at all. I have no qualms with my personality being somewhat masculine, but I dread my masculinity coming through physically when I'm "en femme".

Anyways, I thought it might be fun to see who your idols might be. Who inspires you, or even, who you aspire to be more like (physically, personality, etc).

If I could pick a famous female person to look more like, I'd probably say Winona Ryder. She's just got something about her I really like =)


Kathi Lake
01-28-2011, 11:58 AM
It is hard to look in the mirror and see what you know is deep inside. In my case, veeeeeeery deep. Still, like every other woman out there, you work with what you got! :)

Hmmmm, . . . idols. I'm not sure, honestly. I have enough fun being me, it seems. Now, are there people I would like to look like? Oh, Heavens yes!! I would love to get a prettier schnozz, a less-manly chin, a jawline that doesn't scream "total dude!" Ah well, once again, you do the best with what you have.



Cheryl T
01-28-2011, 12:03 PM
Oh gosh, for me there are 2 I admire and would love to be more like.
Sigourney Weaver is one. I just think she's a fabulous woman and being tall like myself I can adopt her style to some degree.
The other is Catherine Bell. She makes any look hers and can be super sexy to demure in anything.


Sarah Doepner
01-28-2011, 12:07 PM
Image? If I squint and keep the lights low and maybe have a drink or two first, I can look in the mirror and see a woman, if I look away quickly. I would love to be able to present as female without the worry of being recognized as actually male, but it ain't gonna happen. So who are my idols? How about Devine? John Travolta in Hairspray? Robin Williams in Mrs. Doubtfire? Dustin Hoffman in Tootsie? All of them, with the help of a very good staff of makeup artists did the very best they could after starting with a guy. That's my ideal, just do the best I can.

01-28-2011, 12:13 PM
I try to just look like myself, but that being said I also like to follow some patterns or looks of some famous women.

For me those would be.
Geri Ryan as Seven of Nine from star trek (VERY rare)
Christina Applegate as Kelly from Married with children (what can I say, I like to show my legs and rear)
Abby Schuito from NCIS (my dream girl :) )
Evira (duh)
and Morticia Adams ( again, duh)

But most of the time I just make a feminine version of my male self, and then only for photo shoots, though if I get the oportunity to go out (in other words asked out) enfem, then I will do that.

That being said, the ideal feminine shape for me, if there is one, is a woman that has taken care of herself. Not super athletic or crazy about the gym, just someone who does not pack down the burgers with no regard to their health. I do like women to have definined hips, so I can have an area to rest my hands every now and then when dancing. Super huge breasts are for me a turn off. Big time. I am not attracted to that and get saddened when women get pushed into thinking they need that to be beautiful. Tini tiny waists are also scarifying for me (only possible with extremely tight waisting).

I guess what I like is a natural fit look.

01-28-2011, 12:22 PM
It's NOT THAT complicated, Spotless! If u do what Kathi Lake says! Do the best u can, with what you've got! ( And then do what I do, CHEAT!)

Personally, I HATE seeing ANYTHING male in my mirror! So, I do whatever it takes to remove THAT VISION! What I do is NOT all that complicated, but it DOES require a lot of creative cheating!
Now, instead of seeing a skinny old man in my mirror, I see a 20s/30s woman!

Everyone cheats to some degree! It just depends on how badly u WANT TO SEE that attractive female, I guess!

01-28-2011, 12:28 PM
For me, it's a bit more "complicated" lol. One of those complications is... I want to look in the mirror and see my ideal female image.

You're very beautiful, so I don't think it can possibly be so complicated for you :p

I get inspiration from all kinds of women. Lots of the time just women in the street whose style I cop etc. But in terms of famous people, mostly classic women and beauties from the 60s and 70s.

Debra Russell
01-28-2011, 12:35 PM
I've been told in some poses and dim lighting that I resembled Kim Novac Oh if that were so! it''s good enough for me -- at least it's a mental image I can look to!

Karren H
01-28-2011, 12:52 PM
I don't get all hung up about seeing or being male. And I don't want to look like anyone else but me. Maybe a younger me... I do get upset when I look in the mirror and see how badly my skin is getting. Getting old sucks!! Lol.

Christie ann
01-28-2011, 01:43 PM
My problem is looking at the models in the catalog and thinking I will look like that when I wear that dress. Nope never happens. I think that the catalog models need to start drinking more beer so we get a more realistic idea of the real fit of the garment.

I also agree with Karren, that getting old, while better than the alternative, sucks.

01-28-2011, 02:19 PM
You are getting waaaay to picky. For most crossdressers this is just a "hobby" (yeah right). Even if you are picky and want to look like some star or popular person, guess what? It ain't gonna happen! You will always look like you unless you pay for plastic surgery to change your looks completely. Sorry to burst any bubbles. So use what YOU have and be the best looking YOU there is. You do love being a girl don't you? Have fun with it. Enjoy learning how to apply your makeup just right. Exercise and loose or gain weight as needed to get the look you are after. Go out shopping for just the right outfit. Don't even get me started on shoes!

Relax, take a DEEP breath, and enjoy.

Kate Simmons
01-28-2011, 03:01 PM
I patterned myself after empowered women . Some of the ficticious ones were Honey West, April Dancer, Emma Peel, Jaime Sommers(The Bionic Woman), Diana Prince(Wonder Woman), Dinah Lance (Black Canary), Susan Richards (Invisible Woman). You get the idea.:)

Valerie Nova
01-28-2011, 05:03 PM
I patterned myself after empowered women . Some of the ficticious ones were Honey West, April Dancer, Emma Peel, Jaime Sommers(The Bionic Woman), Diana Prince(Wonder Woman), Dinah Lance (Black Canary), Susan Richards (Invisible Woman). You get the idea.:)
Speaking of empowered women, Dr. Lisa Cuddy (played by Lisa Edelstein) from House, all the way! :D

If anyone here doesn't agree with me, you probably don't watch that show. :p I like that her physical features and personality traits are a bit on the masculine side but it seems to only add to her appeal.


You are getting waaaay to picky. For most crossdressers this is just a "hobby" (yeah right). Even if you are picky and want to look like some star or popular person, guess what? It ain't gonna happen! You will always look like you unless you pay for plastic surgery to change your looks completely. Sorry to burst any bubbles. So use what YOU have and be the best looking YOU there is. You do love being a girl don't you? Have fun with it. Enjoy learning how to apply your makeup just right. Exercise and loose or gain weight as needed to get the look you are after. Go out shopping for just the right outfit. Don't even get me started on shoes!

Relax, take a DEEP breath, and enjoy.
This is an excercise in FANTASY! If I asked which of the X-Men's powers you would most like to have, I suppose your answer would be "sorry to burst your bubble, but the X-Men's powers are physically impossible and you'll never have any of them!" as opposed to everyone else here who would probably answer Mystique because she can change her appearance to look like any person she wants to. :D

01-28-2011, 06:47 PM
everyone else here who would probably answer Mystique because she can change her appearance to look like any person she wants to

Definitely Mystique! lol

01-28-2011, 06:53 PM
Even if you are picky and want to look like some star or popular person, guess what? It ain't gonna happen!

Hmmm, I think that's pretty obvious, for the most part :) (you never know though, right? lol)

Nonetheless, isn't it ok to have inspiration or ambition. Can I recommend indulgence rather than scrutiny?

Valerie Nova
01-28-2011, 06:58 PM
Definitely Mystique! lol
Yeah, even if you're not using your power, you still look like either a blue Rebecca Romjin-Stamos or a dark elf woman with red hair and a white halter dress, depending on which incarnation of the X-Men you're referring to. :D

Hmmm, I think that's pretty obvious, for the most part :) (you never know though, right? lol)

Nonetheless, isn't it ok to have inspiration or ambition. Can I recommend indulgence rather than scrutiny?
Heh, I think we've all been exposed to too much advertising to think if we wear the right brand of clothing and makeup people will mistake us for famous actresses! Unless maybe the famous actress is that one woman from the Drew Cary show...

Alice Torn
01-28-2011, 07:09 PM
UH...let's see, uh..the church lady, Geraldine by Flip Wilson, Miss Hathaway from the Beverly Hillbillies, Edythe from All in the Family, Bride of Frankenstein, Jethrine from The Beverly Hillbillies, and last but not least, myself, all unpassable six foot ten in heels!

01-28-2011, 07:13 PM
I should be more clear in my questions, I think hehe. I'm not asking who you want to BE or who you want to MIMIC lol =P I suppose I'm just asking...

We're always going to have those select few individuals in our lives, whether it be family or friends or someone famous, that we "look up to". People that we feel a desire to be more like. This is a good thing, btw. It's healthy, unless your idol is someone just plain awful ;) I don't want to look like Winona Ryder (ok i do lol), but when I see her features and body language, I find myself wanting to portray something similar. Ya know? I want to be ME, definitely. Not somebody else. This is just a hypothetical about who your idols are. Doesn't mean you have to BE them.

If you find yourself legitimately wanting to be some thing or way, it's probably because that's the real you. It's not some violation if you find things you like in another person. I consider it a gift actually. Inspiration is the inheritance of admirable qualities!

Valerie Nova
01-28-2011, 07:19 PM
Yeah, I think I understood what you were asking. For example, I may see a blouse that I like and think, I like this, it seems like something Lisa Cuddy might be wearing on an episode of House. Not that I'd ever expect in a million years to look like her. But if and when I invest in a wig, there's a good chance the hair will be really dark brown and come just past the shoulders. :p

I could take or leave 13. Cameron was pretty cute, but Cuddy has got to be the sexiest woman on that show even though she's in her 40s and has kind of a square jaw. She's a reminder that so much of sex appeal is based on how you present yourself. :)

01-28-2011, 07:24 PM
I hear ya :) It's her healthy combination of power, confidence and intelligence. Not to mention, she's relatively attractive already.

01-28-2011, 07:34 PM
I patterned myself after empowered women . Some of the ficticious ones were Honey West, April Dancer, Emma Peel, Jaime Sommers(The Bionic Woman), Diana Prince(Wonder Woman), Dinah Lance (Black Canary), Susan Richards (Invisible Woman). You get the idea.:)

Wonder Woman
Denise, u haven't forgotten Lynda Carter, have u!? Definitely in my, "top 3 hottest women of ALL TIME"!

01-28-2011, 11:31 PM
GAH, I forgot Cuddy. Oh how I would love to Cuddle a Cuddy!!! LOL

Her personality rocks. House rocks too. LOL

01-29-2011, 12:38 AM
Speaking of empowered women, Dr. Lisa Cuddy (played by Lisa Edelstein) from House, all the way! :D

If anyone here doesn't agree with me, you probably don't watch that show. :p I like that her physical features and personality traits are a bit on the masculine side but it seems to only add to her appeal.


This is an excercise in FANTASY! If I asked which of the X-Men's powers you would most like to have, I suppose your answer would be "sorry to burst your bubble, but the X-Men's powers are physically impossible and you'll never have any of them!" as opposed to everyone else here who would probably answer Mystique because she can change her appearance to look like any person she wants to. :D

An explanation of my previous post.

While fantasy can be a good thing, it can also become very destructive. I have seen and worked with CD/TS/TG girls that have gotten lost in fanasty. They see a person they admire or would like to be like and go overboard trying to achieve that look at any cost to their health and wellbeing. The frustration, loss of self confidence, and depression that can set in can be totally devastating when they cannot achive the results they expect. Each year many girls are driven to take thier own life when they can't look like the feel they must. This is why I say use what YOU have and be the best looking you there is.

01-29-2011, 01:07 AM
My problem is looking at the models in the catalog and thinking I will look like that when I wear that dress. Nope never happens. I think that the catalog models need to start drinking more beer so we get a more realistic idea of the real fit of the garment.

Like that'll ever happen! :) Not only do the models have totally unrealistic builds and the clothing is clipped and pinned so it fits perfectly only in that one pose, then the photoshop folks take over and give them shapes that even the models can't live up to! :) The disparity between the "ideal" and reality is just as bad for GGs as it is for CDs.

01-29-2011, 01:11 AM
An explanation of my previous post.

While fantasy can be a good thing, it can also become very destructive. I have seen and worked with CD/TS/TG girls that have gotten lost in fanasty. They see a person they admire or would like to be like and go overboard trying to achieve that look at any cost to their health and wellbeing. The frustration, loss of self confidence, and depression that can set in can be totally devastating when they cannot achive the results they expect. Each year many girls are driven to take thier own life when they can't look like the feel they must. This is why I say use what YOU have and be the best looking you there is.

Yeah, I understand. That's really unfortunate isn't it? It's weird to say I can relate sometimes, but I really can. I've struggled alot with self esteem and insecurity and felt the repercussions. Infact, I've noticed that I'm more susceptible to those negative feelings in my yearning to be what I see myself as in my mind. Fantasy definitely can be destructive. I walk right on the borderline of healthy and destructive, personally.

Thanks for elaborating. You make a good point.

01-29-2011, 01:24 AM
COULD NOT AGREE WITH U MORE. I wish I was more FEMME & less him! Plus, I'm totally obsessed with women's fashion and make-up. I actually get jealous and imagine what outfits and eye-shadows would suit me best. It can take over my entire thought process at times. But this is me! xo KatT

01-29-2011, 02:59 AM
Perhaps showing my age, but back in the 1960's Jill St. John had me taking some rather long baths in my youth… taking those precious moments to doll-up as if her. She was so confident and sexual, never taking a prisoner. One of my idols for sure!

Youtube vid here (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XUx4enSz9XY)


01-29-2011, 03:50 AM
I look in the mirror and do see a gorgeous woman...if the lights were out,and the mirror was 50ft away:heehee: I dont think theres any woman unfortunate to look like me and as for idols,well my criteria would only be their looks as I find most celebs crass,annoying and up their own A***S
My ideal of femininity has to be Cheryl Cole (Most on here going who!) but Im afraid I did have someone once say I looked like meatloaf in a dress:sad:thanks for that one(theres a size 9 boot still looking for an ass to kick lol)


01-29-2011, 08:20 AM
Really too many to mention LOL

My boss is great, so elegant and smart so she's a bit of a role model. I've got naturally red hair so I've got a lot of solidarity with my Titian sisters, so Gillian Anderson, Nicole Kidman (pre-bleaching) and Alyson Hannigan to name three. Oh, and I couldn't forget Lois Griffin on that score, and as a character :worship:. Speaking of cartoon characters, I really identify with Lisa Simpson, though less as a style icon :rofl:

I love Kylie as well, she's a bit of an icon for me and she is about the same age as I am.

01-29-2011, 09:59 AM
One of my CD friend's ideal image is Katharine McPhee

Valerie Nova
01-29-2011, 10:33 AM
An explanation of my previous post.

While fantasy can be a good thing, it can also become very destructive. I have seen and worked with CD/TS/TG girls that have gotten lost in fanasty. They see a person they admire or would like to be like and go overboard trying to achieve that look at any cost to their health and wellbeing. The frustration, loss of self confidence, and depression that can set in can be totally devastating when they cannot achive the results they expect. Each year many girls are driven to take thier own life when they can't look like the feel they must. This is why I say use what YOU have and be the best looking you there is.
That's half of the equation, I suppose, which is why it's probably healthy to do what several others have said and identify women with admirable personality traits too. I mean, are any of these strong, empowered women the sort that would obsess about their looks so much that they end up in a permanant state of depression and/or eating disorders? They're mostly all confident, capable, reliable, and comfortable in their own skins. And that's the more important part to emulate, IMO. :)