View Full Version : Suzy is so different to the other me.

01-30-2011, 03:40 PM
I really do think I have a split personality. Not that I mind.
The other me likes classic music, and opera, motorsport and boxing.
But Suzy is interested in none of these things.
She loves pop music, hallo magazine, woman’s fashion, partying, dancing all night. And being kind to animals, well the other me likes that one!
So which one do I like to be the most?
10 years ago, about the same.
Today, Suzy!
It’s a nice feeling.
I hope as many other girls here enjoy there lives as much as I do.
All the best.


Stephanie Anne
01-30-2011, 04:09 PM
Sounds like you are just trying to immerse yourself into your ideal of the feminine mystique. We all crave the forbidden fruit. Even if it is only in our minds that it is forbidden.

Maybe you can answer the common practice of referencing your crossdressing in the third person. Is this not still you?

amanda w
01-30-2011, 04:11 PM
I thank i am the same all the time but i do like it in gurl mode better

01-30-2011, 04:32 PM
Maybe you can answer the common practice of referencing your crossdressing in the third person. Is this not still you?

Hi Stephanie... I think the word/context you are looking for is "metaphor"...

BTW I love the avatar... if I tried that half my face would reach the bottom of the photo! How does one get muscle tone in one's face?

Suzette Muguet de Mai
01-30-2011, 07:40 PM
I like this topic. I go ballistic if I see my male part go out in his boardies and torn t-shirt. He goes ballistic if I take time with my makeup. I cannot stand the rock music he plays and he walks out if I listen to "Barry Manilow" LMAO. Maybe we should become ballistic and anihalate the other, then we both could listen to harp music.

Jay Cee
01-30-2011, 08:03 PM
By my accepting Jay Cee as me, and letting that part of me "out", I've become more integrated. I am a calmer, less judgemental, and more in touch with my feelings. I've never really had overly "masculine" interests (if interests can have a gender assigned to them), so there isn't much change there.

01-31-2011, 06:49 PM
Suzy, I really enjoy reading your posts! It is great to know that you are enjoying your life now!

01-31-2011, 08:17 PM
Same thing here Tiffany is way different than boy me or always has been
I think however as I have become open and participating completely with my SO
I think I have blended a little bit. I feel more free as a man to admit I like certain things. As aguy I normally never would have admitted to.
Makes me wonder if sometimes we try to cover up our "girlieness" with being overly manly as men.
Up until recently as a man I ould never admit to likeing certain music or movies. Or other miscellanious stuff that was a little less manly than the exterior I wanted peopl to see.
Now I feel a bit more comfortable. I mean if my SO accepts me and loves me for who I am than admitting a few small likes to others shouldn't matter right?
As a man I have been a sports outdoors pick up truck shot guns and fishing kinda guy. All of which I like.
I also however like some more femenine music and movies and shopping and even home decor a little bit.
Also always as a girl I have been the same but opposite, way over the top pink girly teeheehee and all that like a teen bimbo.
I think as time passes with me being open with my SO that I am becoming a little more settled down, I can appretiate and enjoy outfits that aren't all pink or just dresses.
I think boy me and tiff are gaining more and more balance from one to the other.
Sorry for the rambling, just kinda thinking through my fingers here :p

01-31-2011, 09:00 PM
Suzy, I HOPE I'm wrong! Because I LOVE your posts and attitudes! But, u sound like u have a split personality, or may be bi-polar! And, I wouldn't wish that on ANYONE! Eeek!

I have no idea what Sherry likes! She's around simply because I like HER! LOL!

01-31-2011, 09:14 PM
These last couple months have been the real turning point for me and brought with them the realization that I'm ready to start the path to transition. I was more or less able to compromise both sides likes and needs into one cohesive whole. It used to be he likes metal, she likes pop; he likes meat, she likes salad, etc. I came to the conclusion that its all irrelevant. Just because I'm Anna doesn't mean I can't enjoy the things that Chris does. I guess I just got tired of living separate lives. I still have to at work, and when I'm around family, but at home and around my friends, I get to be me. And that's all I've wanted for a very long time.

02-01-2011, 01:40 AM
Suzy, I HOPE I'm wrong! Because I LOVE your posts and attitudes! But, u sound like u have a split personality, or may be bi-polar! And, I wouldn't wish that on ANYONE! Eeek!

I have no idea what Sherry likes! She's around simply because I like HER! LOL!Don’t worry Sherry, I’m not bi-polar. I just suffer from suzyitis.

Ash Leland
02-01-2011, 02:22 AM


Best new word in a long time!

Thanks for bringing this up. It's kinda been on my mind ever since I started dressing. I used to think of myself as being pretty non-gendered guy, but now that I basically spend every private moment as Ashleigh I think I'm starting to notice things I give myself permission to do and think while not in drab. I don't get \ stay angry, I generally have self esteem (a little surprised by that, still getting used to it :P) and my thoughts are more relaxed, more rational...it's funny how deeply gender runs in your brain...