View Full Version : My Great Social Experiment

01-31-2011, 11:27 PM
As mentioned in some earlier posts I decided to lose weight and so I joined a weight loss group and to date I have dropped 30 lbs. It has gone a long way to helping me look better when dressed femme, but more than that it has given me great confidence in socializing as a female. I have been accepted and embraced as a part of a group that is predominantly female. They see me as just another one of the girls.

My self confidence boosted by the acceptance of this group I decided to venture off into new territory. I have now joined several local meetup groups, a couple that are related to areas of interest to me and the others are women's friendship groups. The couple that are areas of interest accepted me without any hesitation and have indicated that they hope that I will attend the next meeting. The first women's group I was somewhat more nervous about because it was not a specific topic of interest but rather it was a group of women getting together (in this case at a local restaurant) to chat and bond and make friends. This was a bold new venture for me because I had to make small talk with a group that was all women and without a specific topic that I had knowledge of.

The net-net on that event was once I got past my initial nervousness I was fine. They were very welcoming and friendly to me and engaged in chat about a variety of things. After the meetup I asked the organizer if any of the women indicated that they were offended or objected to me being there and she said no one indicated that they had any problem with me at all. In fact she then proceeded to ask me if I was attending the next meeting which was a pot lick dinner at her house. I was totally beside myself, I had been accepted into a women's friendship group open arms.

Now I am not sure how this social experiment will go, as the novelty of me being there may wear off for these various people, however, I have been so encouraged by my initial successes that I will continue to go to all of these groups and as mentioned earlier in this post I have joined a different local women's friendship group.

Part of the reason that this is an important step for me is from the vantage point of learning how to socialize as a woman in the event that I make that final step across the bridge and live full time as a female.

It has been an interesting adventure and has taken my cross dressing lifestyle to a whole new level. I just wanted to share my experiences with the group.


02-01-2011, 12:22 AM
Wow, that's a huge step in the right direction. Congrats, hopefully you continue to stand tall and stride successfully into new territory.

02-01-2011, 12:24 AM
Congratulations Melissa on your weight loss and your socialising with the Girls,The women (and me) are starting a Diet together in work,hope I have the same success as you,Hope everything goes as well in the future for you


02-01-2011, 02:43 AM
I read the part about loosing wieght and thought, well..good for you...then figured out you did it enfem and I thought, Well! Good for You! then the part about the social groups and I'm thinking awsome! Way to go!

02-01-2011, 07:48 AM
Wow, this is great! You'll have to keep us posted as to how it goes.

02-01-2011, 08:13 AM
Wonderful story!

02-01-2011, 02:19 PM
I want to thank all of you girls for your wonderful words. In the past the scary steps were talking to my ex about this and later getting out in to public. As I have pushed the envelope and tried more challenging things, I have built my courage and I have also found myself getting closer to being myself. I use my internal emotional compass to help guide me in this path I take and I test to see if a step feels good or bad. I do not check to see if it feels scary or not, because quite frankly each new step feels scary. But if it feels good, if it feels right then I try it and check again. That is how I move myself forward.

I hope that by letting others know of what I am trying and the successes I have achieved that I might help others who wrestle with the same issues.


02-01-2011, 05:02 PM
My quess is that if you conduct yourself like a lady the members of these groups will soon forget that you were not born a woman. Women in a group act differently than men in a group. Just watch and learn and participate in a similar manner.

03-13-2011, 11:11 PM
I agree with watch and learn. I hosted a pot luck lunch yesterday for a group of women in a local woman's friendship group that I belong to and we had a great time. What is really interesting is that I am finding that I never have any trouble engaging in a dialog with a group of women, however, I always find it a struggle with a group of men. I feel that the type of conversation and the stories that women love to share is something that I can really resonate with. It is very from the heart conversation that is more about feelings and emotional experiences than you would ever here in an all male crowd and I love it.

Also I love playing the host and providing a nice experience for my guests. All around a great afternoon and I am bit by bit making new friends in the female community.