View Full Version : Wendy's update

02-26-2011, 06:55 PM
Some of you asked me to post an update whe I got a chace of how things were going after my wife returned from her trip to visit family in Georgia.
Well...Hot and cold is a good way to describe it I guess. Of course here in the midwest when hot and cold meets we often have tornados and this is kind of where I am at.
At first my wife seemed receptive but overnight things kinda went south...She told me that we were going to have to go somewhere and have a long talk. Which generally means that she is going to talk at me and not to me and I am supposed to listen and obey.

I told her that too much has changed within me and that I feel that I have denied my true self for to long and that is why I hve started therapy.
She told me that all the BDSM games and Female Dominance games we played together were alright with her but the Crossdressing was the one part that she hated the most...and of course to me is the only real part that means anything to me.
It was shortly after this that the conversation between us went cold and she decided to do what she aways does to deal with bad situation and that is avoid them or go take a pill to make them go away for the time being.

My wife has been seeing a therapist herself for almost a year now for issues dealing with the Tornado we went through back in 2009. I asked her, No I begged her to talk to her own therapist about my coming out and the issue she is having in dealing with this to which she refused saying she couldn't because it feels as though telling her therapist would cause her to lose a friend....I said WTF????
This woman a licensed practicing Psychiatrist who is supposed to be treating you on a professional level...and maintaining some form of professional distance. Is it me or if she isn't maintaining this distance then is she truly doing her job?
Anyway....I am getting the impression that like one of the old rednecks on Americas Funniest Home Videos who says..."Hold my Beer and Watch this." You just know it isn't going to end well.
Guess only time will tell.

02-26-2011, 09:59 PM
Yipes, Wendy Marie! I am sorry to hear about what you are going through. You have my thoughts and prayers.


Cynthia Anne
02-27-2011, 01:02 AM
Wendy, I',m just up the road, I-44 and yes we know about those tornadoes! Both kinds! I truly hope this one blows over without any damage! I wish you the best in this storm! Stay safe! Hugs from Cynthia Anne!