View Full Version : I hate it when>>>>>>>

09-26-2005, 10:04 AM
Last night I had to run to stop and shop by myself for some things for the house I went to a different one and I thought what the heck I need some pantyhose and I was thinking about dressing this morning so I grabbed 2 pairs and left them in the car when I got home. So this morning I get up my wife leaves for work and my son goes off to school and then I get my hose and go upstairs and start to get dressed, the first pair as i was putting them on ripped completely so they are gone now i put on the second pair get my clothes from my hiding spot and get dressed in a new outfit that i have never worn and I was going to take some pics and post them for my 100th posting. so there I am I am all dressed getting the camera out and getting comfy and the phone rings, dont you know its my wife she says I dont feel to good I never should have gone to work this morning, well being supportive I say just come home sick its no big deal they will survive without you she says yeah maybe i will, so we get off the phone and now i have tp get all undressed put everything away and change back to shorts and a shirt. I guess though it would have been worse if she did not call and just came home so even though I hate when that happens it is better than getting caught

09-26-2005, 10:12 AM
Hi Cheryl, your not alone. Its happened to me quite a few times. The only good thing about it is I'm so horny to get dressed the next time I have a chance. I feel so much more sexy when I'm thinking about nothing else. Kisses, Arula.

09-26-2005, 10:47 AM
There is nothing worse than getting all dressed for some fun and good times than being taken back by the "suprise I'm coming home early" phonecall.

09-26-2005, 10:58 AM
Cheryl, tell your wife what you are and do, and you won't have to hide it.

09-26-2005, 04:19 PM
This morning I got all dressed up, and it was great.. *but* man, was my heart pounding - I mentally mapped out how I was going quickly get the clothes off before being caught if I heard anyone at the door. Well, I have 2 cats - and this morning they decided they were going to play a little and made some noise. I jumped into the bathroom so fast - complete with bra, pantyhose, heels, necklace, yada yada.. and I was SURE someone had come early. Well, I stood there for minute, and heard no more. This, by the way - is a very common occurance with me. Dress in a hurry, check myself out in the mirror a few times and get undressed and go to work, er.. get dressed in male clothes and go to work. You know.. I only dress for about 15-20 minutes at a time for fear of being caught. And Sorry Donna, I don't think there's any way I would be willing to tell my wife. I'm pretty sure what the reaction would be... I'd just rather live in the closet for now. :) Has anyone ever just gone a got a hotel room for a few hours? I have thought about it.. but didn't know how that would work exactly.

09-26-2005, 04:42 PM
Hi Hun, What’s that you say you’re just pulling in to the drive now you are not going shopping to night and can I start the bath running. :eek:

09-27-2005, 08:24 AM
Very nice pic Colibri love the skirt, Like i said I am just happy she called instead of just coming home which has happened in the past tice but i was only wearing pantyhose so that was not much of a problem. Donna there is no way i could tell my wife now because I tried to tell her b4 we got married and she freaked and talked about canceling the wedding and all that stuff so i promised her I would not do it anymore and believe me in the 9 yrs we have been married she has asked.