View Full Version : Sneezing advice?

04-04-2011, 05:43 AM
Hay fever season is starting, and I will be doing a lot of sneezing (medicine or no). Sadly, I sneeze like a tyrannosaur getting punched in the stomach. I hate my sneeze even in boy mode, but if I sneeze in girl mode everyone in a 500 meter radius will be on to me. Does anyone have advice on how to sneeze in a more feminine way?

Danni Renee
04-04-2011, 06:08 AM
What I always try to do is breathe out as fast as I can before the sneeze so there is less air (and therefore less power) behind the sneeze. Hope it helps!

Stephenie S
04-04-2011, 06:50 AM
This will probably not be what you want to hear, BUT, just don't make so much noise when you sneeze. That's it in a nutshell. Just don't do it.

Women learn to sneeze quietly. You can too. Just keep it in. You don't HAVE to make all that noise. Guys fart and burp and sneeze and cough loudly because they LIKE to. And they can get away with it. Women learn at an early age NOT to make all that noise. It's just not polite.

Well guess what? It ain't polite if you're a guy either. This is just one more part of your presentation that you will have to learn. Nobody said all this girl stuff was easy. But we learn. You can too.


04-04-2011, 12:20 PM
As silly as it sounds, I make a effort to say "choo" in a "hello kitty, little girl voice" as I sneeze. Seems to work, and actually sounds kinda cute (gaaack). Unfortunately it also becomes habit and guy-me sometimes does it while running the tablesaw.


04-04-2011, 12:37 PM
I don't believe that I have ever heard a tyrannosaurus sneeze!! I think maybe I heard one roar, but never a sneeze! Actually, Stephanie S gave you the best advice!! Do it quietly!! It may take you a little while, but you can learn to be quieter when sneezing. And blow your nose as soon as you sneeze!! That will help clean it and keep you from sneezing again!

Kate Simmons
04-04-2011, 01:30 PM
Use a ladies' hanky methinks.;):)

04-04-2011, 02:19 PM
My problems are coughing and blowing my nose. Not only does my nose sound like a foghorn, exceeding even the sound threshold of standing next to a jet engine, but trying to blow my nose can have a devastating impact on makeup. I end up just trying to sniffle and dab with a tissue. Suspect that's what most women do.

Somehow, though, I have trained myself to a seriously ladylike sneeze. Just a meek little "choo" that practically nobody notices. I think I just did it by stifling all the rest of the sneeze. Hard to describe.

On the other hand, my spouse is a lovely, feminine, delicate creature with a sneeze that can knock the walls off of the average fortress.

If handled properly, could it be less of an issue than we think?


04-04-2011, 03:37 PM
Pinch your nose, this may ward off the sneeze.

Meds: Generic Antihistamine from CVS, Wal-Mart etc works well for me..

Make sure it's antihistamine only, no decongestant, expectorant, Guaifenesin etc

Actifed was my fav, it's hard to find now, it may contain that stuff, err I forget, you have to sign for it now.

Hope this helps

sally silverfox
04-04-2011, 03:46 PM
Press a finger hard against your upper lip just below your nose.It will prevent you from sneezing.Old Marine Corps trick so as not to give away your position in combat.

Michelle James
04-04-2011, 04:29 PM
For what it's worth, I have been cursed with the mother of all colds the last week so this is timely. While sneezing I tried to feminize it and drew more than my share of strange looks. I decided to sneeze normally and no one seems to notice. I know my cough is low and male sounding but no one really pays any attention. the only remarks I have gotten are things like "hun you sound awful, are you taking anything for that?". I have decided through this "viral research" that if I don't make a big deal about it no one else will either. If you pay attention when you are out and about there are a lot of GG's who cough and sneeze like a truck driver. Just my hacking, coughing, sneezing, dripping, oozing two cents worth.

04-04-2011, 05:19 PM
OTC allergy medication. Works wonders for me. Avaliable at any pharmacy or Wally World.

I really hate messing up my makeup by sneezing!

04-04-2011, 06:23 PM
500 meters - that is really far for someone to hear you sneeze. I could see that out in the country with hardly any sounds around but anywhere where there is vehicular traffic it would be difficult to imagine. I guess you would need to stop vocalizing when you sneeze.

I used to sneeze violently, and it would be really embarrassing to have snot all over me afterwards. I have learned to relieve some of the pressure through my mouth.


04-05-2011, 12:03 AM
I taught myself to sneeze without vocalizing -- all you hear is the sound of the air whiffing.

I personally don't think a sneeze should be stifled: after all its purpose is to clear the airways. Sneezing is one of life's underrated pleasures :)

Learning to clear my throat and cough in a feminine way took awhile -- practice, practice, practice. Clearing the throat in a femme way also sets up the voice to speak in a higher register.

04-05-2011, 12:10 AM
This is taking it in a slightly different direction, but...

Drinking raw milk (unpasteurized, unhomogenized -- straight from the cow) from cows pastured on grass will cure you of hay fever. It did for me, and for other people I know as well. I think not having hay fever at all is better than trying to sneeze quieter, or mask the symptoms with drugs. Wouldn't you? :2c:

04-05-2011, 01:45 AM
when i was just a little brat...(so long ago) we always know were my mom was at in a store. just wait till she sneezed.
so even real women can sneeze very hard and loud.

04-05-2011, 10:13 AM
Welkom bij crossdressers.com! Mijn Nederlands is niet goed, maar ik leer...

My mother sounds like the air brakes on a truck and my father even worse, so loud sneezing runs in the family. It took a while to convince myself that I won't explode if I hold it back some. I think I may have hay fever too, because in some places, some times of the year, I sneeze uncontrollably, but I'm yet to figure out what species of pollen it could be.

04-05-2011, 01:26 PM
sneezing is a normal function,just try and keep it as quiet as you can.Though I dont imagine everybody in the street scrutinises everyones sneezing,and remember not all ladies are genteel flowers when they sneeze.

04-05-2011, 01:51 PM
I'd suggest avoiding sneezing in the first place. As someone who has suffered from seasonal allergies all my life, I'd urge you to check out the newer medications for allergies, as they work really well and have minimal side effects. And a HUGE part of minimizing allergy symptoms is to realize that the foods that you eat can have a HUGE effect on how bad your allergy symptoms are. Foods that you're slightly allergic to but don't trigger an allergic reaction during the parts of the year when your allergies aren't present can make your seasonal allergies MUCH worse.

For instance, I have no allergic reactions to any kinds of fruit or vegetables for most of the year, but during late summer and autumn when Ragweed is pollinating, I have to eliminate all tomato products, virtually all fresh fruit with the exception of Red Delicious apples, most fresh vegetables except for Iceburg Lettuce from my diet. If I eat any of those things, it will trigger a very bad allergy attack, even with medication. I have to cook my vegetables thoroughly, eat only a few kinds of canned fruit, pears mainly. If I eat right and take my medication religiously (I take the generic OTC version of Claritin), my allergies are very mild, almost non-existent.

When I was a kid, our garden would be coming into season right when my allergies started, and I'd eat lots of fresh, raw vegetables and lot of tomatoes and stuff made from tomatoes, and my allergies were hellaciously bad back then. We had to keep the house closed up from mid-August through most of October,and I had to stay inside. Now, I keep my windows open through the allergy season and I am outside all I want, with no serious problems. If I wade through a Ragweed patch while on one of my nature outings, I will get itchy and sneezy, but I shower and wash my hair as soon as I get home and change clothes and my symptoms subside quickly.

So look into food allergies as possibly being serious triggers to your seasonal allergies, you may find some drastic relief by modifying your diet during your allergy season. You probably ought to see an allergist for testing to check for sensitivities to foods so you'll know what to avoid.


04-05-2011, 10:59 PM
For instance, I have no allergic reactions to any kinds of fruit or vegetables for most of the year, but during late summer and autumn when Ragweed is pollinating, I have to eliminate all tomato products, virtually all fresh fruit with the exception of Red Delicious apples, most fresh vegetables except for Iceburg Lettuce from my diet.

That says a lot right there. Commercially produced Red Delicious apples and Iceberg lettuce are so chemically treated, and likely irradiated, so as to have no food value whatsoever -- and that's in addition to the fact that such supermarket crops are bred for commercial production scales and how well they ship, and nutrition be damned.

You don't have food allergies. You are simply not eating the right food, in my opinion.

I do speak from experience. I had the horrible allergies as a child. I've only kicked them as an adult, after kicking the junk food habit, and eating only food that I grow, raise, or that comes with tree-hugging slogans like "organic," "free-range," "no hormones," and the like.

It has been discovered in recent years, but surprisingly (NOT!!) received little press attention that much of what people think is food allergies -- is actually acute toxicity in reaction to agricultural chemicals and artificial ingredients in their food.

I've not had a stuffy sinus in years. No drugs. Just clean, wholesome, old-fashioned food.

04-06-2011, 09:37 AM
Not in my case. I've always been a nature nut and sometimes forage wild, native plants. They're totally free of chemical treatments of any kind, no genetic tomfoolery or anything and some of them trigger my allergies too. For instance, wild grapes are horrible, as soon as I eat them, my throat starts itching terribly and I'll go into an allergy attack within a few more minutes.

When I was a kid, we didn't use chemicals on our garden, total organic, and they drove my allergies totally bonkers. I appreciate the advice, but I've done that and it doesn't work for me.
