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09-27-2005, 02:22 PM
Hi Girls,

As most of you will know, about 8 months ago I transitioned and I'm planning for the op in the middle of next year. For about three weeks now I've been feeling particularly comfortable and happy with myself, my appearance etc.

When I transitioned I felt that I was comfortable in my new life but looking back I did have issues which took time to overcome.

In the more recent past I've come to just going about my business as and when/where I want. Doing what needs doing and not giving much if any thought about how I'm dressed - it's become normal to be en-femme.

The last few days I've come to realise that I've reverted to a 'normal' state, where I'm not (almost) continually thinking about my gender - that I'm female - and I think this is probably got a lot to do with why I've been so comfortable the last 3 weeks.

In my own head (when I'm talking to myself - not that I'd talk to myself :rolleyes: ) I now refer to myself either by name, or call myself 'girl', where previously I would refer to myself by my previous name or call myself 'man'.

I'm still evolving (I think that's the right word) and I expect to be for a long time yet.


Natasha Anne
09-27-2005, 04:13 PM
That's fantastic. I'm sure many of us are dying to reach this stage.

I guess a 'normal' state could also equate to accepting yourself entirely, knowing you did the right thing for you, and not being scared of exposing yourself with old mannerisms and things because you've refined them to a point you're comfortable with your looks and mannerisms.

Good for you.

09-27-2005, 08:59 PM
Thank you for keeping us updated through the stages of your progression, Anne. I find it both informative and inspiring to read your posts.

Tamara Croft
09-29-2005, 08:09 PM
Anne, that's great to hear :hugs: and you've always been 'a girl' to me :) (I'm still waiting for my skirt) It doesn't seem 5 minutes since you started the transition, doesn't time fly by so quickly. Hopefully we will get to meet up again before the end of this year :D

09-29-2005, 08:15 PM

How we think about ourselves is critical to accepting our new roles. I think that you are no able to refer to yourself as "her" without thinking about is a very good thing.

I am curious? How do you see yourself in your minds eye? When you visualize yourself do you see yourself as they guy you once were, or do you see Anne? And when you dream, are you a real girl, a transitioned girl, a crossdressser, or still your old male self?

These can all be critical milestones in our "becoming". Good luck to you.

Love always,

09-29-2005, 09:02 PM
Anne, that's great to hear :hugs: and you've always been 'a girl' to me :) (I'm still waiting for my skirt) It doesn't seem 5 minutes since you started the transition, doesn't time fly by so quickly. Hopefully we will get to meet up again before the end of this year :D

Hi Tamara,

Tell me about it - time flies by and before I know it you'll be coming to visit me in hospital post-op. Ok, perhaps not the visit but it's only 5 mintues away now. I'm well over halfway from my initial transition to the op now.

Oops, forgot about skirt :eek: , sorry. That course I mentioned in the email a couple of weeks ago is the end of Oct, so I'll try to pop in on the way up to that (it will be a Wednesday).


09-29-2005, 09:22 PM

How we think about ourselves is critical to accepting our new roles. I think that you are no able to refer to yourself as "her" without thinking about is a very good thing.

I am curious? How do you see yourself in your minds eye? When you visualize yourself do you see yourself as they guy you once were, or do you see Anne? And when you dream, are you a real girl, a transitioned girl, a crossdressser, or still your old male self?

These can all be critical milestones in our "becoming". Good luck to you.

Love always,


I must admit I don't very often have dreams that I remember but when I do I'm a real girl, as I am in my minds eye and so is the person looking back when I look in the mirror.

Up until the last couple of weeks, most of the time at my regular job I've felt more male than female until recently, but I'm feeling much more female in that now - although I'm still not allowed to wear a skirt for both practical and safety reasons - that didn't stop me wearing one last weekend though (slap my legs :) ). I think that is mainly that I have been there so many years and everyone knows the old me and they have still been treating me and talking to me as 'him' because that's how they know me - that's something I'm getting over now (that's my problem, not theirs). As I evolve into the true me and I'm feeling more feminine I'm getting over that.

When I'm doing my trucking I have felt female for quite some time now (with the odd exception), again though, it's not practical to wear a skirt. Some of the looks I get - a girl driving a semi-trailer - really make it worthwhile though. Guys and children look astonished - 'what's she doing driving that' kind of look, and 'good for you girl' looks from girls.


09-30-2005, 09:17 AM
Thats wonderful, it seems like you coming to accept that more and more of yourself as a woman and the last vestiges of being man is slowly being replaced by your new self.

I guess it might be complete, when conversing to others that you can refer yourself as a girl when you were younger. Replacing the male in the past with a female.
It would certainly be good to hear from you a couple or weeks or months later and seeing the difference. :)