View Full Version : Will I crossdress forever?

Andi CD
04-15-2011, 11:56 AM
I was wondering how long will I keep the erge to crossdress. Will it be to my 60's, 70's, even my 80's ? I would be interested to hear from any mature cd's to get an idea of whats to come.

04-15-2011, 12:02 PM
theres not douby it will prob be forever it never goes completly away xx

04-15-2011, 12:16 PM
I often wonder what will happen when I'm old, if I end up in a nursing home. I can't see the aides being very accommodating to my desire to dress......

Presh GG
04-15-2011, 12:18 PM
Yes from what I have witnessed it is a life long part of you.

the good news is you have so many more people learning and accepting the bi gendered in society and you are protected by law your rights to be you.

Best to you
Presh GG

Melissa Rose
04-15-2011, 12:19 PM
Who knows what the future will bring. I doubt the desire will ever go away, but your circumstances may change for the worse. So enjoy every minute of it now, and worry about the future when it gets here. I know several girls in their 70s who are still very actively dressing and loving it.

04-15-2011, 12:19 PM
Started when I was 5, hit it hard at 18 and then again at 24. Continued with Renne from 24-35 and now at a 15 year break am still going stong..... Here's to the second 50 years....


Cynthia Anne
04-15-2011, 12:35 PM
It seems to me the older I get, the stronger the desire gets! For ever gets here too quick! So the answer for me is a happy yes!

04-15-2011, 12:36 PM
I'm 59 and the urge is as strong or stronger than it's ever been. I dress for gender identity reasons, can't comment about dressing for any other reasons.

I know of a local CD who is now in her 80's. It never goes away.


04-15-2011, 12:44 PM
Crossdressing forever, huh? That sounds great to me, and is my plan! I simply can't imagine it any other way! :)

04-15-2011, 12:47 PM
My SO told me she always thought it would go away after middle age. Now she sees it as a part of her that does not go away.

I guess she used to think of it as what she does and now she sees it as a part of who she is.

04-15-2011, 12:52 PM
I will stop the day i feel i am not passable enough. But i am not sure that day ever will come.

04-15-2011, 12:52 PM
You can stop anytime you really want to. But you won't find any quitters here. They're long gone.

04-15-2011, 01:04 PM
I think I agree with ninapuella. I think my mind is set on either transitioning, or keeping this a secret until I can't pass any longer. /shrug

Not really sure though.

Sarah Doepner
04-15-2011, 01:07 PM
Forever is a very long time. If it means anything, I'm planning on having my heirs clean out my closet and take what they want, leaving the rest to the local support group. I have no idea what my options will be after that.

Kate Simmons
04-15-2011, 01:27 PM
A lot depends on whether it is a choice or a compulsion. If it is a choice, not necessarily.:)

Alice B
04-15-2011, 01:37 PM
Who knows? I did not start until well into my 60's and now at 69 (tomorrow) I going stronger than ever. I don;'t see an end in sight at this point.

04-15-2011, 02:20 PM
The most likely answer is that you will want to CD "forever". Whether or not you will be physically able to do so due to circumstances, health, whatever remains to be seen. My earliest recollection of actually wearing women's clothing is about 65 yrs. ago. "You do the math"!

04-15-2011, 02:23 PM
Started when i was about 6 or 7.....now 56 and the desire is stronger than ever. :)

04-15-2011, 03:17 PM
Hopefully I dont qualify as mature (god no) just yet but I find myself wondering this very same thing,though Im sure ill always have the urge,I do see myself looking at old ladies and wondering do I see me at that age,all elastic waists and clumpy shoes,maybe ll regress back into less age appropriate clothing just to keep me feeling young at heart,of course we dont know whats in store for us in later life

04-15-2011, 03:29 PM
Your urge to crossdress will end if and when you transition. That's my take on that.

04-15-2011, 04:01 PM
First off, we are all different. Secondly, you don't say what your driver is that makes you dress. Those that feel between genders are not likely to quit as it is part of their make-up (ouch). But there are various reasons for dressing although some are in the minority. If there is one thing that you learn around here is that you cannot bunch us together in any way and that includes bunching us together in a group that cannot quit.

So congratulations, you are on your way to the same thing the rest of us have to figure out, who are you? You can't judge yourself by others, it just isn't that simple. But there are commonalities and you may find that you are in with the masses. But define yourself by how you feel and not by how everyone else feels.

Tina B.
04-15-2011, 04:14 PM
Me I started dressing at around 6 years old, 61 years latter I have a stronger desire to dress than at anytime in my life. If I quit dressing just because I didn't pass, I would have quit years ago. I have always been driven to dress, never felt it was a choice, and it is no more a choice now than at anytime in my life. If they won't let me dress in the nursing home, just let me die on the street, it would kill me anyway!
Tina B.

Debra Russell
04-15-2011, 04:15 PM
I have wanted to dress since I was about 5 yrs old. At about 18 I thought the desire would pass when I matured and really thought it would go away when I reached 50 -- but guess what it's worse than ever and I just resigned myself to the fact that it won't go away .... Huggs Debra

04-15-2011, 04:36 PM
I started when I was 4 or 5, Now 60 years later, I have lots more time to enjoy
what I do and wear what I want to.

Joanne f
04-15-2011, 05:26 PM
I always assumed that i would grow out of it but it has not happened yet so now i assume it will not go away , i have less time to do it now and have noticed that the anxiety of not doing it is just the same as say 10-15 years ago .

Lori B
04-15-2011, 05:39 PM
Yeah,,I have to agree with everyone else,,,it`s embedded in you,,,,the urge may wane from time to time but it my case ,at 57,has welled up again after a 6 year dry spell,,,lol :)

04-15-2011, 05:48 PM
I did it from about 9 to 15, took a break until I was 40 and then for some reason it took off like gangbusters. I bought my first dress about 40 and now I have 3 closets full of womens clothes. I am 65 and the urge to crossdress seems to be getting stronger and stronger.

04-15-2011, 06:26 PM
I don't know about you but I have been dressing since I was 15, I'm 66 now and intend to dress until they're shoveling dirt on top of me.

04-15-2011, 06:27 PM
... Now 60 years later, I have lots more time to enjoy what I do and wear what I want to. Rader

OMG Andi, I choose Rader's quote (#24) to share with you that the new "Middle Age" is now 60. :2c:

Andi, "Life begins at Middle Age," haven't you heard? "What's this growing old cr@p?" :devil:

I personally get the feeling, plus I have a real strong hunch, that at least half of the girls here are Midde-aged? By their own definition, or by my definition; makes no difference, they're "living life" in the fast lane??? You'll do it too! :D

Love M.

04-15-2011, 06:29 PM
You can stop anytime you really want to. But you won't find any quitters here. They're long gone.

I guess the question is not so much if the urge leaves but if the activity stops? Can you make a distinction between the two? Do you want to?

04-15-2011, 07:05 PM
I do not think the desire/urge/need ever goes away. Circumstances do change over our lives, but IMO, once a CD'er always a CD'er. Bottom line here, enjoy it, and don't worry about it.

04-15-2011, 08:22 PM
Yes or at least it won't go away ever. I hope that when I am old it will be so accepted that it will be no big deal.

04-15-2011, 09:08 PM
I am soon to be 58 and with that much experience I can predict the day the desire will go away: The day my heart starts beating and they put a toe tag on my big toe.

What happens between now and then is the big question. I to have wondered about having to enter a nursing home. Oh well, we will all see someday.


04-15-2011, 09:33 PM
Life is short. If you enjoy doing it, just do it. Nobody knows what the future would bring.

04-15-2011, 09:34 PM
I can't imagine ever quitting!!! And perhaps i don't want too!!!!

vivian fair
04-16-2011, 03:56 AM
73 and sitting here in gown, panties.bra and forms ready for bed or company, whichever comes first. vivian

04-16-2011, 05:37 AM
Like most of the other ladies, started young and the urge is getting stronger as I age.

Joanne Curl
04-16-2011, 12:22 PM
I don't think I can stop. If anything, the older I get the more I like to crossdress. It used to be a compulsion now it's a need. I 've tried to stop over the years but I've given up trying and accept Joanne as part of who I am.

Samantha B L
04-16-2011, 12:54 PM
It'll go on for the rest of your life. At times you might feel like you want to quit for whatever reasons and sooner or later it always comes back. I wouldn't worry about it. It's not a mental illness and it's not "perverse". Millions of people do it and there are a very large number of genetic females aho are female to male CD's.

04-16-2011, 03:48 PM
well I have been doing it for nearly 50 years, but hope that I will never become mature!
luv J

Patty B.
04-17-2011, 03:55 AM
I have to agree it's not what I do but it is who I am, started at 9 or 10 and at 58 desire is still there, as for reacting to the desire, depends on whats is going on, I dont have the time to pursue this full time or anything like that.

Danielle Gee
04-17-2011, 04:36 AM
I don't think I can stop. If anything, the older I get the more I like to crossdress. It used to be a compulsion now it's a need. I 've tried to stop over the years but I've given up trying and accept Joanne as part of who I am.

Ditto for me, I'll soon be 61 and the urges are stronger than ever .:eek: For example about 5 or 6 weeks ago I made my annual "I'm going to quit CD'ing for the summer" statement Yet I'm sitting here in ladies PJ's with pink robe & slippers typing this note. So much for my "resolve" again this year.


04-17-2011, 04:47 AM
I've been through lots of phases with this but always thought it was something I could take or leave. I've been through periods when I haven't dressed for years, but it always came back. In the early days there was no web and no-one to talk to. In the last decade I have learned a lot more than the years before.

I still go through phases when, for the sake of my family, I think I should stop... but the fact is that the "urge" is stronger now than ever before and I get depressed when I can't dress. My dream at the moment would be to have a month on my own somewhere where I can just do it 24/7 and experience what that must be like. I think I would learn a lot from that.

I now realise that, as Reine's SO said, this is part of who I am, not just what I do. When I am not dressing I am often imagine that I am. So I guess it's with you till you "kick the bucket" as we say in Yorkshire!

The downside is that looking in the mirror to apply make-up gets more painful as you age, and it takes industrial strength camouflage to "smooth" the wrinkles and hide the sagging bits!

BTW I am in my 50s.

04-17-2011, 04:59 AM
No, Andi... You will be able to crossdress all your life.

Do not think crossdressing is bad. Do not make it a problem and do not oppress it.

It may also happen that you will have less urge to crossdress.

leotard fan
04-17-2011, 05:45 AM
i hope so! more times and better until the end...

04-17-2011, 07:53 AM
I think it stays with us forever, I always come up and have finally given in. It feels good to say this is who I am and this is me at my best.

04-17-2011, 03:40 PM
I was wondering how long will I keep the erge to crossdress. Will it be to my 60's, 70's, even my 80's ? I would be interested to hear from any mature cd's to get an idea of whats to come.

You WILL retain the urge to crossdress. Your mind may change over time, meaning you’ll become more comfortable with your chosen “activity,” or whatever you wish to call it. It will never feel like a “second skin,” since crossdressing (in my case) is always exciting. As long as you dress your age, you’ll age gracefully and most likely live longer because you crossdress…

Andi CD
04-20-2011, 04:36 AM
Thank you to everyone that posted a reply. At the moment my circumstances (lack of time and no money) mean that I cant be the woman I want to be but hopefully when that changes I will have years of dreessing up to look forward to. Thanks again ladies

Rita C.
04-20-2011, 05:50 AM
The older I get the stronger the feeling gets. Also the older, I get the stronger the feeling that I dont care what other people think when I'm out. Even when I in the male mode I under dress 90% of the time, and I have been lucky in devloping my breast that i'm a full 44b, so when I am in my male mode there is no way to hide the fact that am wearing a bra and it makes me feel stronger when people notice. So I feel that the older I get the more the feeling to crossdress gets.

Patricia Jane
04-20-2011, 06:12 AM
I dress about everyday for several hours, and at 75 the desire has not lessened. If anything I would rather be dressed more, whenever the opportunity arises I do so.!

Allana W
04-20-2011, 06:37 AM
I can ditto everything that Rita C said, except that I am a 38b! After age fifty or so the part of my brain that worries what others will think seems to have gone dormant. I have this reoccurring vision that at age eighty+ I'll be just another old woman wearing old woman clothing and digging through the marked down vegetables at the grocery -- and no one will even notice me! Not the worst way to end up, methinks.


04-20-2011, 06:38 AM
I'm 64, strated when I was 13, and in a word YES.... forever,deal with it sweetheart.

04-20-2011, 06:43 AM
Oh yes, you will be doing it forever. I'm 63 and I think I'm into it even more than when I was younger. I've purged many time, but to no avail. embrass it darling. You will always be a girl inside. Isn't it wonderful? Daviolin

04-20-2011, 08:34 AM
No, you will not do this forever. Nothing lasts forever except for cockroaches and plastic. You will just do it until you die. :heehee:

Nobody gets out of this thing alive. :)

04-20-2011, 10:12 AM
Don't be SILLY, Andi! So, you'll live to what, 80? 100 max? HARDLY, "forever"! STOP worrying!

Polly R
04-20-2011, 12:29 PM
Evening Ladies

Kaz said:>

> I now realise that, as Reine's SO said, this is part of who I am, not just what I do. When I am not dressing I am often imagine that I am. So I guess it's with you till you "kick the bucket" as we say in Yorkshire!

> The downside is that looking in the mirror to apply make-up gets more painful as you age, and it takes industrial strength camouflage to "smooth" the wrinkles and hide the sagging bits!

Spot on Kaz! I'm now 60 and several times have gone for months without Polly coming out of the box but the older I get, the harder it is to keep Polly in the box. I think once you've got the 'infection', you're stuck with it for life so try and enjoy it for what it is - part of you, Andi.

xx Polly

04-20-2011, 04:27 PM
Anyone who crossdresses can stop, if he/she really wants to!! I started crossdressing at age 6 and am now almost 79! I did stop completely for a 5 year period early in my married life. That was entirely on my own, although with my wife's O.K.! I restarted because she begged me to, since she missed Stephanie in her life. I probably will stop now when they close the lid on me! If my children have their way, that won't be for be for about 21 years!! And yes they do know that I am a CD!! But if they ask me to stop dressing enfemme, I will!!

04-20-2011, 04:31 PM
AHHHHHHHH<<<<<<YEAH!!!!!! to late to turn back now! I've been through so many phases, styles, friends, cities, shoes, etc. And through out my journey one things remained constant!!! My CDing! I see no exit in sight till its all said and done! xoxo
You can't run away from yourself!

04-20-2011, 05:05 PM
60 and going stronger then ever! Wouldn't have it any other way!

Lori B
04-20-2011, 05:07 PM
57 now,,been thru many purges,,,,sooooo this time is it,,no more.........purges,,,,too expensive...lol :p

04-20-2011, 08:31 PM
Yes or at least it won't go away ever. I hope that when I am old it will be so accepted that it will be no big deal.

Same here. Plus, I'm hoping that if they put me in a home, there will be some federal law protecting all of us against discrimination.

04-20-2011, 09:10 PM
Most likely. I haven't been able to stop yet and I'm 51

04-21-2011, 10:56 AM
In my case cross dressing increased when I retired. There is nothing like getting up in the morning and being able to dress for at least six to seven hours and sometimes 24/7 for a week. It is much more relaxing than being rushed when only having an hour or two. The only draw back is being a stay at home cross dresser. It is easy to be en femme in the backyard, but, some lawn and gardening maintenance in the front yard goes unattended until weekends.

04-21-2011, 06:19 PM
I use to wonder that in my 20s, 30s, 40s...now in my 50s I have quit wondering it :)