View Full Version : Trip to the Emergency Room

04-23-2011, 12:41 PM
April 22, 2011
A member of this forum recently started a thread on the subject of going to the Doctor while under dressed or dressed….As this is something that I have given some thought to recently I read the thread and the responses with much interest. Well, Thursday’s at 12:00 noon have become the routine for my normal day to attend Therapy…and on these days I attended my appointments while fully dressed enfemme all except a couple times.
My job as a Transporter occasionally requires that I take on an emergency transport which it just so happened was the case for me yesterday morning....I rushed around to call and reschedule my Therapy appointment and make arrangements for getting a rental car and getting out of town just after noon. I had been driving for just about 15 minutes when a severe dull pain began in my lower right abdomen and continued to worsen over the next few minutes to the point I finally realized that this was more than just a stomach ache and I had something seriously wrong going on.
I took the next exit turned around and called my wife with the intention of going straight to the hospital and having her meet me there…..I thought better of this and instead told her to be ready when I got to the house so she could go with me and drive me to the Emergency Room of a local Hospital.
Upon arrival I went through registration quickly stopping only long enough to get basic information and have a hospital bracelets put on my wrist. I was taken back immediately and the first thing I was asked to do was partially disrobe and put on one of those ever so sexy Hospital gowns… My wife had went to park the car when I was taken on back and the nurse who helped me dress asked me if I wanted to take my underwear off and put them away before my wife got back? I must have had a puzzled look on my face because she went to say…I noticed your wearing panties and if you don’t want your wife to know we can put them in a bag before she gets back.
Up to that point the last thing on my mind was the fact that I was wearing panties…and not just any panties either…I was wearing my Pink Bikini’s with little red flowers on them. I thanked her for her concern but assured her that my wife already knew to which she just smiled touched my arm and told me to try and stay calm and she would see about getting the Doctor in just as soon as he was free. I thought it was very nice of her to try and protect my privacy in this manner so since I felt so very comfortable with her I told her of my transgender status. She told me that this wasn’t anything for me to be worried about that working in the E.R. She had pretty much seen it all and she went on about her duties.
A little while later someone knocked on the door and between the stabs of pain I looked up to see a very pretty young female Doctor come in. She began checking my stomach and she asked me if I had any swelling in my legs…I told her that No or at least none that I had noticed…she back the blanket and my pant legs and began feeling my freshly shaved legs. She looked me in the eye and said to me…It’s Okay Hun…no one else has to know. I told her that it was alright I wasn’t all that self conscious about it.
What struck me from this episode was that before the nurse and even the Doctor knew of my Trans status…I was being referred to as Mr. Smith...(Smith is a Fictitious name of course.) But after, I was called Honey, Sweetie etc…by the staff.
The Doctor seemed especially concerned that I was comfortable and was very hands on touchy feely…This is only the second time in my life I had been to the Emergency room having been a very healthy person overall… It was a positive experience.
Today as I write this it has occurred to me that had I not been called on to do this emergency transport I would have been in my Therapy session when the pain struck me…I would have been dressed fully enfemme and thinking on it now…Yes I believe I would have made my trip to the hospital enfemme…I can say this with confidence, after the treatment I had I won’t hesitate to go to the E.R. enfemme if it were ever to come up again in the future.
By the way…My pain was caused from kidney stones…a couple of them which measured 2 mm…they have passed and I am feeling much better today.

James Kaon
04-23-2011, 12:49 PM
Thats great how considerate they were! Nice story!

Gina X
04-23-2011, 12:55 PM
Sounds good, I didn't know Kidney stones that small could cause those sort of problems, you just never know !! ......................

04-23-2011, 01:01 PM
Yipes, Wendy Marie, sorry to hear you were under the weather! More like under a rock, I guess! :)

It was really nice that they were so concerned about your personal privacy.


04-23-2011, 01:07 PM
What a lovely story, WendyM! And, I just LOVE happy endings!

Cynthia Anne
04-23-2011, 01:09 PM
Nice story indeed! I'm glad it wasn't anything too serious! Cox South is use to seeing me in fem'! No matter which one you were in, I would of came to Springfield to visit you, if it was real serious! So glad your o-k! Hugs!

Vanessa Storrs
04-23-2011, 02:22 PM
Mom was right, always wear clean underwear, you never know when you might get hit by a bus, or have a kidney stone. It doesn't make any difference if you're wearing boxers or a pink bikini just sure they're clean.

04-23-2011, 04:08 PM
I'm glad you're okay. That's a wonderful experience! I love true professionals like those who helped you.

Rianna Humble
04-23-2011, 04:28 PM
What struck me from this episode was that before the nurse and even the Doctor knew of my Trans status…I was being referred to as Mr. Smith...(Smith is a Fictitious name of course.) But after, I was called Honey, Sweetie etc…by the staff.
By the way…My pain was caused from kidney stones…a couple of them which measured 2 mm…they have passed and I am feeling much better today.

Great reaction from the ER staff! As for the kidney stones - Ouch! those little things are extremely painful. When I had them I actually passed out from the pain and it sapped my energy to the point that I could not stand up. Glad you are OK now.

04-23-2011, 04:40 PM
I am glad you alright and oh so proud of my hometown.
People paint folks from the Ozarks as hicks, but the professionals at either Cox or St Johns showed they are anything but.

04-23-2011, 05:58 PM
Great story , but now about kidney stones , I use to suffer from them to, often they are made of calcium, which was my case , an old lady told me to increase my intake of acid( as in lemon juice , grape fruit ) which I did, and guess what, I don't have problems with kidney stones anymore, every time I get a twitch I'll suck a lemon and it goes away, it seems the acid in the lemon brakes down the kidney stone , so find out what sort of stones you got and if it's calcium you don't have to suffer anymore , i do know how much pain the cause ( according to my Doctor it's equivalent to giving birth) so find out quickly and don't suffer anymore

Alice B
04-23-2011, 06:51 PM
Very good story, except for the pain part. Message to the rest of us that going to the doctor, hospital or any where else of a medical nature is nothing to fear. Medical providers have seen it all, do not judge and are there only to help you.

04-23-2011, 09:19 PM
Thanks for the story. It's good to know people treat us with the respect we are due.

As for the stones. Been there, got the T-shirt. Still have two in the kidneys right now - just not moving (thank God). Unfortunately, lemons don't help me.

04-23-2011, 09:33 PM
I appreciate everyones concern and the kind words of encouragement...And as an added FYI...It was St. Johns hospital that I visted.

04-23-2011, 11:04 PM
i do know how much pain the cause ( according to my Doctor it's equivalent to giving birth)

I'm just a bit curious, so I have to ask. Is your doctor a woman who has given birth? That could make a big difference in their comparison!


Mary Morgan
04-24-2011, 03:06 AM
Glad you are feeling better, both physically and otherwise. We do tend to expect that we will be ridiculed for our appearance as though we are the only one who ever dressed in this manner. Fortunately, "the times they are a changin".

Tina B.
04-24-2011, 09:45 AM
Great story, if you could have done it without the pain, I've never had Kidney stones but have watched others go thought it, its miserable. But the treatment in the ER, thats nice to here. I once found myself there with a badly sprained ankle, I was wearing red nail polish, the only thing I heard was from an X-ray tech that commented, "nice color" and went on with his work, I mumbled thanks and let it go. The Ambulance crew didn't even bat an eye, and made no comment, even put my sock over my toes when we got to the hospital and they where wheeling me inside.
Tina B.

04-24-2011, 02:56 PM
The Female Doctor who treated me also made a comment that this pain is equivelant to what a GG feels when giving birth.

04-24-2011, 11:16 PM
The Female Doctor who treated me also made a comment that this pain is equivelant to what a GG feels when giving birth.

have had two hospital stays in the last few years with Kidney Stones,last time only a week before my wedding,My Doc told me the very same thing,and when I told my Wife she went crazy "its bleep not anything bleep bleep like it" LOL
Even enduring Excruciating pain,On both ocassions I frantically removed my nail polish off my toes and fingernails but next time (though I hope wont be a next time) I'm not going to be so silly,am sure they have seen much worse sights in Hospital
