View Full Version : It's Ten O'Clock, Do You Know Where Your Boxers Are?

Vanessa Storrs
04-28-2011, 06:16 PM
Many of us have posted that they have a pair or two of men's underwear for special occasions like doctors appointments. Almost as many have posted that they have no idea where they are. Could you quickly find your male undies before going to the doctor.

I wonder if my doctor would rather see my white nylon ones or the black satin, he is not going to see the boxer briefs because I can't find them.

04-28-2011, 06:45 PM
Doctors don't care what you are wearing. I have worn satin bikini briefs and it has never been an issue.

04-28-2011, 06:46 PM
I could find mine no problem. I wear panties 24/7 but I know where the male undies are, but I doubt my doctor or nurse will ever see the male ones.

04-28-2011, 06:52 PM
Doctors don't care what you are wearing. I have worn satin bikini briefs and it has never been an issue.

Don't you believe it. It may not be a big issue, but you can pretty much bet that it's being documented on your chart.

04-28-2011, 07:35 PM
I know exactly where mine are. They're under the pile of good underwear!

04-28-2011, 07:52 PM
sure..all my undies and socks are in the same drawer!


04-28-2011, 09:38 PM
Yes, In the old undis drawer. And yes the VA doctor wants real under wear, not Panties.

Suzette Muguet de Mai
04-28-2011, 09:55 PM
In the rag bag for cleaning paint brushes :)

04-28-2011, 11:54 PM
Don't you believe it. It may not be a big issue, but you can pretty much bet that it's being documented on your chart.

why would it be documented? It isn't part of any S.O.A.P protocol and has no bearing on your medical or physical health. It isn't pertinent to your health care...they don't write that down and if they do it is an ethics breach

Jenny Doolittle
04-29-2011, 09:19 AM
Male undies free giggles. Doctors don't care. and maybe if you have a great nurse she will give you a smile.

04-29-2011, 09:41 AM
I have boxers? Don't recall ever seeing them...

Amanda Stubbs
04-29-2011, 10:26 AM
I have no male underwear. Ughh! What a thought !

04-29-2011, 10:39 AM
Don't you believe it. It may not be a big issue, but you can pretty much bet that it's being documented on your chart.

Consider the other way around. I have long hair at least 6 inches below my shoulder, I wear dangly women's earrings, my clothing is at minimum on the feminine side of ambiguous and I might have shown up in skirt or dress, my nail polish is a metallic pink, my limbs and face are too thin for the development on my chest to obviously be moobs, and I'm on spiro and estrogen . Now if after all of that, if I am wearing male boxers instead of panties, that might be worthy of note as "inconsistent gender identity", or "holding back", or perhaps "likes to shock with his appearance", or something like that.

There is a point beyond which boxers become less expected than panties.

04-29-2011, 10:47 AM
Yes, I know where my boxers are! Put away to be worn only on very special occasions! I have worn panties to my doctors office for many years! In fact I can't remember when I last wore boxers to the doctors! And as has already been said, the doctor could care less. My underwear has nothing at all to do with the state of my health! Well maybe, I am not anywhere near as comfortable when I have to wear boxers!!

04-29-2011, 11:31 AM
I don't own any! My doctor doesn't care what style of panties I wear. She has more important business!

04-29-2011, 03:11 PM
why would it be documented? It isn't part of any S.O.A.P protocol and has no bearing on your medical or physical health. It isn't pertinent to your health care...they don't write that down and if they do it is an ethics breach
Anything that could be considered out of the ordinary we have the right, and sometimes perhaps the legal obligation, to document. While you may not feel it has any bearing on a particular patient's care, I suppose there could be a case made that crossdressing MIGHT indicate other behaviors which may (or may not, depending on whether the suspected behavior could be confirmed or not) potentially contribute to disease processes. I don't usually do it, but I can see how and why someone else might (whether through ignorance, different cultural beliefs, their own theories on gender differences, etc,). Yes, in a lot of cases it could be considered quite a stretch to connect crossdressing to other conditions, but I only get to determine my own behavior, not that of other health care providers.

rachael ann
04-29-2011, 03:22 PM
I don't own any. Last time i went to my doctor in purple panties, he did't say a thing. It was his nurse who asked were i got them from.

04-29-2011, 03:30 PM
Anything that could be considered out of the ordinary we have the right, and sometimes perhaps the legal obligation, to document.

So define ordinary. What exactly about panties make them an exclusive female garment? If a person showed up in your practice wearing pilots wings would you write "does aerobatics" on their chart. A doctor's job is not to make assumptions but to examine diagnose and treat. A person's personal lifestyle is NOT pertinent to the chart until that person makes it known to physician then it is the physician's duty to counsel not make assumptions. Your saying that it will be document may actually make some avoid medical treatment. It was a really poorly stated response and just adds to an already fearful part of the community who, IF they do risky behavior on the sly, will now not get treatment or counseling for the same. It is no more pertinent to a patients chart that writing "patient had on brown shoes with a black belt."

Fab Karen
04-29-2011, 06:18 PM
To paraphrase an old movie: Boxers? We don't need no stinking boxers!

"It is no more pertinent to a patients chart than writing "patient had on brown shoes with a black belt." "
QUITE RIGHT. And if you're getting treated or evaluated for problems, they have you remove clothes ( including underwear ) & put on a hospital gown.
Here's another one: if a patient comes in wearing BOWLING SHOES, does that go on the chart? I suspect this is a case of assumptions about wording of a requirement.

04-29-2011, 06:55 PM
I still have some of my tightie whities stashed in a dresser drawer but they could just as well be gone because all I wear now are panties. I have gone for my medical checkups wearing panties and never got a comment from medical staff.

04-29-2011, 10:23 PM
I've got some plain black Boy Short style panties. Do they count?