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View Full Version : Taping

Zoe Michelle
04-29-2011, 08:52 AM
Ok, so while while reading, and posting on, the forums, I frequently run across the aspect of taping instead of simple tucking. Can someone explain to me how this works? Is it safe? Is there a special kind of tape to use that won't agitate the incredibly sinsitive skin of and around that area when you take it off? From my perspective, it just seems incredibly uncomfortable and painful, but nonetheless the idea does intrigue me, and I would like to know more about it before I consider trying it out.

04-29-2011, 10:00 AM
In the Forum: Male to Female Crossdressing, there is a sticky thread called The Art of Tucking: v2.0. Perhaps you will find answers there.

04-29-2011, 03:52 PM
Although the short answer is:
Shaved bits make it easier.
Use medical tape.
Removal is easiest in a shower, but I don't have an issue either way.

Procedure is:
Boys go up into the pelvis.
While holding them up, funbag wraps around disco stick like putting a hotdog in a bun.
1 strip near/around the base to hold everyone up.
1 strip midway down to help keep it together.
Makes re-tucking real easy if you need to use the ladies room.
Some people also tape back, but I found the gains for that versus the discomfort to not be worth it.

04-30-2011, 01:47 AM
I use no tape or gaff and have excellent luck..

How ? Simple, I wear panties with a very wide crotch area, a bathing suit bottom works fine.
Just pull them on AFTER your hosiery, and put the items in the back.

Like all of my clothes, get them one or two sizes smaller so they fit tight, [ymmv] :)

04-30-2011, 08:43 AM
I tried taping for a few weeks.....all kinds of variations...."The Grand Tape Experiment" !! Now, I realize everybody has their own way of doing things, and for those who tuck/tape....more power to you.
I myself have opted for an easier version...at least for me. I buy an "A" or "B" size (smaaaalllll for me) size pantyhose, cut off the legs about halfway (Yolanda is right..I need a wide crotch area) and then pull them on till the crotch is just below the boys. I then tuck, pull the little guy back, and wrap the bag around him. (Yep, it's a challenge, cuz one hand has to hold the boys up in place...they are shifty little buggers.... and one hand has to to the rest.....practice makes perfect.) I then hold one hand over the whole thing, pull the pantyhose up by bits and pieces until the crotch is where it should be, hold the whole thing with the other hand outside the hose, and slip my other hand out to finish the job of pulling up the pantyhose. The boys stay tucked, it really is quick and easy, and no tape. Oh, and the first time I use a pair of pantyhose, I do trim the legs some more after I get them on....you don't want them too long. Also, pulling Mr. Peter as far to the rear as possible helps minimize the front.
A pair of Spanx works well, too....but pantyhose is a lot cheaper......
Good Luck!!!!!!
