View Full Version : Another "Baby-Step" yesterday

Danielle Gee
05-15-2011, 04:58 AM
Hi All:

I took another baby-step last evening and I wanted to share it with you….

After working in the yard and garden all of yesterday morning and early afternoon, I came in the house around three totally wasted . “Why don’t you go soak in a hot bubble bath” my Sweetie said ….”Get all girly, and then maybe we’ll order a pizza for supper”

After soaking a bit in the tub, I dressed in a simple outfit of Levi’s “bend over” slacks and a baggy purple top. Of course I did all the other things that are required tasks for all of us women (nails, makeup, wig, forms etc……..) If you’re interested, I posted a photo oon my profile page taken yesterday.

After making us both a drink, I joined her on our screened-in front porch. “I called the pizza-dude” said my wife “He’ll be here in 15 minutes or so”

“I’ll step inside when I see him turn in the driveway” I told her

“ You’re going to sit right where you’re sitting while I get the pie and pay him” she stated firmly “ This will be a chance for you to see if you can pass a cursory glance….. ‘ I ordered from a different place, so the driver won’t know you”

“But” I whined.

“But nothing” she said with a little heat “you need to test yourself if you ever want to get to the next level”

Well I realize this post is running long, so I’ll cut to the chase….The pizza dude came, my sweetie made him wait while she went inside for the money, she talked and flirted with him for what seemed like an hour. As he left he said something that brought a smile to my face……He said: “You lovely Ladies enjoy your supper and have a great evening”

My heart was pounding as if I’d just won the Sweepstakes; I was feeling about as Femme as I ever had.

I realize this probably seems kind of a “Vanilla” story to some of you brave ladies, but I wanted to relay it as a way of saying thanks to all of you special woman who have shared you stories and enabled me too come-out just a bit.

I wish you all a wonderful Day!!

Love: Danielle

Leasa Wells
05-15-2011, 05:47 AM
That was wonderful for you, I really enjoyed you sharing.


05-15-2011, 06:11 AM
WOW! What an experience Danielle! I would have been scared to death. But since my Sweetie is also my Dominant, my protests would have fell to deaf ears and perhaps even later punishment for not doing what I am told. Remind me to tell you about her pizza delivery guy fantasy some time Danielle! lol

Danni Renee
05-15-2011, 06:31 AM
It sounds like a great a day! I looked at your profile picture and I thought you looked all femme. I bet that was a very good pizza afte rthat experience!

Denise Shelly
05-15-2011, 07:04 AM
thats a great way to end the day. One small step on your path.

Tina B.
05-15-2011, 10:20 AM
Sweet wife! what a fun thing she did. Best tasting pizza ever I bet!
Tina B.

05-15-2011, 01:42 PM
That's great. You put a smile on my face.

05-15-2011, 01:57 PM
Very inspiring, and I'm glad it went well for you.

05-15-2011, 02:37 PM
We all have to take small steps at first and after a while the larger ones get easier.

05-27-2011, 01:57 PM
Wow that's exciting, Dani! :D

05-27-2011, 02:34 PM
Danielle, that's great! I know the feeling well! I love to be firmly nudged by my wife. I loved your description of her taking her sweet time getting the money and chatting with the pizza guy. It was all for your benefit. What a loving thing for her to do for you. I think that we are the hardest ones to convince that we actually pass.